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AXIS : Gustav Line BETA AAR Round Two - Eye of the Elefant

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I am in love with the War Movie Lighting (WML) and will probably be using it throughout this AAR.

I have a feeling I am going to love it too - in game. But for screenshots and movies, I suspect it will make the shots too bland. I have discovered that when making movies (like the CMFI promo) I have to make sure that the weather is clear, because overcast/rain will make the shots loose definition - much more than in game. Seems to me that something like this might be the case when I look at the WML screenshots here.

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Well and my screenshots are not showing what I am seeing in game.. I am working with Phil to iron the issue out. I have a new lap top and though it runs the game perfectly taking screenshots is turning into a frustrating experience. Print screen doesn't work (Win7) in game and Fraps is less than perfect it seems...

What you guys are seeing in my shots are the game screens minus the final filtering.. they are missing that subtle touch that makes them come alive (shadows are too dark and missing any detail, equipment and terrain feature details are getting lost, contrast is too strong, etc.).

Sorry about that.. hopefully we'll get it figured out soon.


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Aircraft are risky and never really worth it IMO. For armor its very dicey, of all the German armor your face an Elefant would be most likely to be sitting in a nice keyhole and therefore most likely to successfully hit with an airstrike. But still, its a very long wait and a lot can happen. I'd be very surprised if he buys an aircraft.

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Aircraft are risky and never really worth it IMO. For armor its very dicey, of all the German armor your face an Elefant would be most likely to be sitting in a nice keyhole and therefore most likely to successfully hit with an airstrike. But still, its a very long wait and a lot can happen. I'd be very surprised if he buys an aircraft.

Really ? I'm amazed to hear that.

Ok, hoping the airplane will hit a tank with a bomb may be a luck-of-the-dice thing, but I'd imagine the infantry will be severely discomfited - my experience of opponents using aircraft against me is that they buzz around above the battlefield and almost totally obliterate a squad every other turn with laser-like precision.

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It's my job to analyze the enemy's probable courses of action in order to properly prepare for attacking him.

Speaking of analyses.. you mentioned in the other AAR you might do a "public" OAKOC analysis of a QB map. Can we expect this to happen here? If not, thanks anyway for doing another AAR. :)

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Just received an email from GaJ.. looks like he is planning on having his purchases and setup completed by the end of the weekend.

So, smoke 'em if you got 'em, and take a load off for a while.

He told me that he was having trouble with his purchases and doesn't have enough points to set up a proper defense on this map... I say that depends on the type of defense. If you pull your main line closer to the towns and defend in depth with Platoon sized strong points scattered through the depth and width of the battle area then that should be enough... should even allow for a mobile reserve. I think. how much does wire cost? Mines? If he blows 600 points (or whatever they cost) on an aircraft then yeah I can see that he would reduce his capability on the ground.

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I think you should give him and extra 600 points and give yourself a challenge this time!!

For what its worth GaJ did provide a good challenge last game, are you insinuating that he did not? ;)

I would give him more points if I could.. I have already offered the following:

--only purchase one Elefant... showing the Elefant was part of the purpose of this AAR, I could have easily taken more

--purchase no Tigers or Panthers.. those tanks can really upset the balance

I do want a challenge and I think I have gone out of my way to not have an overwhelming force and have even provided a little advice via email to GaJ. Also, I gave him the choice of whether to attack or defend, and he, knowing the Germans would be the attacker, chose to defend.

What more can I do?

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All surviving Ferdinands post Kursk were shipped to Germany and modified, with one of the key changes being the addition of a bow MG. Story's here.



War Movie Lighting makes it look as though the Elefant's in winter 'flage and you're playing on somewhat dirty snow. Also, I highly recommend that "Tank Overhaul" episode but suggest you bring tissues to the event. Why? They completely ruin it mechanically by draining out all fluids, lubricants, etc. Unlike the Bovington Tiger 1, barring a miracle, this one will never run again.


John Kettler

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I would give him more points if I could.. I have already offered the following:

--only purchase one Elefant... showing the Elefant was part of the purpose of this AAR, I could have easily taken more

--purchase no Tigers or Panthers.. those tanks can really upset the balance

I do want a challenge and I think I have gone out of my way to not have an overwhelming force and have even provided a little advice via email to GaJ. Also, I gave him the choice of whether to attack or defend, and he, knowing the Germans would be the attacker, chose to defend.

What more can I do?

This is very reasonable. Given the points available, it looked like you would be able to buy a platoon of Elefants, a platoon of Tigers, maybe two platoons of StuGs, and then a couple of companies of infantry; I wasn't sure how the US could realistically counter this force.

But I intend to find out once the game is released!

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I highly recommend that "Tank Overhaul" episode but suggest you bring tissues to the event. Why? They completely ruin it mechanically by draining out all fluids, lubricants, etc. Unlike the Bovington Tiger 1, barring a miracle, this one will never run again.

John, I just watched the episode. I don't think that was sad at all. They drained the fluid for a good reason.. and it isn't like that engine is going to fire up anytime soon.. it would require a full rebuild before that was possible.

We are lucky they care enough for these antiques to put some love into them, to help them last another 60 years, and place them on display for us to examine.


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This is very reasonable. Given the points available, it looked like you would be able to buy a platoon of Elefants, a platoon of Tigers, maybe two platoons of StuGs, and then a couple of companies of infantry; I wasn't sure how the US could realistically counter this force.

But I intend to find out once the game is released!

Well, how did the U.S.A. counter back then?

We all know the answer. Germany was fighting on two fronts. U.S.A. was an economic juggernaut. For every Sherman the huns destroyed, we produced three more. Meanwhile, Stalin was sending "human waves" + myriads of T34s.

The war was already lost for the Axis even before this AAR plays out. Germany was "on the ropes", the Italians were truly "hollow legions", and the Japanese were about to learn about particle physics, the hard way.

However, CM is a tactical game, and I will be interested to see how this battle plays out.

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Speaking of planes. I have NEVER seen one in CMBN at least in either campaigns, or single missions.

That was deliberate - orders from on high, at least for the CMBN basegame.

In this timeframe pinpoint close air suppose during an active battle was almost impossible to pull off and was rarely attempted. There's a reason Allies vehicles all have big white stars on them. Prowling allied fighters were a greater threat than enemy airpower! The Brits were somewhat better at close air support and so there was more wiggle-room granted for the Commonwealth module. I would assume once we get to the bulge battles restrictions on calling in airstrikes will be greatly eased.

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I think the Elefant wouldnt be too insane to counter for the US player. CM maps generally arent big enough to truly play to it's strengths - and I know the closest thing Ive seen in CMx2 is a Jagdpanther and as long as you get even the smallest or briefest flank exposure the Shermans (especially a firefly) will get penetrations.

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