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Everything posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. You don't find Russian fighter aircraft flying without any transponders in civilian flight lanes, the least bit provocative or dangerous? There have been numerous close calls since last year when this non sense started, what happens when a Russian plane slams into a passenger aircraft, they already assisted in shooting one down last year. The media does not report it like they have violated the actual air space, of all the reports I have read about Russian intrusions they always mention they were in international areas.. I find it funny though that you deem it acceptable to fly nuclear capable bomber aircraft dangerously near various country's air space that just happen to be NATO and don't see that as provocative or threatening. I guess the U.S. should start flying B-2 spirits near the Russian border, daily, its not provocative, the air is just nicer around those parts.
  2. Even if everything you just said was the absolute truth it still doesn't make what Russia did "right" under any circumstances. Lets state the facts again, just so we are all on the same page. -Russia invaded and illegally annexed Crimea from Ukraine -Russia has equipped and sent its own soldiers to aid rebel fighters in eastern Ukraine in an illegal war that it still says it is not involved in, unfortunately for them the rest of the world isn't stupid. If what Russia did was morally correct, why not come out and say what they are doing and why? A large majority of civilian casualties and collateral damage in eastern Ukraine has been caused by Russian influence and equipment, from the artillery to tanks.
  3. There is no debate on whether this is all Russia's fault, once again people trying to defend this just dance around facts, New Zealand could be behind the previous Ukrainian leaders ousting and wouldn't matter one bit as long as Russia takes military action afterwords, there are no excuses. -Russian forces illegally invaded and annexed Crimea -Russian forces and equipment are being used in a war in eastern Ukraine Can anyone else imagine a talk like that between Putin and Obama? No? Yeah I didn't think so.
  4. It isn't a dedicated Combat Mission channel, but I was surprised to find this guy on Youtube with over 100,000 subscribers putting up a lot of CM content. https://www.youtube.com/user/DiplexHeatedHD/videos
  5. Holy crap that map is going to be a blood bath with that amount of troops. I CANT WAIT!
  6. Oh yeah it has nothing to do with the Russian backed invasion of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, and the continuing war cutting the country in half. Nope none at all, infact its the Americans fault!
  7. Squad is a rather niche game being developed by the old Project Reality developers, its only been 3 days and 1,700 backers and they already almost hit there first goal of 150,000$. I wouldn't underestimate peoples willingness to send money developers way if they are offering what they want. I understand Steve's position though. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/offworldindustries/squad/comments
  8. http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/05/27/us-ukraine-crisis-russia-military-idUSKBN0OC2K820150527 Looks that way, the Russians are massing unmarked tanks, artillery and APC/IFV's on the Ukrainian border again.
  9. Fresh out of High School not college...
  10. I'm not enlisted yet! I had enlisted 3 years ago when I just turned 18 and fresh out of college, but I had a medical issue I had to take care of...and a few other things happened in between. Hopefully this year I will be returning to MEPS and be well on my way to a wonderful life in the army. Speaking of MEPS...I think it might be the worst experience of my entire life, first time I went was a 4 hour car ride at 2 in the morning by my recruiter to Fort Hamilton (Who the hell thought it was a good idea to slap a fort under an overpass on Staten Island?), we get to reception and go through that whole process (With a marine herding us through the entrance, and of course he treated it like the first day of boot camp ). I finally get to the army reception desk and provide my information, unfortunately the army completely forgot all of my paper work at that time so I spent the next 3 hours waiting for a ride home. The second time was more successful, I got to stay in a nice 5 star hotel the night before getting shuttled to Fort Hamilton. I went through the hell that is physical testing, and got to experience people who couldn't duck walk for an hour, which was enlightening and unfortunately confirmed my worst fear that these are the people Ill probably be going too boot camp with. Alas I failed at a non critical medical test that I had to get fixed, it was expensive but now I am in a position to correct all that and rejoin. Oh and a turn is on its way hehe.
  11. If I remember correctly Steve has said that "reloading" means barrel swapping and actually reloading the weapon.
  12. Ironically that's my second choice MOS if I don't get radio operator, I might have some issues with that "full color vision" though, I am partially red green deficient.
  13. Apparently you need to be a 13F which is a fire support specialist, there are additional skills that you pick up that allow you to be a "joint Fire observer" and from what Ive read they communicate with Apaches. http://www.army-portal.com/jobs/field-artillery/13f.html
  14. This is off-topic but I blame Kohlenklau I still consider this to be one of the greatest scenes in military movie history, and the fact it actually happened makes it even better. "We havn't the proper facilities to take you all prisoner, sorry!"
  15. Thats great to hear, hopefully he will be back and posting again soon!
  16. Is it worth getting CMBB if I enjoy CM2? I am really itching to play some early Barbarossa scenarios, and CMBB seems to be the best wargame to play at the scale of CM and in that time frame.
  17. We'll also need other Strkers to carry the Strykers if they break down!
  18. It looks like only the commander or driver can see the tanks, that bush/tree appears to be blocking the gunner.
  19. What a riveting analysis, Fox News had a good segment on this I am guessing?
  20. This is where I am conflicted, on one hand I think its great that we pulled our forces out of Iraq, but I understand the argument and agree that it also caused militants to pretty much ruin it again. However, directly blaming Obama for it is pretty silly considering we all know who got us into the war in the first place and how. I think the question becomes how long do you want us to stay there even while the countries government was asking us to leave a few years ago. Having a garrison in Iraq isn't like having one in Korea, servicemen are still going to be killed and if the Iraqi's aren't going to fight for themselves after all the equipment, training and money they received from us the entire time we were there, why should we stay? Edit: I say conflicted but I lean way more to leaving completely, I figured I should say that.
  21. Welcome aboard emt, nice paint jobs and screenshots!
  22. There is infantry, and you can command them down to a fireteam, heli assaulting infantry is actually really fun, there is an entire scenario based around it.
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