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Everything posted by agusto

  1. They look great. Can you make it so that in they editor they can be chosen as optional camo scheme or will they overwrite existing ones? Also, could you do a rag-tag mod with your uniforms?
  2. I love it, Vein. Could you be so kind a send me that drop box link .
  3. Sometimes i see this: That is not what it is supposed to look like. Sometimes my hit decals also appear completely black. Sometimes they appear normal. Any ideas what i could do to fix this (if it is a client side problem)? Hit decals in CMRT are displayed normally.
  4. Americans and Russians meet in a forrest, a grenade throwing duel ensues. Note how the russian on the left side gets killed while throwing his grenade and drops it on his buddy to the left .
  5. We-Go & Iron. I consider CM a simulation and i always play sims with maxed out realism settings / on maximum difficulty. I dont know why I should play a simulation if i tone down difficulty to acarde game levels. I WANT to be tortured .
  6. Chaos in the woods... Run Forrest, run....! Turn ended with ATGM 50 cm over my tank...what a cliffhanger! No, wait, it is a Javelin, we all know what is going to happen ...
  7. LOL! . That looks SO stupid! Great video. I am going to post it in the thread taht discusses the bridge-bug.
  8. Yep, this could be BFCs best CMX2 title so far, a 10/10. I am aware that i am saying this possibly because i personally prefer modern over WW2, but even objectively the game seems to offer more than the other base games. Drones, ATGMs, NVGs, precision artillery, eltronic warfare, APS, ground-air warfare all bring new tactical options to the game that none of the previous games offered.
  9. Thanks Bil, i prefer to play with NATO icons too.
  10. The word you are looking for is probably compassion. You are feeling bad for him because of what happened but at the same time you know you cant do anything to change the past.
  11. Thanks AKD. Loved your sound mods for CMSF. I am going to try out this one immediately. I would give a +1 but i ve used mine up for the day already.
  12. You must have Shaders turned on for them to be visible, at least on my machine. I think its Alt+R.
  13. Why be ashamed? I would rather feel lucky that i dont have do that. If you think that what he did was right, thank him for it and that you, today, live in a world where you dont have to fight insurgents in Chechnya. But i dont see what you should be ashamed of.
  14. Check out this brutal scene from my last game: A match of "who is gonna explode first". The BMP-3 or the Bradley? I thought at first that the BMP will win duel to its larger gun but the brave Bradley gunner kept firing even after his vehicle got marked as "Destroyed" and he managed to blow up the BMP. In the end both IFVs killed each other simultaniously. If you watch closely you can also see the Bradleys KE penetrators exiting the BMP after penetrating though-and-trough, impacting the ground behind it. Brutal.
  15. I have to say i am really impressed with the maps. I just took at look at some of them (going to the editor and checking out the new toys and maps is the first thing i do with every new CM title i get) and they are just awesome. One that i like a lot in particular is Huge Dam-Rough 316 Assault. It is just, wow. I ll have to play a QB on that map soon. I also love City On Hill 125 Assault. Tactically this oe seems to be a real challenge for an attacker - there is everything a defender could dream of.
  16. I got it . Just be patient. The download will finish, you will get the game sooner or later.
  17. I already have 4,1 gb out of 5 gb, 14 minuts to go. I hope it finishes this time. Wish me luck!
  18. What was the time span for pre-order customers to DL the game after previous releases? 24 hrs?
  19. January 31, 2015, shall be remembered as the Day of the Dieing Downloads.
  20. Javelin Launcher uses Javelin ATGMs, RPGs use RPG rockets and so on. Usually you dont have more than 1 AT system per vehicle than can be acquired, so just acquire all the rockets available + 1 launcher and you should be OK. Exceptions are the LAW and AT-4, they dont use ammo as they are one-shot weapons.
  21. Oh, yeah. I just started the DL again, this time using regular firefox. dl speed is now 1,5 mb/s. Seems battlefront were right when they recommended not to use download managers. Sorry for telling you guys to use one above, i hope none of you started a download with a dl manager yet.
  22. Aaaaaand i just lost the connection. Damn.
  23. I know. I am using one anyways, havent had any problems yet. Right now i am downloading with 640 kb/s, 2hrs to go.
  24. Monkey Feeding Frenzy: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=68e_1319045851
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