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Everything posted by agusto

  1. This only the second reported incident i am aware of. It is probably unlikely that you will see this happaen again.
  2. Do you know that for sure? Any sources? I always thought (i am pretty sure, actually) that going fast over wet ground increases the chance of bogging in CM. Maybe ll have to look at the manual again.
  3. I turn them on and of depending on how my system can handle the current situation. I turn the on in small battles but turn them of during larger ones.
  4. Yeah, the americans are hard to kill in CMBS. You need a signifficant local numerical superiority to compensate the superior US equipment and training. Dont try to attack on a large front but instead focus your firepower on small pieces and chew them up one by one.
  5. 1) Recon by fire. Have a small team shoot a burst (target briefly, but be careful not to waste any RPGs!) at an expected ambush position. If you are lucky the enemy troops break fire discipline and shoot back, giving away their position. It is very effective if you are doing it right. Note though that recon by fire does not mean randomly shooting at buildings, hoping to hit something. 2) Properly preparing the village/block/district you want to assault. A nice, long artillery barrage of multiple batteries can effectively reduce the defending troops and create small gaps in their defensive line which you can exploit. Alternatively dirct fire can do the job as well, but it is not as effective as large calibre artillery IMO. In CMBS there are no collateral damage penalties that i know of, so civillian casualties wont threaten mission success.
  6. No, i did not loose the game. IIRC i lost a truck and maybe 3 to 4 WIA/KIA in the incident with the reinforcements. BTW at which military academy did you graduate, do you have any experience in tactics apart from gaming that make you argueably superior in knowledge? It looks to me as if you were desperately bending reality to fit your almost religious defense of a sub-optimal game mechanism.
  7. If could only have one of the two for the rest of your lives, would you choose combat mission or sex?
  8. Lets say it is within the realm of possibility, but dont get me started on probabilities...I dont think a high ground clearance is what defines a vehicles survivability when fired upon by ATGMs
  9. I suppose i should have followed the road - but to me, it looked like a death trap, within RPG range of multiple buildings, 2 choke points (bridges), possible IEDs, so i went off-road. I didnt think this would be such an unusual course of action, given that the briefing explicitly tells me that i just must get my trucks from A to B alive, not destroy the enemy forces.
  10. Why cant we just have a patch that slightly changes the first mission of the UKR campaign? The game is 2 weeks out, maximum, and there will be plenty of patches over the next year. It wont be much of a problem for BFC to just throw in a slightly moddified UKR campaign that has no first mission magic reinforcements. The OP is not the only one who has been complaining about this particular mission.
  11. LUCASWILLEN05, although i in general support your arguement that unexpected things must be expected to happen during battle and that edge hunting is gamey, the reinforcements teleporting in can sometimes be just ridiculous, a joke and a game breaker. Just look at the screenshots i posted above. In no way could these guys have moved to the positions they spawned in without beeing spotted by some of my assets. They are in god damn parade formation! If something like that happens under those circumstances, it is just bad design, not "realism".
  12. What is creepy is that this game (released in 1985) is a greatly simplified version of the real NATO and Warsaw Pact plans that both side were ready to execute.
  13. Yeah, teleporter equipped OPFOR reinforcements have been a problem since CMSF. It is one of the most difficult parts of scenario designing to guess right on where the player could be at the moment the reinforcements arrive. Look what happened the last time i played the british CMSF campaign: Captain Achmed to Enterprise! Scotty, beam down some more Jihadis!
  14. Well if it is a HEAT round, they could have a chance. If it is an APFSDS round, it is still going go though-and-through.
  15. It happens regularily to me that units pop smoke and get killed anyways. They get lased, pop smoke, but when they pop smoke the round is already in the air moving towards them.
  16. In my experience the Khriz spotts better than the M1 Abrams at long ranges. I just played a QB as russians vs. a bunch of M1A2 + some Bradley infantry because i wanted to find out how to battle the M1 succesfully with russian gear, and the Khriz showed to be the most effective M1A2 killer at longer ranges. At 500m to 1km it usually will spot the M1 first and get off a salvo of missiles before the M1 can fire back. It spotts so well that, in my experience, it can even be used offenively against M1 tanks, although it natutrally performs best as defensive long range AT "sniper". @Amedeo: nice tactic, i ll try that out soon.
  17. Thanks again for makeing the additional screens for options and loading menu.
  18. Thanks Ian. Good job. The NATO symbols also fit better with the new tactical maps we have in CMBS IMO.
  19. Well the missiles shouldnt be fired at exactley the same millisecond, at least. Look at the second pic rocketman posted.
  20. Blimey, could do you do some screens for the save game selection and options menu as well? Just some sort of generic screen that fits the overall design of your mod would be cool, for the sake of consistency.
  21. During a recent poll most participants said they want a strategy and tactics subforum. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117176-which-cmbs-sub-forums-do-you-want/?hl=poll Regarding the multiplayer forum, there is already an opponent finder forum: http://community.battlefront.com/forum/58-opponent-finder-forum/
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