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BFC, Do You Care??

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On 10/16/2013 I started a thread titled "More MG Bridge Issues". In it I explained what I considered to be a new, and very serious problem with the Map Editor in MG, that all bridges on previous maps had been ruined. I included pictures of the change between the original bridges and how they were after MG was installed. There were 260 views of that thread but only one response. I found it very difficult to believe that someone from BFC and/or one of the Beta Testers had not been among that 260 but the problem obviously did not elicit enough interest for a response or an acknowledgement that there was a problem.

I continued to research the problem: my friend that I play the game with checked his map files and the same problem was evident. I checked the Scenarios in CMBN and found one called "CW-Through the Loop" that had several bridges. They also had the same problem, to the point where I believe that scenario would no longer be playable as intended. I made a test map and built some new bridges to see if the problem only existed for old, pre-MG, maps. The issue exists in the new bridges. See pictures below:

CW-ThroughtheLoop1A.png, CW-ThroughtheLoop1B.png, CW-ThroughtheLoop2A.png, CW-ThroughtheLoop2B.png, TestBridges.png

I assume that every scenario that has bridges will be compromised. The only bridges that I found that were not screwed up were ones that were very low and close to the water or where a substantial part of the bridge structure was on land. This apparently buried the downward curve under the bridge. It appears that Steve's statement that "As with any new feature (and these bridges required a lot of new code)..." is the key. Apparently the new code introduced a change that causes the land where the bridge would connect to curve down regardless of its set elevation. On the picture of the test bridges all the elevations are the same along the points where the bridges join the land but there is a steep curve in the center AS that prevents a connection with the bridge. One anomaly that arose is on the Test Bridges photo: the stone bridge (last one at the top) has no problem. The connection is normal. I do not know why.

Can anyone else confirm that they see the same issue with maps they have designed or in scenarios with bridges? I only checked a few scenarios. I would really like to hear from BFC as to whether this is recognized as a problem and whether a fix is possible. I spent hundreds of hours creating my 4x4 km river map; it has over 40 water/land bridges and I am not enthralled at the prospect of spending dozens more changing all the bridges if this problem can not be fixed. I would be ecstatic if someone could point out a simple fix or that I had just screwed up some how!

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Back on the topic - yes the way bridges connect with the ground seems to have been changed. The way to cure that is to place a normal ground tile where the bridge connects rather than a road tile. So if you swap the road tile closest to the bridge to a dirt tile you should eliminate your connection problem. If it is breaking previously made scenarios though its obviously a problem that needs to be addressed. I think its a little over the top to make a declaration that BFC produces buggy games and makes no effort to make corrections since they don't care. Especially when the game itself was only released a few days ago. I think a little less hysteria could go a long way here.

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Thanks ASL Vet, I had another user send me a file and have been playing around with it and a self created scenario to try and understand what I was seeing and what it might be. I hadn't gotten far enough yet to draw any conclusions other than I was seeing something odd.

to SMbecket- just for edification- I went through every CW and CMBN stock scenario trying to find another example. I finally found one in carbide carbide, but only one of the two bridges exhibited a problem. So it isn't as if EVERY single bridge related scenario was broken. It also wasn't helping me to isolate a cause. Please note that odds are very high that any issue raised out here is spotted and probably looked at by someone, however the process of verifying what a user says, finding good examples to check, isolate a possible cause and then provide for other folks to look at etc takes more than 4 days and no it isn't likely you are going to get a day by day report from a person not paid to do this who is looking at it.

Have a little faith though that we all care enough to want to fix anything that comes up.

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Back on the topic - yes the way bridges connect with the ground seems to have been changed. The way to cure that is to place a normal ground tile where the bridge connects rather than a road tile.

Thanks ASL Vet, I had another user send me a file and have been playing around with it and a self created scenario to try and understand what I was seeing and what it might be. I hadn't gotten far enough yet to draw any conclusions other than I was seeing something odd.

So @sburke and @ASL Veteran. Are either or both of you plugged into the inner sanctum of BFC? Can we take it that you have both seen it now that the defect is going to go through the proper channels?

I believe Carbide Carbide and Huzzar use the same map (or a portion of it), don't they?

Yep they sure look like it. There a few tweaks between them but they definitely started out the same.

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I was able to fix the Huzzar! bridge by simply deleting the road tile at each end of the bridge. The pathing strangeness on bridges that were not visibly affected appears to be unrelated to this issue since deleting the adjacent road tiles on them made no difference.

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Are either or both of you plugged into the inner sanctum of BFC?

:) We are in the outer part of the inner sanctum. The actual paid employees are in The Inner Sanctum. Even we can't see inside the Inner Sanctum where Steve and Charles cook up their special gaming brew.

Can we take it that you have both seen it now that the defect is going to go through the proper channels?

It has been reported. This is probably a complicated issue though because it was tweaked several times already before you guys even saw it so its not like they just put something out there and said 'it's broken but so what, let them eat cake.' ;)

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When we released CMSF we had no bridges of any sort. The primary reason was due to the massive development effort we knew bridges require. With all the other things we had to do for a brand new engine the bridge stuff was put on ice. Fortunately we were able to do this because bridges aren't as important for a Middle East setting vs. a temperate Europe setting. In other words, we could get away without it for one but no way we could for the other.

We've been working on bridge related coding since 2009 or there abouts. We got most of what we needed done for CMBN and a little bit more for CMFI. For Market Garden we pushed the envelope even more. And despite tons of testing some bugs still exist. Unfortunately, but when you think about it they are a sign of progress. Because if there were no bugs that would likely mean nothing new to play with.

We have a track record of quickly fixing bugs that affect gameplay. Anybody who thinks otherwise hasn't been paying attention for the last dozen years :D


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When we released CMSF we had no bridges of any sort. The primary reason was due to the massive development effort we knew bridges require. With all the other things we had to do for a brand new engine the bridge stuff was put on ice. Fortunately we were able to do this because bridges aren't as important for a Middle East setting vs. a temperate Europe setting. In other words, we could get away without it for one but no way we could for the other.

We've been working on bridge related coding since 2009 or there abouts. We got most of what we needed done for CMBN and a little bit more for CMFI. For Market Garden we pushed the envelope even more. And despite tons of testing some bugs still exist. Unfortunately, but when you think about it they are a sign of progress. Because if there were no bugs that would likely mean nothing new to play with.

We have a track record of quickly fixing bugs that affect gameplay. Anybody who thinks otherwise hasn't been paying attention for the last dozen years :D


"..a track record of quickly fixing bugs that affect gameplay." True from a customer paying attention for the last dozen+1 years :D

"a temperate Europe setting....." near the Black Sea perhaps... the viaduct to Victory :D

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I, too, have been paying attention the past 12 years and I know BFC will fix any issues as fast as time and resources permit. That is why I began this thread after my first thread did not seem to get any notice. The problem, in my estimation, was a serious one and after the first thread slipped to page two I wanted to highlight it more dramatically. I used a title I believed was sure to get attention. If that offended anyone no apologies offered; the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I did not state the BFC turns out "buggy products", and as far as "hysteria" is concerned I was not hysterical when I wrote the first thread or when I began this one. I will admit I was somewhat upset/irritated that I did not receive any acknowledgement that the problem had been noted. A simple "the problem is recognized and is under review" would have made me a happy camper. Now I am! And I do not expect "daily updates" or any updates at all.

Now that BFC is on the case it will be resolved in due time. ASL Veteran's observation that putting a plain grass tile at each end of the bridge hopefully is a clue. Also, the fact that it does not appear to affect the narrow stone bridges may be of some importance. I will continue to work on my 4x4 km river map, improving it with the new paths and ditch lock features until this problem is resolved.

I will reiterate the plea from my first thread: BFC, if you release any packs for CMBN please, please consider including some 100 - 300 meter road/RR bridges! The monster MG bridges are great for MG but are not very appropriate in the context of a rural setting in France.

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Well, making the headline "BFC, Do You Care??" is somewhat combattant.

It implies that you do not think that they care because they have not fixed this issue within the 10 days that the module has been out.

That is pretty rude if you ask me. These things take time. Its not like they have a 1000 man team working on this game.

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It has been reported. This is probably a complicated issue though because it was tweaked several times already before you guys even saw it so its not like they just put something out there and said 'it's broken but so what, let them eat cake.' ;)

Excellent thank you for letting us know. I have every confidence that BFC will sort things out. Hopefully it will not take too long - as you say could be tricky.

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Well, making the headline "BFC, Do You Care??" is somewhat combattant.

It implies that you do not think that they care because they have not fixed this issue within the 10 days that the module has been out.

That is pretty rude if you ask me. These things take time. Its not like they have a 1000 man team working on this game.

Exactly that. When someone says "BFC, Do You Care?" my first thought is the poster is a newbie and unaware of how we operate. Because I think it's pretty clear that if we have a fault, it's caring too much rather than too little.


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Exactly that. When someone says "BFC, Do You Care?" my first thought is the poster is a newbie and unaware of how we operate. Because I think it's pretty clear that if we have a fault, it's caring too much rather than too little.


Well... that, and getting into heated arguments with your customers sometimes ;)

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