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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Indeed, I read that and totally agree, the media often have no idea. So why has the '40-mile column' not been hit, at least at the front to slow it down even more? Or has it? Perhaps the calculation is that it is running out of steam already anyway?
  2. So the '40 mile long armoured column' has been on my mind for a while. A few questions: Is it really armoured to a large extent? The satellite images and some recent online talk suggest it's mainly supply? Has it been attacked yet? The speed of advance suggests it might, but advancing large groups on single roads is not the easiest of propositions, so it could just be the clogged road problem we're all familiar with? If it hasn't been attacked, why not - is it better-protected than some of the other convoys which have been hit, or is there less opposition on that route (I wouldn't think so)? If it's as vulnerable as it looks, why would you send a huge very slow-moving column down a road like that - even in a game like CM it would give me nightmares?
  3. My games are WW2 only and therefore (at this point in time) direct from BFC only. All of them except CMBN are exactly as you show in the Users folder. CMBN is on the D-drive, which was explained to me some time ago but I don't recall why. And as I mentioned I am happily/luckily not troubled by the save game bug in any of the titles. Yes, looks like a bit of double addressing there!
  4. Hi. @BFCElvis is the man to get you sorted. Hopefully he'll be along soon.
  5. On my PC the main manual is here: "D:\Combat Mission Battle for Normandy\CMBN Game Manual.pdf" The others are all in the same place. Do you mean your desktop shortcuts are pointing to the wrong location?
  6. It seems this is not about what 'common' people want in Russia or anywhere else, hopefully the people's views will make a difference in the coming days. This is, I know, a lot to hope for.
  7. This doesn't happen with a direct BFC install, at least not for me with most other titles. So I imagine it's something to do with the Steam setup? Realise this doesn't help, but happy to bump up the issue.
  8. Excellent Phil, will look forward to hearing it - I'll have to switch my own RT music back on first though.
  9. If you click Options on the first screen, there's then a list of options which includes Music On/Off - is your switched to Off?
  10. I'm certainly no expert but yes. There is at least one in our midst who can work such magic @George MC. I was reminded of this when assaulted by very fast-moving AI T34s in a recent work ...
  11. With the amount (and quality) of German forces it might not be. That's why I'd like to try. Anyway, great work .
  12. For H2H you may be right, although I really would like to try the excellent Battle of Lisow as the defender vs AI at some point if the Germans had some AI Plans. I'm aware that some might say 'open up the editor and add some' and I have no defense against this. To me this one is a little on the large side to contemplate H2H but I might propose it and see . No spoilers were involved in the posting of this .
  13. Looking good Phil, nice work. I like the grey green icons . And the UI also, although perhaps that's already part of JuJu/Ithikial's interface?
  14. I think we should see what @theforger and @Commanderski say as they are very good, recent examples. At first glance adding a simple briefing to the 'other side' in each scenario does not seem too onerous, but to do this for each of 35 battles in Rollbahn D I suppose it all adds up. In the Battle of Lisow the 'other side' is on the defensive in carefully placed positions, but I imagine most of the units can be shifted around in setup zones - you might not of course know where the enemy is likely to appear. So a limited form of H2H is possible?
  15. Me too for planes (with the huge and excellent BAT mods), although I did buy Tank Crew and don't regret that even though time spent on it is miniscule compared to CM. I actually wanted to get inside a tank and fight for a change, and my old version of the good but long-ago abandoned T34 vs Tiger wasn't enough. I also thought it would be good to support the development of a 'tank series' but not a lot has happened in that sense, so my contribution unsurprisingly has not had that much impact . There are however some fine user-made scenarios out there.
  16. As soon as pre-order is announced, I'll be all over it . I would like to help keep BFC in business, although I suspect my contribution won't help too much. However, every little helps, as a certain UK supermarket chain likes to keep saying...
  17. I was enjoying version 1 so am still rumbling along to finish it. However @Commanderski did warn me that version 2 is a lot tougher .
  18. As my better half sometimes exclaims, '**** the bed!'. Doesn't mean anyone has literally done that of course . EDIT: the censor does not allow the four letter word starting with 's' and ending with 't', with an 'h' and an 'i' in between. LOL.
  19. I think my first WW2 campaign was the KG Peiper one from FB, which was challenging but a lot of fun. Whether this counts as 'smaller and easier' I'm not sure.
  20. Agreed, this will be very good. But I'll also buy the others, plus perhaps the Super Super Modern Bundle...
  21. +1. A battle pack won't introduce anything new hardware-wise as far as I know. A big hello to Charles but not sure he's on the forum much (and I'm not sure of his username as you can see)? If only he knew what he was missing .
  22. Thanks, after spending the last 22 hours without power that will give me something exciting to do .
  23. Good post, mental note taken, probably soon to be forgotten with the same result as yours .
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