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Everything posted by agusto

  1. I also dont know what you want to say. But you are doing a great job modding those vehicles.
  2. Here is a longer version: http://news.downloads.bbc.co.uk.edgesuite.net/mps_h264_hi/public/news/world/1143000/1143391_h264_1500k.mp4
  3. There is a lot of footage that documents tank riders in eastern Ukraine. Both, the government and the Spereatists are doing it.
  4. Seperatists hit by Ukrainian artillery:
  5. Holy Sh*t! Blue 2 alone is responsible for 50% of the russian casualties (DMS already posted a stats screen, he took about 90 casualties). LOL.
  6. Things would maybe have been different had you bought that company of T-72s you mentioned in one of the first posts, but given the force you had at hand, you did well IMO. The APS equipped Abramses are really difficult to take out by anything but 125mm canon fire. Anyways it was an interesting AAR, lots of pictures, cool action, etc. Thanks for taking the time to do this. Hey, you could ask c3k for a rematch and do another AAR, i would certainly read it .
  7. I would love to see the Russian Marines. But i would like to see the US Marines too. Poles and French would be cool. I think i would happily buy any module they release for CMBS though. What did that picture say again? Hell, if a picture i found on the internet says i have to do it, how i could i resist?
  8. Great AAR, thanks. Can we get a screen of the stats screen? Casualties, kills, survivors etc?
  9. Personally i like NATO designations for landmarks best. For example Phase line Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, NAI (named area of interest) 123, etc.
  10. The only things capable of killing crack APS Abrams are T90s engaging in direct fire and the Khritzema firing its missiles in salvo mode. Precision artillery might also work, but it takes time to arrive that the Abrams can use to change positions. You were really lucky c3k that DMS purchased the units he did, thing would probably look different had he pruchased for example a company of T90As.
  11. No...but Google knows everything!
  12. What is a Warrior IFV doing in Germany? I thought only US forces were stationed there.
  13. The poor Poore...may he die a glorious death! And what about IanL, DMS? Is he still alive?
  14. We enjoyed the AAR too. You should do more AARs, you are really good this. BTW is IanL still alive? Maybe you could send him to kill DMS .
  15. Haha, Saferight. Nice shots, you should give that guy with the M203 a medal. What was the range? Must have been something like 300m. Also awesome combination of sound mods you have there.
  16. The energy supply problem could be (but wont be, due to political constraints) solved by using a nuclear reactor for powering the plane. The Cold War produced several designs for such aircraft that could be recycled and used to create a plane quipped with a laser that can circle in enemy airspace for an almost unlimited amout of time, wreaking havoc upon anything it sees. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Pluto http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tupolev_Tu-95LAL The Project Pluto article is worth reading. It is absolutely insane IMO, it is probably the most deadly unmanned weapon system that has been designed yet.
  17. I can send you savegame of mission 4 if you want. PM me if you need it.
  18. Those arent stock hit decals, arent they? What mod are you using and where can i get it?
  19. 3rd party content is limited to textures, sounds, scenarios (within the limits of the built-in scenario design tool) and campaigns. CM is currently not capable of having a dynamic AI and you wont be able to implement one unless you get your hands on the source code.
  20. The problem with QBs is that the AI plans must fit all sorts of different force selections and tactical situations. That makes them different from scenarios, where the AI plan is specifically tailored to one specific force and one specificn tactical situation. However if you want a challengeing QB, play a Meeting Engagement as Russians vs. Americans and manually pick the US force for the AI. Give the AI lots of M1A2s with APS, FOs and artillery, and it is going to be an interesting battle. The general superiority of the US equipment and the extremely fast american artillery strikes will compensate for the lack of a good AI plan.
  21. That is not correct. Here is the rule regarding the destruction of the bridge you posted earlier: Either the rules you posted here: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117124-win-a-free-copy-of-cmbs/page-9#entry1584749 differ from the rules you are actually using for the game or you will lose if DMS blows up your tank and your tank blows up the bridge. You will only win if its the ordonance DMS uses that blows up the bridge, so you better hope for an artillery strike on that tank .
  22. This the background image i use for the main menu: And this the music i use for the main menu:
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