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Are new modules more about adding new equipment than features ?

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Is it just me or does the addition of new equipment (TOE, nations , vehicles, etc) via the modules not add much to this game ?

Honestly strike me down if i'm wrong , its just I have played the commonwealth module for maybe 2 hours since purchase months ago and I just keep getting bored :(

Sure 2.0 added some features, armour cover arc is great.

I admit I have not looked into this in too much detail but on the face of it the modules to date seem to be more about adding new equipment and formations rather than new features into the software. Maybe that's more important for most of you , just doesn't add too much to the game for me.

I maybe alone but I am finding it hard to have sustained interest on CMx2 2.0 for any length of time these days. I need more of a link between battles in a campaign. Everything feels very detached :(

All IMO.


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Scottie..well the modules comes with new campaigns and scenarios aswell remember. Hours of playing time. Also take the Brit module for Shock Force 2 that changed the whole feel of the game for me, it felt like a brand new game as it had a big effect on gameplay.

I'm not really sure what it is extra your after. We will get new features with a full priced game I presume the next being the East front game. For me the modules are superb value for money.

As Vanir says I also think this game may not be for you to be honest. Achtung Panzer Op Star might suit your needs more. CMx2 is more a sim than a game and they can be abit dry compared to other games, some are worse than others and I certainly wouldn't put CMx2 down as one of the really dry ones.

I think you need to look elsewhere. Plus if you want to sell I'm sure it would be snapped up.

I admit I don't play it enough but my issue really is I'm bored with the theater, but I do want CMFI now because of the new module coming out. The two biggies I really really want though are the east front series and Shock Force 2 ( a game I wouldn't have given a second though too, until I played SF as modern isn't normally my thing..but boy the toys and firepower are something to be hold..and oyu cna never get bored in watching TOW missiles).

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If you find new TO&E, Units, Terrain, and more Scenario/Campaigns boring then you don't have to buy the modules right now. If new game features excite you then wait until BF releases a new version upgrade and you can buy in at that time. Version 3.0 should be out by the end of the year.

The great thing about the version upgrades is that they are backward compatible so when 3.0 comes out you will be able to purchase and apply that upgrade to all your previous purchases for a very modest sum.

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Download the V2.01 upgrade. It honestly is the best patch released for CMBN. The tweaks made to machinegun rates of fire/accuracy as well as the increase suppression characteristics given to small arms fire truly make the game feel a lot more realistic and interesting.

The best thing about the upgrade, too, is that it is free!

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Did you say "Bored".

Go away you game addict, if this game bores you, you need your junky fix somewhere else.

This is the only game that I have ever found that does not bore me. I can always find new battles to develope and test units against other units in unusual combat situations.

The only problem I find is not having the time it takes to do all the battles that I dream up.

Just with the latest 2.01 change I just had to set up a battle and see what a couple of German halftracks could do with a platoon of infantry against a platoon of American infantry on defence. I wanted to see if the improved accuracy of the MG's made them a trump card in the battle. needless to say. They were the key to destroying the enemy platoon - You are Bored, I am not.:)

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You might dig playing around in the scenario editor. When I feel like I've "played out" the stock scenarios (which is actually pretty tough, the designers put in multiple ways for the scenario to play out) I make a small scenario with some units I haven't used before and fight some Little Wars.

And... err.. 2.0 added a heaping TON of features. If you were unsatisfied with the number of features added you have perhaps not tried all of them. :)

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It is just you Scottie. Consider yourself stricken. ;)

Just joking Scottie. :)

I have the entire repast for CMFI,CMBN/CW & CMSF MAC. Added a helping helping of Repository & GAJ CMMW's MOD specials. My issue is I don't have enough time to play in my vital toy box.

Wodin is right that a new east front series and Shock Force 2 are going to be very successful and sought after games but keep your eye on CMFI when we hit the mainland. I think folks are going to be pleasantly surprised.

Phil is correct as well. "You might dig playing around in the scenario editor." There is plenty of game enjoyment in making scenarios and then playing them out. I might add fighting "Little Wars" in Real Time can be very exciting and hardly tedious. Want to up the game excitement then play RT w/o pauses.

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Is it just me or does the addition of new equipment (TOE, nations , vehicles, etc) via the modules not add much to this game ?

Honestly strike me down if i'm wrong , its just I have played the commonwealth module for maybe 2 hours since purchase months ago and I just keep getting bored :(

Sure 2.0 added some features, armour cover arc is great.

I admit I have not looked into this in too much detail but on the face of it the modules to date seem to be more about adding new equipment and formations rather than new features into the software. Maybe that's more important for most of you , just doesn't add too much to the game for me.

I maybe alone but I am finding it hard to have sustained interest on CMx2 2.0 for any length of time these days. I need more of a link between battles in a campaign. Everything feels very detached :(

All IMO.


Mmmm ... definitely alone I think. "Just" add new vehicles and units ? Thats what half the game is about for me. There is no other game I am willing to spend money on as readily and no other that I return to as often. Gustav line will bring into scope literally thousands of new situations that are possible. Even just taking anzio there must be hundreds of historical situations that can be created.

I havent touched half the content I have with these games. To me that is what draws me in. No other games creates that feeling of acutally watching a battle unfold.

Sure new features are great but personally whenever one of these modules gets announced I do nothing but play in my mind what I can do with it when it arrives.

Perhaps yes a visit to the scenario editor would be useful - playing out a situation you created may rekindle things for you.

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Adding only new units and terrain of the game does not go ahead. In the next module should be some new features (I dream of fire in buildings or land), it will be an additional motive for buying the game. Because only new units and maps will soon get bored of it.

Then you are going to be sadly disappointed. While not set in stone, BFCs clearly stated release policy is going to need some really good reasons to change, I feel, and that policy says "no new features in modules". The good thing, though, is that you don't have to buy the modules. You can wait til an upgrade comes out. Though I personally don't understand how new units and terrain (and the myriad tactical possibilities the combinations of the two with the old make possible) can do anything but freshen up the game, and at the rate BFC are churning out new content these days, it'd take a real effort to get through the old before something new comes out.

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Sigh, there's the 'Glass is 7/8ths full' crowd, then there's the 'Glass is 1/8ths empty' crowd. And apparently there's also the 'Isn't this the same glass?' people too. Within a week of adding flying monkeys or whatever to the sim its pretty much guaranteed somebodys going to come on the board and say "But what have you done for me lately?"

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Adding only new units and terrain of the game does not go ahead. In the next module should be some new features (I dream of fire in buildings or land), it will be an additional motive for buying the game. Because only new units and maps will soon get bored of it.

Ok so if we all took this attitude then we would have to wait until the end of this year when CMx2 v3.0 is released before we would have any new content at all.

With the modules you get new stuff to play with while you wait and I much prefer it that way. If you want to wait to the end of the year and buy it all at the same time then that's you choice.

What BF has done is make this a very flexible system that keeps new content flowing and most customers happy while they have time to develop more. I think its brilliant ... :cool:

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For me it depends more on the way the new formations are used in the game than how many are added in a module. I very much enjoyed the CMSF modules (all of them) but of all the CMx2 titels i have (including afgahnistan), the CMBN CW modules british forces are probably the one i played least in terms of in game hours. I only play single player campaigns and scenarios and the british campaign that came with module just wasnt my thing. I am i glad i got it though because i found some interesting stuff at the Repository that included the CW forces.

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Mikey D,"....Within a week of adding flying monkeys or whatever...."

Did I miss the flying monkeys mod?:D

Scott said he had not looked into the game in too much detail. He has plenty of perspectives of folks who have. Hope this helps.

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I get it. I was pretty bored of CMBN when it was released (though admittedly I was playing it long before then), as fundamentally it is the same tactical game system since CMSF 1.01, with all its various quirks and annoyances (I won't bother list my favourites).

So even a new century didn't really do it for me.

There are of course a lot of non-game extras, including the quick battles improvements, the editor improvements, and some extremely modest AI scripting improvements. I am pretty interested to have a play with the new MG tweaks too, that's the first decent game mechanic overhaul that has been done to the engine.

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Sorry forgot about this thread and thanks for the reply. I did pose my initial question honestly , was not a dig at the software offering just how I felt at the time. Check the date I joined this forum , been playing BF CM products for more that a decade , know them inside out.

CMAK along with ETW probably represent the most time I had every spend with an application. After analysing my post I think my problem is recent exposure to R02 (no bots) logging almost 1000 hours. Completely different game but I have found my attention span for strategy less than it use to be .... not CMx2 fault obviously ! RO2 is the first FPS i have played in almost 15 years and specifically selected that product on recommendation from this forum for its realism element. Ok its a totally different concept from CM , I guess i will come back to CM at some point.

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You might dig playing around in the scenario editor. When I feel like I've "played out" the stock scenarios (which is actually pretty tough, the designers put in multiple ways for the scenario to play out) I make a small scenario with some units I haven't used before and fight some Little Wars.

And... err.. 2.0 added a heaping TON of features. If you were unsatisfied with the number of features added you have perhaps not tried all of them. :)

Yip did that lots with CMx2 vanilla. Thankful BF allows you to do that, they have definitely got that right ! fantastic feature.

If you get bored quickly start playing PBEMs against human opponents. That changes the game more than the engine improvements you suggested.

That is a very going point ! Playing the human element is what gives me a buzz in RO2. Will give it a go ideally against a newbie as I aint that good.

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Played a Ton of RO also, mostly tank battles, My figures are too slow to be good at the infantry stuff, I could only hold my own there. But in the Tank battles , I could have my moments of glory.

But when RO2 came out, that is when I shelved it. I was already pretty tired of the unrealistic tactac that one plays in them games, there was times when certain guys were pretty good at working some teamwork into it, but it never last and then you are back to foolish play. I must be showing my age, that stuff does not interest much anymore.

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Played a Ton of RO also, mostly tank battles, My figures are too slow to be good at the infantry stuff, I could only hold my own there. But in the Tank battles , I could have my moments of glory.

But when RO2 came out, that is when I shelved it. I was already pretty tired of the unrealistic tactac that one plays in them games, there was times when certain guys were pretty good at working some teamwork into it, but it never last and then you are back to foolish play. I must be showing my age, that stuff does not interest much anymore.

Same experience as me. Game was great working as a team and usually we always at the cap before anyone else. Didn't happen enough. Even the clan I joined soon packed RO2 in and it was a major clan from RO.

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