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Everything posted by agusto

  1. We i was new to CM i always played real time, We-Go kinda felt cumbersome to me. But as soon i started to play battalion sized battles, i had to switch to WeGo because you cant effectively be the battlion CO, the company COs, the platoon leaders and squad leaders at the same time when playing real time. Since then i stuck with WeGo because after i got used to it just feels much more comfortable to me than real time.
  2. Is the scenario you two were playing in the release version of the game? What is it called? Oh, and even if you could not bring this AAR to an end, it definately served its purpose of getting people interested in the game. I got my copy with 6 hours after the release.
  3. Which factions have body armour? I know the US and the probably also the russians have body armour, but what about the ukrainians? And is the body armor of different quality or do all sides that have body amour get a generic ballistic vest?
  4. I dont have any hard numbers available, but judging from my experience in CMSF, at close range even a T-72 can penetrate an M1A2s turret frontally. It just needs to be really close, <200 meters.
  5. Yeah, that was my point. In CMSF the Syrian T-62s and early T-72s spot so badly that as long as you have Javelins in overwatch, your soft Strykers can operate without too much interference by the Syrian tanks. The russian T-90s in CMBS are a different story though. They are pretty much like scaled down M1A2s, they spot really quick and are able to hit everything with the first shot.
  6. I think that a NATO module that reintroduces some of the CMSF NATO factions is quite likely because it would allow recycling of some of the 3D models and TOEs and thus speed up the development process.
  7. Russia would probably nuke NATO long before the conventional ground forces could reach Moscow. NATO, on the other hand, would be aware of this and would not cross the Russian-Ukrainian border unless they absolutely have to.
  8. I am pretty sure that in the future there will be the following formations: USMC, VDV and UKR 2nd line troops. Possibly we will also see other NATO allies, such as UK, France or Germany. Maybe something completely new, such as Poland or Belarus.
  9. I commit seppuku. Every time. After my second has chopped off my head and replaced it with a better one, i try to figure out which tactical mistakes lead to my defeat and play the scenario again. Usually that leads to a completely different approach on my side, which keeps the scenario interesting during the 2nd play through and additionally i learn something that way. Exceptions are campaign missions and PBEM of course. During campaigns is usually accept defeat and carry on if my losses allow it, during PBEMs i am can accept loosing too. Loosing doesnt feel as bad when playing a human opponent, probably because a real opponent is actually inetlligent which then AI is not. Most scenarios are designed in a way so that the player can win vs. the AI, so if you loose, you ve probably made one or several severe mistakes. A human, on the other hand, might just be better than you, so even if you dont do anything really stupid there is a good chance of loosing.
  10. Actually in Germany you could probably go to jail for for releasing a game with content like this. 19 year old got 1,5 years without possibilty of parole for showing a swastika tatoo in public: http://www.derwesten.de/staedte/bochum/haft-ohne-bewaehrung-wegen-hakenkreuz-tattoo-id3534043.html
  11. But dont remove the map itself, just swastikas.
  12. @MikeyD: i agree. Definately the designer was aware of the Swastikas, otherwise there wouldnt be 2 versions of the map. Maybe it was forgotten to remove the Swastika version before release.
  13. Little green men dismount their UFOs and prepare for a night raid on some nearby UKR troops.. Something is going to blow up soon...
  14. 1) Damn, what an awesome map! Whoever did that, great job. 2) Has anyone already played this mission? I feel a bit overwhelmned by the size of everything. Currently my plan is to use all my 9 heavy artillery pieces to deploy a smoke screen and have my 2 companies cross the river simultaniously. My tanks and mortars will be surpressing anythign that pops up. You think that is going to work? The problem is you cant really do reconnaissance on the other side of the river without having to cross it. No wonder the scenario designer did not give the player a drone, it would have been too easy if you had one . How did you get across the river? Just drive accross it? A human opponent would totally rip you apart if you tried that, i dont know about the AI.
  15. @Rinaldi: agree. Hail to the Great Statistic!
  16. I ve seen scenes like that as well. The best one happened in CMBN, when a SINGLE german soldier took out 2 tanks and 1 squads of infantry on his own within 120 seconds. He hit the first tank with panzerfaust, rushed towards the second one and killed it with a satchel charge. Then he mowed down the dismounting crews and a squad of infantry with his MP-40 and some grenades. I watched it like 50 times in disbelieve, it was so awesome!
  17. Ok, so in order to get back on topic, how about some veterans telling some interesting stories? I cant contribute any, really, but i like reading about other peoples experiences.
  18. I like them all. Although, porbably i like playing as Russia most. They dont have Javelins so you cant just "cheat" the enemy tanks away with a 1-shot-kill top-attack missile which makes the game more challenging. I havent tried playing as UKRs yet.
  19. HAHA, i think i know what scenario you are talking about, the same thing happened to me . I had my Javelins in overwatch and i could kill the 2 T-90s within a minute, but not before they had taken out 3 of my Strykers + one of the Javelin teams. TRhe t-90s got 4 shots of and every shot killed its target.
  20. Thanks for sending me the Vein. BTW does anybody here know how to reply to PM messages on the new forum software? I couldnt find the button...
  21. db zero, try recon by fire.If you expect a building to be occupied but no one is shooting at you from there yet, set a target light order on that building. They may simply havent spotted your units yet or they might have a covered arc.
  22. Yeah, the new naming convetion is great.
  23. Thanks for doing this Kieme. Is it possible to just use the distant ground texture files or are they made to be used with your HD textures? I dont wabnt to use the HD textures, not because they dont look good (they are awsome), but because i am palying on a machine with limited hardware capabilities.
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