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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Hang on, so our Imperialist Channel 4 comedy has invaded your territory? Okay, Russia is next.
  2. Nice sentiment and totally agree. Just to say he has not been here for quite a while (almost 2 years) but hopefully he'll be back.
  3. And Dan, what are the chances of Joe B getting his plans approved in that strange political system you have over there? My fingers are crossed...
  4. Agreed, but the text says it is the downing of a Ka-52 near Kherson?
  5. Perhaps a day when we're discussing housing bubbles on the 'Ukraine thread' is not such a bad day ?
  6. I imagine the loader is best placed, not the commander or the gunner. As you say not ideal whoever it is. And I'm still not sure why it was deemed necessary in the first place, was there a real/perceived history of German troops jumping on the back of Soviet tanks and the crew being unable to repel them?
  7. Further thought, what was the rear MG designed to be there for? Just a spray and pray defense against inboarding enemies or a more targeted weapon?
  8. Now you're reminding me of this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_Soldiers Good fun for the kids...
  9. Yeah so still no fire from the rear MG, even when the grenades start hitting. After a while the turret turned, suggesting the presence of enemies was at least known but not yet spotted? So perhaps a previously (and retained) spotted unit is needed as the target, which is a bit problematic?
  10. Okay, not quite as planned but a result: Set Target light behind to start with, turret turned. Then set it forward to get the turret forward again, rear MG was observed to fire very briefly at the previuosly spotted targets to the rear. Only fired a few shots so far, will edit with an update... EDIT: Okay so the issue may be spotting? There were three spotted German units when the turret was traversed to the rear, this turned to one in the shot above. The shot above resulted in the demise of one poor fellow in that unit, and the unit then disappeared. No more rear MG fire after that as there were no spotted units to fire at. And before you say open up to spot, I already had and the commander had been shot. Could have arranged that better . I can adjust the above with different units and try to save my commander, unless it already answers your question? Think I will re-do without opening up (aka commander death) and see if the rear MG then retains the spots. EDIT 2: So yes, it seems to me that the rear MG (with or without commander alive) can not spot units. Will next try to test this with a rear end approach (ooh err) but need to make sure the turret faces the other way... EDIT 3: approach from the rear did not seem to be spotted so not fired upon but will try this again.
  11. Will do. Does it have to be immobilized? That stops the hull moving I suppose, but not the turret... Now to find out how to purchase an immobilized vehicle . EDIT: Okay, got that bit done. Just swapping out the Panzerschrek units for Aufklarungs - or wait, do they have PFs? I'll find out.
  12. Thinking about that, if you're manually controlling an IS-1 are you able to target with the rear MG without the tank or turret turning round? Of course you can't actually just command the rear MG to fire on its own so not sure about this.
  13. I tried to test this with the editor, with German troops behind and in front. Didn't see the rear MG fire but the tests were admittedly very limited in duration by the Panzerschreks I'd rather foolishly included .
  14. I imagine this isn't easy, but it's probably do-able with lead time. If there's 2500 minus just a few so far, then maybe not so much of a problem yet.
  15. I guess not, but will try testing my friend. IS2 tested to a small extent, seems no backward fire. Have we got an IS1? Back into the editor... IS1 acquired, same result no backward MG fire. Limited testing for sure. Hopefully Steve or Charles @Battlefront.com can confirm whether or not the back turret MG is modelled. I imagine not...
  16. You mean here? https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/ I'm not seeing a download link there yet, but I'm sure it will appear in due course. Excellent and I see you have been busy (again) .
  17. Okay sounds like my technique or perhaps my observation has room for improvement .
  18. James my friend, from the scenario dropbox link I get a 2016 version, not sure that's correct (or maybe it is)? And the other link to your dropbox stuff takes me to my own dropbox? As you may or may not remember I was a big fan of your Barkmann's Corner (which I succeded at by a hair's breadth), so I'm keen to try anything else .
  19. I'm not sure Steve hands out likes, so I've done so.
  20. Wow, a 10 year old thread revived. I'll join in, but about Buddy Aid. In my experience (limited) this seems hit and miss, and to be honest I'm not sure it even happens sometimes even if your buddies are (ahem) on top of each other?
  21. I think that sums up what I was thinking. Have the Russians not got this, in the same way Ukraine now seems to have?
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