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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. No disagreement from me. I wish you well and hope it works for you. And yes, I've also been there with the latest and greatest releases of various games which ended up not being played for more than an hour or two. Particularly on Steam, where I think I read that over a third of purchases have never even been installed by the purchaser, so perhaps part of bundles or whatever but that's a lot of wasted money.
  2. @BFCElvis is your friend if you haven't fixed it yet this time. Sorry John, I must stop copying you in .
  3. LOL it does a bit... Anyway, welcome (although you've been around a lot longer than me). I have a few other PBEMs going plus testing for some excellent scenario designers, so for now I'll say I hope some others will come along to take you on. If they don't, I'd be happy to do so in a few days' time. I can check back or PM me if you prefer to focus my attention . And I would not expect that I'd get an easy win against an experienced player, or anyone else for that matter .
  4. I never played CM1 at all, but it looks *coughs loudly* similar to CM2. I wonder how many folk still play CM1, can't imagine many are buying it from GOG or wherever in preference to CM2. That being the case you may be limiting your target audience rather severely? On the main subject of tutorials, I played the demo Monster Mash for what was to become my first CM title Red Thunder without having seen a tutorial. Didn't have a clue to start with but it forced me to learn quite quickly. When I got the game, I did the tutorial, and sure enough it taught me a lot of the things I had done wrong in the demo. But not everything. Later on, rather belatedly, I realised that some crazy fools had posted loads of useful Youtube videos and some of them are excellent learning tools.
  5. Also this recent thread looks like it ended up with the same suggestion / result. Described as a fix (near the end of the thread), but I wouldn't know.
  6. I hope not but I think we probably all thought about this. If it does happen, it will not do Russia any good in the long term.
  7. Where I am in the UK I have not heard folk on the street mentioning this, but to be honest I don't tend to hang around listening . What I have seen is an increase in numbers of blue and yellow flags outside houses. Of course what happens in one area may not represent wider regions.
  8. Very nice George . Hope the family stuff is okay...
  9. Just walked by the TV as Eurovision and Ukraine's entry was playing. The singer gave a shout out to Azovstal and Mariupol. Respect is due .
  10. I'll copy in @BFCElvis my friend, as he is the font of all knowledge in such matters . Sorry John, I know you have other things to deal with .
  11. Yes Dave, yes. Well this is a wargaming forum .
  12. In the UK, as I understand it, all and any taxes end up in the same place. So road tax on vehicles can end up paying for rockets and bombs, the national health service, holes in roads etc. The recent NI hike is said to be an ear-marked exception to boost the NHS. Unless someone comes along to correct me (as long as it's not Jacob Rees-Mogg). On the wider question I'm happy that my taxes might go to help Ukraine fight now and re-build later.
  13. I would have to agree. Were you in the audience perhaps?
  14. Barbarossa to Berlin, a CM1 title. https://community.battlefront.com/forum/27-combat-mission-barbarossa-to-berlin/
  15. To me, if it is something that happened in the confilcts being modelled, then it should be considered. However, it's probably a slippery slope (just like those river banks, trying desperately to keep this on topic ) where you start with buildings, forests, crops etc. and keep going until you have to model every combustible item catching fire. I can live without it I suppose.
  16. That's a shame. Anyway if you need an opponent any time soon (just not immediately) give me a shout .
  17. Do you need to activate modules separately (like the NATO one in the screenshot)? I don't have SF2 (yet) so forgive my ignorance. And hello to Pordenone again, we exchanged messages a while ago...
  18. Almost nothing for you, but more for others . Thanks for what you've done and what might follow .
  19. Looks great, nice work. As Aris is no longer adding to his great work, it's great to see additions like yours . EDIT: Just re-read, too many greats. Nevermind...
  20. Total respect for the guys in Azovstal, how they keep going I don't know. Hope they are getting supplied somehow but don't want any details.
  21. No worries, the thanks are due to you for the hard work . EDIT: James, I'll switch to PM.
  22. James, I think I may have missed this, and although I have the original version I can't see any evidence that I played that one either. I'll try to devote a bit of time to it, FI will make a bit of change to recent stuff. Think I need to make a to-do list though as things are stacking up .
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