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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. Is it everything in the folder Steph? Happy to give it a try but my memories of Normandy are dry (weather-wise at least) and sunny. Lovely!
  2. So artillery, king of the battlefield again. Wow!
  3. That one is worth watching to the end. Jeez Louise...
  4. And your list of supporters may be missing one or two other countries?
  5. BBC News showing M777s being loaded on planes... So probably happened a day or two ago .
  6. And even equip them properly. The guy in the back row is probably wondering about that, unless he just chose a bad time to try 'photo-bombing'.
  7. Since day one of the invasion if not before, this forum has given me a far better view of what's going on, thanks to everyone involved .
  8. As said elsewhere , fantastic George, love it!
  9. Oh well that's a minor detail, blame it on me if you like .
  10. LOL. I know this was a while ago, but funny. I don't have BS or I'd happily get beaten by you (ooh err missus). I have all the WW2 titles but perhaps that's not your thing right now... Anyway my PBEM opponents all came from this site. Long live this site.
  11. Excellent. Love the graphics and the reporting. And stuff like this:
  12. Thanks, immediate question answered. I have more but I'll do that elsewhere .
  13. This is a world I've not really visited. So I'm not up to speed and would welcome enlightenment on: 'a U.S. license allowing Moscow to make payments is due to expire'
  14. Okay, you got me there (mental note, zoom in on any photograph before commenting ). So @TheVulture probably has the answer as he described above.
  15. That D-30 pic shows it being towed not by the barrel. Whereas the first pic (assume it's an M777) is being towed by the barrel.
  16. Why blow the rail bridge first and not the road? Seems like a train was on it?
  17. @BFCElvis just to bring this to your attention.
  18. Nice spreadsheet, the first tab needs a few more entries on the left hand side .
  19. To save anyone else the trouble: Hello everybody! My previous topic was deleted, and with it my scripts. I will not describe my work here, because all the information is in the briefings. I'll just leave it here. I would also like to inform you that the third scenario is already under development. Good luck! As you've only posted one post (this one) on the forum, I'm not sure about your previous thread? Not sure I want to download who knows what.
  20. And can I ask a lazy question? Are all of those scenarios available somewhere like TSD3? I only seem to have a few of the WO files (4, 5 and 6) and a couple of the ASL ones.
  21. Was just about to post the same thing but reported by the BBC, who describe him as 'The war studies visiting fellow at King's College London'. So I'm not a lot wiser on who he is, but his thoughts are more in line with this forum (or at least some on this forum) than the BBC has generally been until now. Edit: Here ya go: https://www.kcl.ac.uk/people/dr-mike-martin
  22. You might be right about that, haven't used them before. Even if they have it I imagine the shipping cost / duty might make it unattractive.
  23. https://www.brownsbfs.co.uk/Product/Dinan-Tim/Warsaw-III--The-Battle-for-the-Magnushev-Bridgehead-Augus/9789185657186
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