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Everything posted by Vacillator

  1. @Ithikial_AU I'm also doubly () excited for this. And for clues as to the iconic locations that haven't been covered before. I'm in for a pre-order, if BPs get pre-orders...
  2. Wow, tough to look at if you forget the immediate context. I like the music though, seems these guys aren't producing the videos for old farts like us .
  3. Wow, the possibility for an error worries me but impressive. And I saw the Scorpions back around 1980 and then shortly afterwards Ulrich Roth, what a fantastic guitarist. But this thread isn't about me, sorry!
  4. Although that Rob Lee video is from March 10th so ancient history but perhaps the drone aspect is still relavent.
  5. One of the problems of a 'special military operation' perhaps. On the plus side if they have a chance they can dig in again and get some of that artillery set up.
  6. If I understand it John (and I may not) it's the stock F&R partisan skins not showing up. Hopefully @waffelmann can confirm as I haven't really tested it.
  7. This has already happened in some sectors before hasn't it? I wondered the same, assume it's 'stop at the border' but if someone is firing at you...
  8. Errmm partisan skin colours not showing up I think. Not Phil's abilities or otherwise.
  9. I really can't agree with you here. Surely it was an orange tan?
  10. Now this is interesting. I'm re-playing Monster Mash as a PBEM and guess what, I'm Soviet and have a few ISU-152s. Totally by coincidence I did already try what you describe, but only very briefly to save ammo. Might try again...
  11. Well there ya go, nothing to worry about (other than the eyes and the brain ).
  12. Don't be too hard on yourself Phil. You have matured like a fine wine, or is it like a ripe cheese?
  13. Of the WO list, I now have all except: WO Teufelsberg v6a H2H.btt WO Teufelsberg v6a SP.btt WO Teufelsberg v6b H2H.btt WO Teufelsberg v6b SP.btt but I do have a v5, called WO21 MG Teufelsberg v5.btt The story for the ASL list is not so good, don't think I have any of these: ASL11 Defiance on Hill 30.btt ASL14 Silence That Gun.btt ASL94 Hill ‘112’.btt ASL95 Attempt to Exploit.btt ASL302 Stand Fast (Sm).btt ASLAP31 Cristot (Sm).btt ASLAP37 Apples to Apples.btt ASLCH Le Port Filiolet.btt ASlT10 Devil’s Hill.btt DASL18 Haut Vents.btt although I do have WO2 Lehr at Hauts Vents.btt which looks like the last one? Have I missed these somehow, I couldn't find them by searching TSD3 for Kandu? Another question if I may? For the 82nd scenarios you say: MOD INSTALL REQUIRED: For some of the highways to look correct you must install Falaise’s mod, ‘22.5 degree roads’. I have included a mod-tagged copy below that is compatible with my scenarios. I don't see the mod-tagged copy below that? I do have a copy of the mod but not sure about the tagging. Anyway, great stuff and thanks again. Please don't feel obliged to act on any of it . And I would be happy to PBEM sometime, but perhaps I should finish the three I'm doing now first.
  14. I see you've now done this, many thanks! As mentioned I had some of them, such as: WO 82N04a Timmes Digs in SP.btt WO 82N04b Timmes Digs in H2H.btt WO 82N04c Timmes Digs in H2H Swz.btt WO 82N05a Angriff der Grenadiere SPGE.btt WO 82N05b Angriff der Grenadiere SPUS.btt WO 82N05c Angriff der Grenadier H2H.btt WO 82N06a No Better Place to Die SPGE.btt WO 82N06b No Better Place to Die H2H.btt But I didn't have them all, not sure how that happened. I also have some of the other items on your list, but with different names, for example missing the WO or in one case with WT at the start. I'll grab the new additions and reassess where I'm falling short. Thnaks again!
  15. Let me see what I can find. It could just be my laziness, but it might be that splitting them up is better.
  16. I knew you'd be along soon . I only seem to have WO files (4, 5 and 6) and a couple of the ASL ones. I'll look again on TSD3 which is now the one and only source I think? I'll email if I get stuck, many thanks my friend and keep up the great work! EDIT: Reading your question properly it's your creations.
  17. +1 to your +1 neighbour . Hopefully @WimO will be along soon and provide access to all the wonderful work.
  18. @General Jack Ripper I'm glad you're back (again). Not glad about your PC problems.
  19. I read that she was his 'confidante'... I wonder what he confided whilst wetting the bed .
  20. Well you are close to l'Angleterre so we probably share the weather .
  21. Good point, it will not over-write a file with the same name, it will fail to save.
  22. I just followed his procedure and did not have a problem, file saved and is in my Outgoing Email folder. The flashing underscore was there as he described, i.e. “It’s a New Dawn 001_ “ (underline is flashing) but the actual saved filename is It’s a New Dawn 001 so I think it just shows you where the cursor is in the box. However his report then shows Email save failed. It’s a New Dawn001_ could not be created and this does have an underscore in it, not sure why? The space before the 001 has disappeared in his fail message as well, but that may be just a typo.
  23. You make a reasonable point, my memories are indeed of more recent visits, during which I had better luck with the weather and a warmer welcome than that extended by the likes of the 12th SS.
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