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Everything posted by agusto

  1. Monkey feeding frenzy: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=68e_1319045851
  2. I am downloading at 550 kb/s, ~3hrs left. Man, that is long. You guys who have slow download speeds, try a download manager. I am using Orbit and it is faster than regular Firefox.
  3. Is there demo of CMBB? Maybe i am going to do that, make a recording of the russian gecko and upload it to youtube .
  4. So you are using the terms terrorist, partisan or guerillia as a description of the methods of operation of a specific group while Steves definition of those terms is more of a moral judgement. The interesting question is now: is it possible to commit acts of terrorism without acting morally reprehensible? Technically, by your definiton panzersaurkrautwerfer, the allied morale bombing campaigns of WW2 against japanese and german cities and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki could be considered acts of terrorism, because they were specifically designed to break the enemys will to fight through atrocity. On ther other hand, both the allied bombing campaigns against german and japanese cities and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are, by many people, considered to have been appropriate and legitimagte actions, given the nature and size of the conflict. I personally tend to agree with that view when it comes to the atmoic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki because it simply worked. The Japanese surrendered and probably there would have been more people killed -both Japanese and Allied- if the bombs had not been dropped. The conventional bombings of purely civillian targets though is more controversial in my view. Admittedly the technology of the time did not allow the accurate, surgical bombing of purely industrial sites or military targets, often whole city blocks had to be flattened to take out a single factory. Despite the large loss of civillian life, i think that since there simply were no lesser means available, no laser guided bombs that could have taken out the targets without masssive collateral damage, these bombings of strategically valueable targets were justified. The conventional allied morale bombing campaigns against Germany and Japan however did not suceed in shortening the war or breaking the enemys will to fight, so basically you had atrocities beeing commited without the reaching of the strategic goal that was used to justify these atrocities. So it comes down to the question: do you morally judge an action by the intent or the result? I would rather opt for the first option, but i know people who disagree with me in the specific context i am talking about above. Also this seems to be the answear to the initial question: is it possible to commit acts of terrorism without acting morally reprehensible? I really dont like the answear because i have nothing but despite for ISIS or Al-Qaeda or the Nazis and the like, but right at the moment it seems to me that: "Yes, you can be a terrorist and on the moral highground at the same time" is the logical conclusion. But if i despise terrorists like ISIS and Al-Qaeda or the Nzis despite the possibility of morally justified acts of terrorism, that must mean that the intent for why these organisations are commiting acts of terrorism must be morally unjustified, to which i can very much agree. I am only considering the allied morale bombing campaigns as worthy of a discussion of their morale value for obvious reasons. I dont think anyone here is going to defend the Axis morale bombing campaigns anyways.
  5. Working in an emergency room can surely be quite difficult too at times. Most people find it unpleasant to see others suffering.
  6. Remember the road ahead thread? I doubt it will be more than 4-5 months after the CMBS release until they got the next module for CMFI or BN ready. So whatever they are doing at BFC, they are doing something right if i can get my hands on a new game or module 2-3 times a year.
  7. I like the pics in the article. Check out this one, i used it as desktop background for some time: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5c/Mig-29s_intercepeted_by_F-15s_-_DF-ST-90-05759.jpg It is 2 F-15 intercepting 2 Mig-29s at 40.000 feet
  8. Well the US Army is an army of volunteers. I dont think that someone who says "yeah, i want to be a soldier and i accept all the risks and responsibilities that come with it" needs a lot of indoctrination in order to be motivated.
  9. I really like your response, it seems to be very honest. But what about the killing? Did you ever kill someone in combat? How did you feel about it? Emotionally, i mean, not from a rational point if view. I hope that question is not too personal. I have never killed a man. I can only somwhat image what it may feel like to shoot a man from my experience with killing animals. The first time i killed an anmial was when i was like 10, i was fishing with my family and i really found it difficult at fiirst. There is another living beeing, and may it only be a fish, that has eyes like you and bleeds like you and is able to experience pain and you are supposed to take a club smash its head in. I really found it difficult to kill at first. But after getting over that initial "barrier", i really liked it. I felt like a predator and catching my prey gave me some kind of satisfaction. Also i had a good moral justification for killing these fish because we barbecued and ate them afterwards .
  10. Oh, ahh, yeah.....look behind you, a three headed monkey! *runs away*
  11. You can be sure I am going to look out for wanna-be geckos the next time i play CMRT. . But seriously, do you remeber in which context the "i am a gecko" sound appeared? Most sounds in CM appear in a specific context, you know, the artillery call when you call artillery, the "UAAAARGH I am hit!" when some guy is hit, so the "I am a gecko sound" probably appears in a sepcific situation too.
  12. Sharp Knife 1 this is Baby Biscuit, you are cleared hot.
  13. I dont want a free copy but i will maybe do a public AAR with you if you cant find anybody else. I thought about doing an AAR for sometime because it looks fun when others do it, but because i rarely play H2H and because my games vs. the AI are usually not that exciting that i want to spend time writing about them i havent done one yet.
  14. It seems to me you put the file in the correct location. But I think that you not only need the NATO pack but also the USMC module. I know the campaign has the BMP-3 in it and the BMP-3 is part of the Marines module. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=180&Itemid=231 Zawiya Uprising is really cool campaign BTW.
  15. Yeah, i want to know that too. I have heard that not only in CMRT but in several other WW2 related titles. I think "artilleriya slot brigada, prium" (forgive me my surely inadequate transliteration) means siomething like "Artillery brigade, come in" with "prium" meaning "come in". But that is only a wild guess, i have no idea what it really means .
  16. I agree, it is difficult to draw conclusions from a grainy youtube video. What we know for sure though is that, for whatever reason, they were caught out in the open by superior enemy firepower and that this got them killed.
  17. I just saw the movie too. I liked it, it was entertaining. However after seeing the movie i did some research on the real Chris Kyle and i found that he is quite a controversial figure in the US. It appears to me that while some consider him a hero, some despise him due to some statements he made in his biography. What do you guys think of the real Chris Kyle? EDIT; another comment on the movie American Sniper: the actor playing Chris Kyle has a very strong accent (texan?). I saw the english version and i often had difficulties understanding him. Although i am not a native speaker i usually dont have any problems understanding movies in english, but i had to rewind some scenes several times in order to be able to get what he is talking about.
  18. Why, i only use the most tactically sound formations, like square or testudo, and i also always make sure that the leaders die first, so they can inspire their subordinate units with their bravery!
  19. It is not just the rifle that makes a weapon deadly, it is the guy who holds it! Give a civillian who has never before held a weapon in his hands an AK-47, set it to full auto and let him pull the trigger. Chances are high that he shoots himself in the foot.
  20. ChrisND, at least let us know why things are taking so long. What are you working on right know? Chasing some serious bugs? Or implementing some new features? Or testing the campaigns? Did some of you guys fall ill? It is horribly hard to be kept waiting without knowing what is going on! Everytime i look in this thread i see at the bottom of the page that there are at least 6 to 7 other guys reading this at the same time, sometimes up to 25, so i guess i am not the only one interested in how things are going. Please let us know what is going on.
  21. I was conscripted in the Austrian army in 2008. I trained as Panzergrenadier for something like 4-5 weeks, i cant remeber exactley how long, and then i transfered to a logistics unit (the units name could be translated to something like "operation-supply-squadron") where i mostly had to do boring things. No physical training, not exercises of any kind, just paperwork. For some time after basic training i seriously thought about enlisting, but i dropped the idea after half a year of extremly boring duty in said logistics unit.
  22. Well that is of course going to be a bloody mess. The motivation for volunteers participating in such a war may vary; they are convinved in the political cause they are fighting for, they didnt expect a war with an equally capable enemy when they signed up, they want to serve their country, they want to protect the local population from the evil enemy, etc. Usually though prolonged large scale wars consume more men than there are volunteers available, hence conscripts will be forced into the fight at some point or another. The huge battles of WW1 and WW2 would certainly not have been possibly without millions and millions of men beeing forced to fight. However If someone tells you that you either fight or face the firing squad, you ll be pretty motivated to fight.
  23. Depends on the army. The chances of getting killed during Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Desert Storm was significantly lower for US soldiers than it was for the iraqis: during Iraqi Freedom, from 20 March 2003 – 1 May 2003, the Coalition suffered approximately 170 fatalities while defending iraqi troops suffered approximately 30.000 combat deaths. That is a kill/death ratio of 176, which is incredibly in favor of the coalition forces. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003_invasion_of_Iraq
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