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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. I'm sure you're right, but I have had occasional battles where I've lost the HQ tank and then the others under it are unwilling to do much more (or not even available to accept orders). Having said that I have had similar unwavering heroes losing their HQs but continuing even with their main guns and/or tracks disabled, so could just be random examples.
  2. Sad news. Hoping for a reprieve of some sort in Mariupol .
  3. I'm going there again soon (why wouldn't you if you're within travelling distance), but errmm how do I try to describe exactly what @Lucky_Strike wants? Perhaps you could come along too?
  4. I assume that's only the very first part of the 'huge convoy' but it looks like some artillery with several issues. From their point of view at least they have some fuel I suppose.
  5. Nice thread, good advice. Now to get my HQ tank further forward in the PBEM I'm playing . I was holding it back a bit as I was concerned that losing the leader equals losing morale. Often in a big way .
  6. I think it was Charles not Steve? Good to see Charles here (and Steve of course)...
  7. Me too, but I'm currently trying this in a PBEM against a player also in Texas . Hopefully the assault is not too massive, and I'm saying nothing about whether or not my forces are limited .
  8. Yes you make a good point. I was originally wondering whether checking out profiles or something might offer an indication but you're right, why would the forum indicate such a thing? There have been a few new accounts posting some odd stuff and they seemed to have disappeared (no complaints) and some better-known persons posting some strange stuff and ignoring 'warnings'. Oh well maybe they'll be allowed back some day. And with that I'll cease before I get a ticket to the Bahamas .
  9. +1 to George's comment. Started with RT, then BN, then FI, then FB, and F&R recently to add on to RT. So all WW2 so far, although the modern bundle interests me, as does a certain Vietnam mod for SF2.
  10. I have liked your 'controversial' off-topic post, even if it is *ahem* rather US-centric . Somehow I don't think you'll be vacationing just yet .
  11. Well obviously you haven't my friend , was just wondering about a few over at the 'uber-thread'.
  12. Is there a way to tell if certain forumites have been given a holiday, temporary or persistent? Just curious.
  13. Tongue in cheek here - God bless America! Now you can shoot me down in flames...
  14. Without too much checking I also like that. So it would not be much better to be impacted by 1.25 Abrams at full speed than it would be by a Kinzhal . Not sure about the destroyers, you may bounce off if you're lucky. Anyway I feel we digress .
  15. Without too much checking, I like your calculations and the huge Mach 10 speed squared obviously takes the day. Fun stuff in a non-fun setting .
  16. Thanks for the nice pics and ermm extensive videos . Haven't been there before, but I do hang around at the Bovington Tank Museum (Dorset, UK) on a fairly regular basis, taking in the sights and the smells. If you're ever in the area I highly recommend it.
  17. And the next question I asked about ammo was what ammo is pre-loaded in my tank prior to spotting an enemy tank, AT gun, infantry etc.? The answer was that it is abstracted such that the tank can always fire the correct round (assuming there is a correct round for every target). Abstract yes, but understandable in game terms.
  18. Nice to have your update and glad the business is going well . Too right.
  19. This bit includes details of ammo, plus fuel and food if you scroll down a bit:
  20. The twitter threads in Haiduk's post below has a lot of answers to your questions as far as the famous 40-mile convoy is concerned (needs a bit of twitter-trudging though):
  21. I was also wondering about the missiles, as we have seen notes like the one Steve mentioned below, but I suppose that is just about the Black Sea Fleet's stock?
  22. I think it was posted a while ago but good to highlight it again. The link doesn't need the bit at the end, so https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html
  23. 'The Ukraine' is not a good start, but who knows...
  24. Although there's something about that page that makes me think AeroVironment wrote most of it. Nevertheless, if it works it works.
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