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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. After the earlier comments about the BBC (and I'm no BBC apologist) I thought this was interesting: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-60785679
  2. The best of luck to them (despite any quick conclusions from the video).
  3. To be fair I don't think the BBC said it would be a good deal, that would not be for the BBC to decide. Or did I miss something?
  4. From the CBS article Sburke linked: The two countries (Ukraine and Moldova, my addition) were previously part of the Integrated Power System that also includes Russia and Belarus. This made Ukraine dependent on Russia's grid operator despite there having been no electricity trade between the two countries for years.
  5. To my eyes, that looks like a 'before and after setting fire to' the same vehicle?
  6. Brings home the sad reality, all strength to those Ukrainians who continue...
  7. Agreed, it was said that weapons coming in were a valid target, and I suppose it's difficult to disagree for once.
  8. +1 Phil great stuff and I will try to fit it in. So that's 2 out of 6 of the 6 amigos? I'm working with an Italian friend at the moment. I might therefore not install the flag .
  9. Or supposedly the flow of weapons into Ukraine?
  10. Don't forget the 'close friendship' between the Russian and Chinese leaders, just described on Channel 4 News by a Chinese expert as a form of 'bromance'. I wouldn't have chosen that word .
  11. While this is an interesting addendum, I fail to see how it adds to the coverage of the plight of our brave Ukrainian friends . Joking, partly .
  12. I think @Kinophile meant that 'Dad's Army' was (mostly) pensioners? In any case I have the utmost respect for anyone with the kahooners to go out and put their lives on the line to resist the invasion as those in the pictures are doing.
  13. Very moving, love it (except for the circumstances and surrounding damage).
  14. I see what you're saying there . The other thing is that the demos are generally Engine 3 so not the current Engine 4. But it is a great way to try them. In my opinion, the gameplay is generally the same, at least in the WW2 titles which is all I have. But the different units, weapons, terrain, historical setting etc etc makes them feel a lot different. And if you're playing the scenarios and campaigns then that adds an extra level of how the designers of these things worked with what was available (and they usually do an excellent job!). Not to mention Mods by some very talented folk here, which expand titles in time, location, weapons... For me I started with RT, then BN, then FB, then FI and I don't regret any of them. Not sure if the same order applies to hours in each game . As others have said before, go with the one that interests you the most and then you'll probably get the others later .
  15. That's a great link for those (like me) who like to see things on a map. And including stuff like pontoon bridges being built, troop movements etc. not just where the pointy end has been striking. EDIT : Watching some of the videos it seems that the majority of those involved largely thought it was just the usual 'exercises' and not what it turned out to be. Sad for them if so, even more sad for others of course.
  16. Yes, the original post edited somewhat above...
  17. I think the guy pictured is a Chechen fighting on the UKR side, unless I'm misreading @Haiduk's post?
  18. BBC still going on about the 'Sword of Damocles 40-mile column'. Are they just a bit behind the curve or is it still capable of doing anything?
  19. This is a great scenario but perhaps not the easiest as a starter? Played it by PBEM recently as German (arguably the easier option I think) and got a victory but it was quite a hard slog for both of us.
  20. Happily I could not see a big red button...
  21. So today's dumb question from me - all this expensive hardware being captured some seemingly intact, I don't see any of it being transferred to new military owners (only farmers ). Does that mean it's not being used by new owners, it's not worth it, or does it mean it is but we're unlikely to see evidence of it?
  22. This is a common experience my friend. I started with somewhat larger scenarios in RT (because I like a lot of armour and possibly because the demo scenarios were I think medium size) and soon found I had pre-conceptions of what my heavy panzers could do. I was on a steep learning curve and had little idea of how to manage movement, comms and LOS/LOF. I'm still learning and sometimes (particularly against PBEM players) you just have to accept that the mix of game setting, units etc. combined with your own capability and luck have not worked out in your favour. The opponent's capability might also come into it . I'm not sure about practice scenarios but will have a think.
  23. Plus I think I see 'news' here about a day before I see it on the BBC. Other news outlets are of course available.
  24. Phil, your entry for the wet t-shirt competition is welcome light relief to the 'other' (slightly more busy) forum thread. I'll also try your latest and greatest when I get a moment or would happily PBEM it with you if appropriate. I do however have a couple of appointments in Stalingrad thanks to Nigel. Now I need to focus, just focus .
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