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Pure conjecture on my part after the first two:

1. CMBN-CW 2.0 patch will be next. - late Sept/Oct

2. Market Garden. - Dec/Jan

3. East Front 44.

4. Salerneo thru Anzio

5. Bits and Pieces of CMBN.

6. Battle of the Bulge

Actually my whole post is pure conjecture.

That's pretty close to what BFC have said, except Shock Force 2 will come out before the Bulge game.

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Is there no CMx2 v1.11 in the pipeline to clear up some of the niggles with CW (models mostly, IIRC), and niggles remaining in BN v1.10 like the wire problem and fouled up QB setup zones? Are these things fixed good and proper in v2?

According to a CM BfN bug I reported in a support ticket Saturday 8/25 "Work on the 1.11 patch for CMBN is progressing right now". I suspect v1.1 is in progress and pending and that it will likely precede CM BfN v2.0.

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I just thought of something . . . that has probably already been thought of.

Since every version of this game seems to have had a "gridded terrain" mod . . . how come a "gridded terrain" toggle hasn't been added officially?

Or has it?

Seems like something that would be pretty handy. I like the gridded terrain mods because they do help you see the lay of the land a little better . . . but I never end up leaving them in long because they also tend to ruin the immersion for me.

It would be nice to have a hot-key that turns the grid on/off.

Is there a mod for this?

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I just thought of something . . . that has probably already been thought of.

Since every version of this game seems to have had a "gridded terrain" mod . . . how come a "gridded terrain" toggle hasn't been added officially?

Or has it?

Seems like something that would be pretty handy. I like the gridded terrain mods because they do help you see the lay of the land a little better . . . but I never end up leaving them in long because they also tend to ruin the immersion for me.

It would be nice to have a hot-key that turns the grid on/off.

Is there a mod for this?

This has come up numerous times, but Steve gave a pretty thorough explanation on it within the last 6 months, can't remember when or in what thread but it boiled down to MAJOR work that would bog the processor or some such. That may have been about adding a vector type frame over the landscape though.

As it stand now you can't load a mod while the game is running and have it appear so the hot key idea wouldn't work.

Glad to see you stuck around and gave the new engine a chance.


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Is there not a CMFI British/Canadian Sicily? Will there be 3 addons for CMFI?

That is coming. From what Steve said tentatively it'll have Brits, Canadians, South Africans, Aussies and Kiwis...didn't say anything about Poles though. The game is gonna go from 43 to the end of the war so there should be all kinds of good Modules/Packs.


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I see. Makes sense. Good to know they know about it so that if/when the technology makes it more do-able, they'll do it.

Hey! I ain't goin' nowhere. This is a great game and a great game company. Nothing is perfect, but things are always getting better.

CMFI has given me pretty much everything I wish CMBN had. It's very much like the same path that the original CM games took.

Sure, there's always going to be plenty to bitch and complain about. The difference here is that there's a pretty good chance that a pretty good complaint will get a pretty good fix in pretty good time.

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And just think...CMBN will soon have all that CMFI goodness added on top...and any other goodness that comes up over the next few years, for that matter. It's a great time to be gaming Combat Mission, that is for sure.


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From what Steve said tentatively it'll have Brits, Canadians, South Africans, Aussies and Kiwis...didn't say anything about Poles though.

Aussies? While I don't doubt that there might have been individual Aussies scattered around, were there any Aussie formations to account for? I can't recall any.

And SFAIK the South Africans, Kiwis, and Poles (and Free French) didn't enter the scene until after Salerno. I would expect the first module—if intended to add Commonwealth forces to the Sicilian theater—would just contain Brits and Canukistanians.


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New terrain in Modules should be limited to those things which give flavor to that specific geographical area. For example, the first Module for Fortress Italy will be set in the Italian mainland, which has different terrain features than Sicily. Since the initial game doesn't cover combat on the mainland, there's no reason to have such terrain built into the Base Game. But when someone buys the Module he should, reasonably, expect the look and feel of the scenarios to reflect the mainland and not Sicily.


From The Wargamer Interview:

"We haven't 100% nailed down the Commonwealth forces yet, but for sure Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand will be in the first module. Other forces, such as Allied Italians, will likely work their way into the game in Packs (more unit focused than Modules)."


I think I got the South African part mixed up with a conversation I had with DC...


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No mix-up with the South Africans....they had an armoured division in Italy.

There were 3 Indian Infantry Divisions plus the Gurkha Brigade.

The Poles had a large number of troops there too (two divisions, an armd bde and a Corps).

There was also the Greek Mountain Brigade, the Jewish Brigade, Commandos, British Paras, SAS.

The Allied Italians had several divisions worth of men too.

A lot of these formations arrived late in '43 and saw action beginning around Cassino.

AFAIK, the Aussies did not have any presence in the Italian Theatre aside from some possible individual assignments and maybe airmen.

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CMAK doesn't include Crete :D The special version for the Australian Army did, however.

Yeah, my memory of which nationalities were in Italy was a little dusty at the time of the interview. We will have Commonwealth in the 1st Module, but absolutely no way will EVERYTHING be in there. That's just a ridiculous amount of work for a single release. Especially because there will also need to be US and German stuff added as well.

Something like the South Africans are an easy contender for being included in a Pack. A Pack, as a reminder to you all, is a mix-mosh of units, terrain, and scenarios that (unlike a Module) revolve around a single theme.

Just to confirm, we're working on a v1.11 patch for Normandy right now. Mostly done, but no ETA on when it will be out. Not too long, I think. We're also fairly far along in the Normandy Upgrade v2.0 process. Both will address Commonwealth as needed.


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CMAK doesn't include Crete :D The special version for the Australian Army did, however.

I love it when I get a chance to correct Steve's recollections on his own games :D

Exhibit A:


And yes, this is the standard CMAK. I'd love to get my hands on the Aussie version though... it's the only Combat Mission game that is missing from my collection!

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