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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Ah, thanks for the clarification, I thought the article I'd read showed T14s, will have to look at it again.
  2. No worries, you're not alone except some can add more decades ... anyway welcome.
  3. You're not asking on behalf of Vladimir are you? Just joking...
  4. Going back a bit to the T14, there has been media talk of 'floods of Terminator tanks' heading for Ukraine. Backing this up were pictures of three (yes 3) possible T14s on rail transport heading who knows where. Does anyone have any better intel on this, which looks a bit like total BS? And by BS I don't mean Black Sea .
  5. Interesting piece on the BBC just now about the Russian Orthodox Church backing Putin's invasion as a holy war. Not that old horse manure again?
  6. We've been over this quite a few times, pretty sure it ain't happening any time soon for obvious reasons. Disclaimer: Unless something major changes... And while I'm on, welcome to the new friends on the forum.
  7. Steph, Phil @kohlenklau never told me you proposed ? Or perhaps I'm misunderstanding .
  8. I'm sure 'British Intelligence' was involved...
  9. Sorry George, I haven't got that far. If you made things easier, more people would get there (joking). Anyway, I'm reminded that I have other things on my to do list .
  10. 'Recent video posted to social media has severals (sic) Terminator tank support vehicles heading toward Ukrainian border...' So several vehicles is a flood now? Until I got to the statement about Russia's unprovoked invasion I thought I was reading Russian propaganda.
  11. To be fair to @Warts 'n' all the original poster said he already has BS and SF (2 I assume) so the only other one currently on Steam is CW. If, as he said, he's interested in RT (with or without F&R) at a discount he's in for a bit of wait. A worthwhile wait, but a wait nevertheless. RT was my first purchase .
  12. Following up on that, while I would normally class The Sun as sabre-rattlers etc. this piece is a moving and I think neutral (if you can be) view of a particular location:
  13. As I understand it the penalty can be far more than 5 days if your sins are big enough .
  14. Back to Boris, I'm not normally a big fan either, but this BBC article on his trip to Ukraine today did make me feel a bit more generous about him (or perhaps others under him as others have said): https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61052643 EDIT: Anyone know what the '120 armoured vehicles' might be? You can say you could tell me but would then have to kill me if you wish . EDIT 2: these? Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said the UK will also be providing Ukraine with armoured Mastiff vehicles to fight Russia's invasion. Mastiffs are heavily armoured vehicles suitable for road patrols and convoys. https://ukdefencejournal.org.uk/britain-sending-mastiff-armoured-vehicles-to-ukraine/
  15. Fair points, and I mean no disrespect to anyone for their bravery in such situations. For me paintballing is about as scary as I'd like to subject myself to, always makes me think of what it would be like with real bullets flying about. In my first ever game I took a ball in the face when I thought I was safe behind a barricade. Enough said.
  16. Looks more like a day at the paintball centre. Thankfully no-one seemed to be returning fire. Perhaps set up for the camera, who knows?
  17. I think (or maybe hope) in the UK as an example most people recognise the positives that immigrants bring. Of course not everyone sees it like that, and the often quoted line is that if you think your job / wages / housing are being threatened by immigration you start to take a more contrary view. Not sure where this all sits with IMO stupid things like Brexit, slow acceptance of refugees etc. but my original sentence is where I hope we're at.
  18. While I have no particular axe to grind over this, I don't think this thread is the place for such 'beliefs'? I also hope your concluding belief is not actually correct. Anyway, back to Ukraine if possible...
  19. Nice to see you two have got a room . And this is an interesting thread...
  20. At the risk of disapproval from the focus police... Wherever in the world (Canada, Ireland, UK or wherever) slaughterhouses tend to be near the farming/ranching areas. Makes sense. As for whether that makes such locations more violent, I doubt it but have no statistics. Having been in a few abattoirs over the years has probably made me feel less violent rather than more violent. I'll leave it there if that's okay...
  21. I get your point but don't think I'd buy it. It might be a small part of the whole sad mix of experience / education / expected behaviour / etc. etc. but only a part. I'm sure you could argue the reverse argument as well, but doing so might evoke the wrath of the 'forum focus' police, with whom I do not disagree. Disclaimer: I was brought up in a rural environment, educated in a city, work internationally and live once again in a rural environment.
  22. 8 years later - you are now about to be renamed as 'Necromancer' . However, still a good question and I imagine 'nowt' has changed in that respect, at least with some of the maps. Having said that, when I started not that long ago I had quite a few decent encounters with AI opponents in QBs, but I think if you want to be sure of a more challenging experience it's better to play something not QB, in other words a scenario that one of the lovely stock or non-stock designers has laboriously worked on and had play-tested. And for a challenging opponent PBEM is the way, but not to everyone's taste - took me a while to give it a try but would recommend it. Of course I may be talking to my granny about sucking eggs, or whatever that old expression is .
  23. I see what you're doing there as we have Steve's attention . I'm not American but I would say the percentage chance of this is about zero?
  24. JM, please add me to the interested list - so we have at least 2 already and a lot more I'm sure. EDIT: Ooops, should have read the full thread before posting the above as I was beaten to it some time ago. But the sentiment remains the same
  25. 'Necrophilic Western consciousness'. Really?
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