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Everything posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. I have never seen an ATGM fire at infantry outside of buildings in CMBS.
  2. Americans get the xylophone rocket launcher, will the Germans ever get the Panzerwerfer?
  3. They are used to coordinate artillery and air support. This means that a call for air support or artillery is significantly shorter than normal when using the BFIST.
  4. How far can you go beyond history in the German campaign, I'm guessing you will never see Antwerp?
  5. Agreed, absolutely nothing wrong with more maps, scenarios and campaigns at 10$ especially if they are made "professionally" so to speak.
  6. How the heck are you supposed to probably recon and assault this town with the forces given, especially the cavalry contingent some of which needs to be split off to defend against enemy mechanised reconnaissance. The city itself is almost a battalion sized objective and all I get is a couple M20's, an M8, and six men split in two teams of recon. My biggest problem with this is the lack of men to "recon" with at the start, even if I move forward carefully there are just so many buildings that it would be impossible to clear or find the enemies in them without taking unacceptable casualties. It is incredibly difficult to spot infantry in buildings, but this is multiplied by 10 with this being a city. What purpose does this mechanized cavalry squadron serve in the mission? Am I A: Expected to only screen the open ground to the west of the city for German reconnaissance vehicles with cavalry troops and use a single platoon of infantry to assault the city. Or B: Split the cavalry's m20's because they are needed to kill German vehicles in the open ground and send the cav scout teams into the city to find enemy positions, and as I asked above I have no idea how I am supposed to do that. Yes I am a little upset with this mission, but the map is beautiful!
  7. I wish that were true for me This especially bothered me when I read that most players don't even use the "attack" game mode because the attacker simply has far too much at his disposal, however it reflects the 3:1 advantage an attacker usually has. This doesn't apply to me because I am just simply not very good at the game, but time does help me develop the situation better. What are some other ways this attacker "advantage" can be remedied other than house rules and stricter time limits?
  8. Have you reported these campaign system "bugs"? What are they?
  9. Yup conscript trained, regular or maybe fanatical at times morale with poor equipment is fine for making Volksturm.
  10. NV view- Why is this necessary other than being something "nice" to look at? SOP's and formations- Formations would be nice, but the nice thing about CM is the micromanaging! You are the battalion commander at the same time as being the NCO in the rifle squad at the front. Road Command- Would be nice I guess for multiple vehicles, but again I can just do this by plotting movement points on a freaking road. You are getting way too silly now. Edit: One thing I do agree on though is that these kinds of options would be nice for large scale battles, especially for people who like me who would like to play them but micromanaging each individual squad is incredibly overwhelming, maybe there could be a compromise there.
  11. Which is why I just stated they should not be compared in that way, they are trying too accomplish different things.
  12. I like APOS but it does not have the infantry depth of CM2, the infantry can have SOP's applied to them but how they carry it out is a little too random and unpredictable for my taste, especially in a real time only setting. Both games should not be compared as heavily as you are trying to do.
  13. I just had a T-72 B3's turret Kontakt-5 ERA stop a Javelin, this probably isn't common but it does happen.
  14. Just completed "Bradley Speedbump" and thoroughly enjoyed it, it really helped me learn how to develop an attack with proper reconnaissance. I lost a single BTR, a T-72 B3's kontakt ERA actually stopped a javelin miraculously and I only lost about 10 men, most wounded! Amazing scenarios Seinfeld keep up the great work!
  15. From the manual: "Note: We have artificially increased the passenger capacity of the M2 Bradley to accommodate a full rifle squad. In reality, a full rifle squad cannot fit in a Bradley, so there is a complicated cross-loading routine" That should answer your question.
  16. Merry Christmas BF I can't wait for all of it!
  17. Eagerly awaiting our annual "State of Combat Mission address"
  18. Maybe we will be treated with a Christmas miracle!
  19. I don't understand why you guys respond to criticism with this, why can't someone criticize the way the game is made on this forum, what makes it so different? Regardless of the way he articulates it which can be pretty blunt, saying things like that leaves no room for any kind of discussion on how the game could evolve even if you disagree.
  20. An understandable critique, I don't think we have seen everything going into bulge so far however. Wait for the pre order announcement outlining the features and additions in detail on the main website. If at that point there really isn't anything new gameplay wise than I too will be pretty disappointed, although CM is CM so I will buy it anyway.
  21. Good to have you back Michael, I am glad you are feeling better!
  22. I got panzerfaust girl in mine, I think were all tied 1-1-1, so far! Keep up the good work so far Cobetco, maybe throw Bil a Hamburger GI girl eh?
  23. Pre order isn't even here yet, although maybe that will be put up today.
  24. You've pretty much got it, direct fire with mortars or artillery is the BEST way. Alternatively if you have to use armor make sure its at least 3 tanks, that way that AT gun is only going to get one shot at destroying the before its overwhelmed by at least the other 2 tanks.
  25. That appears to be an M-10 or a slugger, the "bulge" on the turret is a counterweight, which actually leans more towards it being a slugger.
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