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Everything posted by agusto

  1. Trees have a certain chance of stopping incoming heli borne ATGMs and 30mm rounds. Also i believe that trees affect the spotting capabilities of all airborne units, given the effect that trees have on the spotting capabilities of UAVs.
  2. President Putin, inspecting one of the new troops transports that is supposed to enter service in 2018:
  3. Personally i almost always use quick in CM when moving around infantry. Exceptions are 1) if the troops are unfit so they cant quick for more than a few meteres and 2) if the map is very large, there is a lot of time available and i dont have transports. Those two are the only cases where i use move for infantry. Most of times in CM the maps are either so small that using quick doesnt have a sufficiently negative impact to keep me from using it or my troops have transports anyways. But especially in the highly mechanized environment of CMBS getting men from A to B is rarely a problem, unless they get killed in the process of course.
  4. Didnt the reptilians from aplha centauri abduct JFK?
  5. A top secret source recently reveiled several images of top secret russian weapon systems that will enter service within the next 5 years:
  6. In previous titles it was up to the campaign designer if you get immobilized/dammaged vehicles back or not. The only exceptions are leadership positions, they are always filled up. You cant have a tank platoon without a platoon CO. That is why i like to use my command elements as shock troops - if they die, i ll get new ones for the next mission anyways. It also helps me to keep my troops morale high - getting your leaders killed early means they can inspire their subordinate units with their bravery and it makes it easier for lower ranking soldiers to be promoted.
  7. Oh yes, mobile bridges would be awesome. I dont know though how realistic it would be to have them, maybe that is outside of CMs scope.
  8. I love that image. I especially like the gatling gun on the left sidet Looks like the Armarta is going to be in in the CMBS: Total Overkill module, along with the BMPT. I mean, how many barrels has this thing? 1 x 125 to 152 mm main gun, 1 x 30mm chain gun, at least 3 x 7,62 on the gatling gun + an additional 7,62 coaxial MG - this makes 6 barrels in total. History has clearly shown that multi-barrel weapon systems on MBTs are significantly cooler than their single-barrel counterparts.
  9. Yeah, that is a very bloody game. If things keep exploding at the current rate this game will be decided within the next 5 to 10 turns.
  10. Military today on the K2: "This tank has a very advanced fire control system with can spot, track and fire automatically at visible vehicle-size targets, even low-flying helicopters, without needing any input from a human operator." That is interesting. I wonder how good it is at AA.
  11. Most importantly in chess there is 1) a much more limited number of possible moves and 2) all possible moves are certain to work exactely in a pre-defined and known manner. You cant move your bishop to A 4 and half and neither can are there any dices rolled when pieces are taken. That makes AI programming A LOT easier. But as soon as things become uncertain, AIs are going to start behaving weird. An AI is not actually intelligent, it is just the sum of all the IF-THEN relations the programmer put into it.
  12. What are the odds of this happening? 1/10000? And does an 800 lb bomb even fit through the hatch?
  13. At least we now have confirmation that a module is planned.
  14. Hmm...maybe the ballistic flight path of the projectile allowed it to hit the soft top armor of the hull?
  15. What are your plans for the future after Combat Mission? Are you going to stay in the games industry or are you going to do something completely different?
  16. Ok, thanks, i made a mod that adds barrel names to the vanilla textures. I mostly used the names from your mod and added a few of my own, hope you are ok if i upload it anyways. Adding the names was easier than i thought. However, i do have a aproblem: 1) the game seems to only use the textures 1 to 4. 5 to 40 are not used. 2) at longer ranges the names change. At 20 meters, the tanks name is "Absolute Death, at 60 it becomes "Godfather". Any idea what i could do to fix this?
  17. Very nice start, c3k. Tell your men they dont have to worry, there are enough body bags and purple hearts for everyone. Oh, and keep us up to date regarding IanLs fate.
  18. Well, i disagree with you. I also dont think that Gorbachev is a particularily good source on this particular matter because in an interview he gave in 2009 he made statements contradicting what he said in 2014. I am not going to post a link to the interview though because you would probably not accept that as sufficiently credible source either, as you did with the article on NATOs very own official website. Anyways, lets leave it here and get back on topic. We dont have to have the same opinion.
  19. Personally i would prefer performance overhauls over better graphics, so the game keeps its current graphics but runs faster. CM doesnt have state of the art graphics and still runs at much lower FPS than most modern games on my machine. Currently the Windows version of CM is limited to about 3,5 GB of RAM usage, 1 CPU core and x86 technology (x64 isnt used if available). If you have 16 GB RAM and a 4 core processor with hyperthreading technology allowing 8 threads, CM is only going to use a tiny fraction of the available computing power. I dont know about the way CM uses graphics cards, but given the CPU and RAM limitations, i suspect it doesnt fully use their capabilities either.
  20. The 2+4 treaty prohibits any foreign country (which practically means NATO members) from stationing military in former East Germany, inculding conventional forces. Regarding the talks between Genscher, Shevardnadze and Baker (who was US foreign minister at the time), even the offical NATO website confirms that those talks happened and that they were about limiting NATOs expansion: Thus, the debate about the enlargement of NATO evolved solely in the context of German reunification. In these negotiations Bonn and Washington managed to allay Soviet reservations about a reunited Germany remaining in NATO. This was achieved by generous financial aid, and by the “2+4 Treaty” ruling out the stationing of foreign NATO forces on the territory of the former East Germany. However, it was also achieved through countless personal conversations in which Gorbachev and other Soviet leaders were assured that the West would not take advantage of the Soviet Union’s weakness and willingness to withdraw militarily from Central and Eastern Europe. It is these conversations that may have left some Soviet politicians with the impression that NATO enlargement, which started with the admission of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland in 1999, had been a breach of these Western commitments. Some statements of Western politicians – particularly German Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich Genscher and his American counterpart James A. Baker – can indeed be interpreted as a general rejection of any NATO enlargement beyond East Germany. http://www.nato.int/docu/review/2014/Russia-Ukraine-Nato-crisis/Nato-enlargement-Russia/DE/index.htm Regarding your critic of Der Spiegel, it is not common practice for a news magazine to produce 1:1 copies of all of its sources. Especially if there are large numbers of documents that were used as sources, adding a copy of every single paper would be beyond the scope of a weekly news magazine.
  21. Atricle 5 paragraph 3 in the Treaty on the Final Settlement With Respect to Germany (scroll down for english version) http://dpvm.me/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/VertragstextOriginal.pdf No nukes or foreign armed forces are allowed in Eastern Germany: "Foreign armed forces or nuclear weapons or their carriers are not to be stationed in that part of Germany or deployed there". Accoring to the german political magazine Der Spiegel, there are numerous sources/documents that clearly show that NATO foreign ministers of 1990 created the impression to the soviets that there will be no NATO expansion towards the east. The article also notes though that there are no treaties that legally limit NATO deployments in other former eastern bloc countries other than Eastern Germany. Unfortunately though Der Spiegel does not reveal its sources. However Der Spiegel is a high quality magazine, i highly doubt they would make anything like that up. Here is the article (pdf, german): http://magazin.spiegel.de/EpubDelivery/spiegel/pdf/67871653 HTML version: http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-67871653.html Quote from the article: So sprach Genscher* am 10. Fe- bruar 1990 zwischen 16 und 18.30 Uhr mit Schewardnadse**, und der bis vor kurzem geheim gehaltene deutsche Vermerk hält fest: „BM (Bundesminister): Uns sei bewusst, dass die Zugehörigkeit ei- nes vereinten Deutschlands zur Nato komplizierte Fragen aufwer- fe. Für uns stehe aber fest: Die Nato werde sich nicht nach Osten ausdehnen.“ Google translate: So Genscher said on 10 Fe ruary 1990 between 16 and 18:30 Clock with Shevardnadze**, and the until recently kept secret German memorandum states: "BM ( Minister ) : We should aware that membership of one nes united Germany to NATO throwing up complex questions fe . For us, however am certain: NATO will not eastward expand . " *Genscher was West Germanys foreign minister at the time. ** Soviet foreign minister at the time.
  22. Also great job on the random ERA tiles on the bradley. Looks a bit like digital camo.
  23. Great work Kieme. Will the tank nicknames also work with stock textures or can they only be ued with your other mods?
  24. But there is a treaty that regulates NATO nuclear weapons on former USSR soil. IIRC there is also one that limits NATO exercises on former eastern bloc states.
  25. I know this thread is more about dreaming than serious speculation, but IIRC Steve actually said some time ago that they maybe will someday turn away from making wargames.
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