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CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2

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Nice pic.

What date range or option to get that type of gun shield on the 251/10?

Thanks for the positive feedback!

I have a copy of Photoshop 6.0 (released in 2000). On the inset layer properties I use Inner Glow and Stroke for the black border. The border on the entire image via Modify - Border.

Juju's UI


Advancing on Brettevillette


Scenario: My Loyalty is My Honor

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The wounding of Corporal Finch

It is 4:58 PM on September 17, 1944. Operation Market Garden has been unleashed, and the Irish Guards are in a rapid advance. 5 Platoon, B Company, 3/IG is moving quickly across a wheat field, toward the safety of a small wood. Sergeant Merchant's Sherman VC Firefly tank is moving down a muddy road alongside them.


A burst of German AA fire from a distant treeline rips through the air right over their heads, impacting against the front turret of Merchant's tank. Most of the AA rounds ricochet off the turret, doing little damage to the tank. Some of them ricochet nearly straight up into the air.


Rounds impact against Merchant's turret as he fires a shell at an enemy tank destroyer off in the distance. About six seconds later, one of those deflected AA rounds heads straight back down, landing about 50 meters away, right at the feet of Corporal Finch as he leads his section into the wood.




In an astonishing example of bad luck, Corporal Finch was wounded in action at 4:58 PM, Sept 17, 1944.

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Here's a little narrative from the current scenario I am playing...


It's mid-July and an understrength US Infantry platoon is tasked with seizing and holding a minor crossroads in the battle area outside of Saint-Lo. Prior action resulted in elements of the supporting, forward cavalry screen being pushed back by German infantry using handheld antitank weapons. 2nd platoon, Baker Company must now initiate movement through the cavalry's former postion on the way to their objective.

Below Top:

Facing the Americans is a battered, combat savvy platoon of Fallschirmjager. Led by a veteran officer, they are highly motivated, well armed and spoiling for a fight. Their orders are to actively harass the enemy in their AO and launch localized hit and run attacks as opportunities arise. Here, the German RTO catches up with his CO as the platoon swings into a hasty blocking position just north of the American objective.

Below Bottom:

2nd platoon's competent, but largely untested lieutenant attempts to get eyes on a likely enemy observation post before committing his men. His platoon is comprised of a small core of veterans and a supporting mix of modestly experienced troops and fresh replacements. They must maintain cohesion and a rapid tempo in order to reach their objective by nightfall.


Below Left:

A German squad leader sprints through a gap in the hedge as his men take up positions in a small farmstead. Lying astride the American objective, the farmstead and its surrounding honeycomb of hedge-lined fields will become the focal point of the coming fight.

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The Fallschirmjager platoon lacks heavy weapons, but is generously equipped with an array of man portable antitank weapons and GPMG's. In anticipation of enemy movement, key points in the AO have been pre-registered by the company's mortars and are taken under observation.



Unlike less fortunate units in their battalion, these German paratroops have retained some of their light motor transport. This Kfz. 70, positioned to the rear of the now strongpointed farmstead, is standing by in case a rapid withdrawal is needed.


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As point teams from both sides bound forward through the hedges, tilled fields and criss-cross of sunken tracks, initial contact is made by each platoon's respective marksmen.

Below Top Left:

A US SDM enagages enemy personnel in the farmstead bordering the platoon's objective. The CO can be seen in the background coordinating a firemission for the company's 60mm mortars.

Below Top Right:

A German sniper conceals himself behind a hedge overlooking a field on his platoon's flank. In the distance, a MG42 team establishes their field of fire.

Below Bottom Left:

Movement in the hedgerows soon becomes a tense undertaking. 1st squad's BAR gunner stumbles backward after taking a sniper round in the hip. Seriously wounded, he becomes the first casualty in what is about to become a close-in knife fight between several opposing squads.


Below Left:

The balance of 1st squad moves through the cavalry troop's former position. They are under enemy observation. Moments after the US platoon takes its initial loss, a steady burst of enfilading MG42 fire sweeps through 1st squad's position sending the inexperienced troops diving for cover.

Bottom Right:

A GI desperately scrambles to get off the dirt track in front of the burning M8. The German machinegunner finds the Americans' range and begins delivering increasingly accurate bursts. Rattled by the volume of incoming fire and unable to hear the urgent shouts from their lieutenant, 1st squad loses a second man before it extricates itself from the immediate killzone. The American GIs are being fixed and flanked - accurate German mortar fire begins impacting along the length of their position.


Below Left:

Two M4's arrive in support of 2nd platoon. Determined to avoid the cavalry troop's fate on an established road, they enter the battle area cross country, which significantly delays their arrival into the fight. By the time they come on line, a sizable portion of 2nd platoon is pinned down by the German sniper, a pair of well placed MG42's and 81mm mortar fire.

Below Right:

An inexperienced M4A1 commander exposes himself to sniper fire in order to make ready with the tank's .50 caliber machinegun. Moving into an overwatch position and restricted by the surrounding hedgeline, the crew is reluctant to use their 75mm gun for fear of causing friendly casualties among members of 2nd platoon to their front.


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Precious minutes pass while the tank platoon CO coordinates his unit's movement with the men of 2nd platoon. A plume of exhaust trails the platoon commander's M4A3 as the buttoned crew exploits a weak spot in the hedge. The infantry's foundering 1st and 2nd squads will need their direct firepower if they are to have a chance at breaking contact without taking heavy casualties.


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