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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. So you mean difficult to target for the average Russian unit? Apologies but I'm rather ignorant of Russian capabilities in this respect...
  2. A sort of related question - we see lots of UA drone footage from steady positions. Are these drones not being targeted by the RA somehow, or is it that we're just seeing the ones that weren't?
  3. Agreed Dave, perhaps a PBEM is beckoning (how I like to get my butt kicked), although you may have more modern conflicts to cope with?
  4. I agree, and for me I still remember the demo scenarios like they were yesterday (e.g. Monster Mash in RT). Didn't really know what I was doing, but had a great time. I was coming from older conversions of ASL type games so CM was quite refreshing...
  5. Thanks for the extra info @George MC, what you say agrees with my initial thoughts but it seems a bit of reading is required on my side. Or I could stick to playing your scenarios, probably far more rewarding . And with that in mind, let's load up RT one more time...
  6. Hi Jedi256 I used to be Jedi001 - not really, just joking. Anyway agree with SteiliAlpha, sounds unusual and not something I've seen. Looking at the filename, is it perhaps trying to save with the same name? Mine normally have a number like 001, 002 etc. at the end, not in the middle like his.
  7. After each of those photos the arm-wrestling began. Holding onto the table was only allowed on one side .
  8. Okay, have been considering it for a while but will have to get the books now. I would be surprised if they fall into the 'Nazi propaganda' zone, but who knows.
  9. Out of curiosity I tried as well, same message. Is your allowance used up? We could all do with more...
  10. Thanks Huba, appreciate it. And glad that UK is adding more items (not air related) today.
  11. Paywalled? Goes white screen for me... I am of course in the rather suspect UK .
  12. To be honest, I'm not really sure what you mean but don't think I have the same issue. Assume we're talking CMBN as we're in that forum thread? I also note that we're in 'Maps and Mods' so are you referring to a particular mod? Is it PC or Mac? Windowed / full screen? Can you share any pics via Dropbox or similar?
  13. Looks great George. So that's AI plans for the Soviet attack? I'll resist to the best of my ability with the forces you give me. I agree with @Aragorn2002 about the wonders you bring to the game, but I'm not sure about the kidnapping bit .
  14. As a fairly recent recruit, I tried the Engine 3 demos of RT and BN. Then straight away bought the Engine 4 games: RT first, then BN, then FI, then FB. And added F&R to RT. All great, no regrets. And now the modern bundle is nagging me but I may wait until current news makes it sit more comfortably...
  15. After spending an hour or so last night in RT arranging two fairly large but not huge columns with pauses etc. I can only keep my fingers crossed. Something will go wrong obviously, but hopefully nothing serious.
  16. Maybe brakes might be an idea too? Anyway, this isn't the EV versus others thread so moving swiftly on... .
  17. Now you're talking Steph. Tonight I have Brie instead of Camembert, plenty of wine (mostly French) but no sausage. Oooh err....
  18. Ummm, Phil loving this already. Let me know if I can test anything or PBEM...
  19. Agree on the hat (except @benpark's of course), but facial hair is okay n'est ce pas? EDIT: Playing RT Baranovichi by PBEM just now, thanks to @benpark I think.
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