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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Lost all hope of this coming out

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So here is a update: Battlefront is working hard to finish the final touches to the product. They have a few things to still take care of and are focused on getting it out as soon as possible when the final adjustments are made. There, does that feel better. Because that is all you would ever find out anyway if they did speak up.

I think I'd prefer to find it out with less snark.

I am BTS's biggest fan, and I have rock-solid confidence in their ability to make a game on their own schedule and to make it right. But (as the very existence of this forum and its long weird history attests) there has always been a sense of player community around these games. I think a lot of us in the community would welcome a bit more communication. Really, why not?

"We're a little behind schedule, but here's a couple of cool screenshots of what you can expect" would be great. It would certainly be better than silence.

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Do I understand correctly that you weren't around for the CMSF release debacle? There is an old saying: "Once burned is twice learned," and BFC got burned pretty bad on that one. It should not be surprising that they want to hold onto the product until they feel confident that they have it working in an acceptable manner. Beyond that, you may be right that they could do a better job of keeping those of us waiting impatiently for it informed of the state of progress. You may not have noticed it, but they have actually gotten a bit better in that area in the last year or two. Unfortunately, they are still a small company that cannot afford to employ a full time PR flack whose job is to keep us informed and up to date. So the emergence of news depends on when one of the other workers—usually Steve—can take time away from other duties to provide bulletins and answer questions.

And since you don't know, wouldn't it be best to refrain from criticism until you do know? We know you aren't happy, we got that part. I don't blame you for that, it's just how you are. But to try to go from that to BFC is somehow violating a cosmic principle is simply illogical. Mountains out of molehills, lad.


Again, when did I ever say it should be released in a buggy unfinished state? All I said was communicate with your fanbase. A picture, a news post of the day. It takes 10 minutes tops. You don't need a full-time PR person to post something on the main website like "Hello! Some new market garden screens" rather than it just going dark and quiet. Matrix isn't that big either but they manage to make a post that's just a paragraph and at least it's something.

And no, I won't refrain from criticism, I will criticize because it's my right and I want to help them get better at PR stuff because right now they hold onto archaic ideas that people just go along with because just as old as they are and hate change and don't recognize when they should try new ideas or tactics.

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So, even if they did communicate something, it does not change anything.

It will not even change your attitude, though you claim it will.

So here is a update: Battlefront is working hard to finish the final touches to the product. They have a few things to still take care of and are focused on getting it out as soon as possible when the final adjustments are made. There, does that feel better. Because that is all you would ever find out anyway if they did speak up.

It's really like people aren't reading the words i'm saying and they're just defending BF like fanboys at this point when i'm trying to give advice and help them out. Again, when did I say I want it to be released now? Or in a buggy state?

No communication isn't good practice anymore. Welcome to 2013. Reagan isn't President anymore and the Jets won a football game last week. Also the cold war is over.

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I think I'd prefer to find it out with less snark.

I am BTS's biggest fan, and I have rock-solid confidence in their ability to make a game on their own schedule and to make it right. But (as the very existence of this forum and its long weird history attests) there has always been a sense of player community around these games. I think a lot of us in the community would welcome a bit more communication. Really, why not?

"We're a little behind schedule, but here's a couple of cool screenshots of what you can expect" would be great. It would certainly be better than silence.

Thank you for getting it.

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Here, I have a better thought. I want to start campaigning that they dont release it until Christmas, make all those that cannot wait go crazy.

Plus it solves all the threads that pop up wanting something new from BF at Christmas time since they have time to use it then.

So Please Bf, no matter the pressure. wait and make this mans misery complete and release MG at Christmas!!!

What?! That soon already?:cool:

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Well, from a beta viewpoint, what I can tell you is {NDA VIOLATION: Comments redacted!!!} . Despite the obvious personality conflicts, the meetings to resolve these issues, face to face, held at {NDA VIOLATION: Comments redacted!!!} and whenthe dwarf ran down the hall, then {NDA VIOLATION: Comments redacted!!!} but finally, the helmet in question was dug up on a battlefield tour of {NDA VIOLATION: Comments redacted!!!} .

I hope that lets you know why it's not out yet, but you can expect it by {NDA VIOLATION: Comments redacted!!!}.

Ken out.

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I love the grog community, it really is the best gaming community around but from certain standpoints it's full of dinosaurs.

I am only 41. Dinosaur...humbug ;)

I really do get your point, you want more feedback/updates from the developers where things stand in the development process. Fair enough. But it is up to them if they want to do this.

Trust me, once MG is out, you will forget all about the long wait.

Until Bagration is announced ofcourse :D

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I think them posting the manual says all you need to know about where things stand in the development process. This ain't exactly 'Duke Nukem Forever' we're talking about. Asking why there's a hold-up implies that there's been a hold-up. Moon might be dotting the final i and crossing the final t as we speak, for all we know. Then again, if the government shut down has made some necessary bureaucratic paperwork concerning international trade impossible to file... Who knows?

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I preorder MG, check my e-mail each day Looking for something from B.F

In the mean time I still am trying to Learn and train using CMBN-CW ver 2.01

Have been in training playing the campaign "The Road to Monteburg" have Lost both

battles, I got a little closer Last night got to the edge of Monteburg. Learning how to use my engineers to blow holes in Bocage. but I hate it when they run through hole after they blow it. I got some of my army inf in the objective zone but did not get in credit for it ?

"OH well back to the drawing Board"

In the mean time keep checking my e-mail .



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In the mean time I still am trying to Learn and train using CMBN-CW ver 2.01

Yeah, as much as I am looking forward to the MG release playing 2.01 is loads of fun. This is a much better wait than for CMBN 1.0

Learning how to use my engineers to blow holes in Bocage. but I hate it when they run through hole after they blow it.

Plot the blast command along the bocage on our side (instead of through it). Then they will not go through. You should still give them a fast or quick command to move further away from the hole after the blast but they should all stay on your side of the bocage.

I got some of my army inf in the objective zone but did not get in credit for it ?

You, only get credit for the objective if you have guys on it and you clear all of your enemy off of it.

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I think them posting the manual says all you need to know about where things stand in the development process. This ain't exactly 'Duke Nukem Forever' we're talking about. Asking why there's a hold-up implies that there's been a hold-up. Moon might be dotting the final i and crossing the final t as we speak, for all we know. Then again, if the government shut down has made some necessary bureaucratic paperwork concerning international trade impossible to file... Who knows?

The Commonwealth Manual was released on Feb 28, 2012, the module released only 6 days later on March 5th.

It's been a frantic 10 days of F5-ing since the MG manual came out. :P

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Just sat down with my twentieth or so cup of coffee for the day. Saw this while giving my brain a very slight break. Appreciate the happy thoughts. Keep the faith, heyhello.

Well, from a beta viewpoint, what I can tell you is {NDA VIOLATION: Comments redacted!!!} . Despite the obvious personality conflicts, the meetings to resolve these issues, face to face, held at {NDA VIOLATION: Comments redacted!!!} and whenthe dwarf ran down the hall, then {NDA VIOLATION: Comments redacted!!!} but finally, the helmet in question was dug up on a battlefield tour of {NDA VIOLATION: Comments redacted!!!} .

I hope that lets you know why it's not out yet, but you can expect it by {NDA VIOLATION: Comments redacted!!!}.

Ken out.

Ken, you are a seriously weird dude. This is of course a compliment of the highest order.

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