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Everything posted by agusto

  1. Personally i consider this to be private property. Battlefront are the ones who pay for the servers, so they make the rules. It is quite simple.They offers their customers a board to discuss their games. They probably do this because it attracts interest in their products and helps them tracing bugs. The players in turn get a place where like minded people can meet online, discuss the games, find opponents, share mods, etc. Everybody profits. However, this place is still Battlefronts property. When you are a guest at somebody elses house, you respect the house owners rules. If you dont like it there, you are always free to leave. Some much for who think makes the rules. Regarding Skinfaxis statement that he is beeing trated unjustly and that only his posts are unwelcome: You registered on this board 3 days ago. I do not think that you have enough information to make an objective judgement on how people discuss political differences on this board. Your statement that you and only you are treated in any particular way is baseless speculation.
  2. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118015-walkthrough-and-lets-play-of-the-black-sea-campaign/
  3. Great that you are still alive. I watched your CMSF videos, they really cool. I cant wait to see your Black Sea walkthrough.
  4. Check out the armchair general tactics videos, here is part 1 of 6: This may also be helpful... and this also of course: http://battledrill.blogspot.co.at/2013/08/combat-mission-tactical-problems-cmtp.html Then there is this: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/93094-a-complete-video-walkthrough-of-the-german-nato-campaign-with-narration/ None of these videos is specifically about CMBS, but they should help you with getting startedn anyways.
  5. You got a warning saying that you are not to supposed to make political comments anymore unless the thread is specifically about the political topic you want to talk about. You just made a political statement that was not on topic. Furthermore i have the very strong impression that your previous post was made with the clear intent to provoke, possibly even solely for that purpose. But lets keep it there.
  6. Treebursts make HE in woods especially effective. Also good idea Macisle.
  7. I havent played any iof the battles yet, but i know that the russian campaign directly relates to the story.
  8. Skinfaxi what do you expect to happen if you post things like that? Well, anyways, goodbye, i think Steve will ban you.
  9. The truth is that the reptilians from alpha centauri are behind everything. Didnt you know?
  10. Ha, lets see who is faster. ATGM races should be an olympic discipline.
  11. Ok, it seems like i cant play this mission. I tried it twice, it crashes everytime at 10 to 15 turns in, probably because i dont have enough RAM and because there is so much stuff happening simultaniously... Last time i looked CM crashed using 3,3 GB out of 4. That sucks terribly, really. Can someone send me a savegame of mission 4 so i can continue with the campaign anyways? I would very much appreciate that.
  12. I disagree. The game is set in 2017 and a lot of time will have to pass before we can say that this crisis is over. Ukraine is currently in the process of partially mobilizing its armed forces, aiming to double their strengh in 2015 from approximately 250.000 to 500.000. New conscripts are called to arms every day and those currently serving are not allowed to leave military at the end of their service term. US have started to officially discuss delivering arms to the Kiev government. It looks like Kiev could have a chance to defeat the rebels in 2015 or 2016, forcing Putin to make the choice between a more direct commitment and abandoning the seperatists. I think that this thing is far from over. Reality might not follow the games backstory to the letter, but right at the moment i think it is still entirely within the reason of possibility that in 2017 we will see M1A2s and T-90s slugging it out in eastern Ukraine.
  13. Make contact with the smallest possible element and keep the rest free to maneuver. After making contact, develop the situation in such a way that you can establish and maintain fire superiorty. The AI is an easy opponent in that regard as it will not maneuver itself to counter your efforts to establish fire superiority, basically you can nibble it to death. After making contact you can advance using bounding overwatch, repeating the the drill mentioned above. Regarding machanized forces,in general tanks operate most effeictvely in open terrain while infantry is better in terrain with obstructed LOS. This terrain is ideal for tanks: http://www.kriechhammer.at/motorrad/fahrtechnik/hechlingen2003/p1010003.jpg This terrrain is better for infantry: http://fstatic1.mtb-news.de/img/photos/1/_/large/4568924389_d154d97c84_b.jpg Alternatively, you can always watch ChrisNDs AAR of the first mission of the ukrainian campaign. The link to the youtube videos must be somwhere here on the forums, but if you google it you will probably find it as well. IIRC ChrisND advanced on the right flank with his BTRs and in the center. with his tanks.
  14. When you shoot and scoot with the intent to take out a specific target that is part of a larger group. Recently i played a QB where i was playing as defending Ukrainians vs attacking Russians. For the whole thing to be interesting i gave the attackers a signifcant advantage in everything: tanks, BMPs, infantry, etc. The AI at some point during the battle had put 5-8 BMPs on top of a hill + 3 T-90s. When i ordered my BM Bulat tanks to counterattack, i gave them a small target armor arc to ensure that they kill the T-90s and dont attack the BMPs.
  15. I only noticed this behaviour a single time. There was a surpressed infantry squad in the target building and i wanted to use the RPO to kill them, but they didnt fire at the building. I had to maneuver a tank into position in order to kill the enemy in the building.
  16. 180 degree targets arc definately helpful for tank vs tank action. I use them very often, basically always when i want the turret to be pointed in a specific direction.
  17. You could do that with Shock Force. The Syrians have at best 1980s russian equipment and the Germans can be downgraded to late 80s early 90s equipment too. At the worst equipment settings they get Leopard 2A4s which were fielded in 1985. The only problem is the G36, which was fielded from 1997 onwards, but the rest should be 1980s compatible stuff.
  18. My infantry recently refused for several turns to fire their RPO anti personnel rockets an occupied building, despite area fire orders.
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