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Everything posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. Unless you record with a 3rd party program during the game, no there is no way to review the action consistently. You could save the save files and load them to watch what happened however, it would be very tedious though.
  2. Amazing work from the both of you Kieme and BTR.
  3. I feel this is relevant even though it isn't entirely accurate.
  4. The place you took that picture from seems like a lovely ATGM position.
  5. Mast mounted sensors have not been added and probably won't be, that answer came straight from the top.
  6. You can't purchase units in campaigns or "battles" only in quick battles, so what you see is what you get in the Russian campaign and I believe there are a few missions with TRP's.
  7. Yet none of what you said matters because its a distraction, what Russia did is wrong, and I would be the first to tell you this country has screwed up plenty. America didn't invade Ukraine and cause what is happening right now though, sorry.
  8. I agree pretty much with everything you said there, but I do have a question. When you say Obama doesn't have a foreign policy, we are talking about something akin to an "Obama doctrine", right, like an overall strategy for the way we appear or act on things going on in the world? I agree that there is definitely no over-arching strategy and that is a valid criticism.
  9. We are on opposite ends of the political spectrum and I respect that but, honestly what should he have done to stop Russia from invading Ukraine? There are a few criticisms that I absolutely understand and agree with to a degree, in terms of foreign policy like the Syrian debacle which was honestly just a lot of words (AKA the "red line"), although we did get an agreement with the Russians and Syria to get rid of there chemical weapons. When I hear or see people saying that we have withdrawn from the world stage, I just can't wrap my head around a statement like that, I would love to hear some examples of this, otherwise it sounds like a Fox News talking point.
  10. The U.S. has no influence over the world stage anymore...right. This goes back to a point I made in regards to Obama making an angry face when he was talking to Putin, maybe than Russia would have backed off. There are far more intelligent people than I who would argue vehemently that we have far to much influence.
  11. Experience (Green, Regular, Veteran ETC) is how good units are at shooting, and how easily they break/cower when under fire. For example, an elite sniper team will kill a lot more people faster than a green one, and they can take some fire before becoming pinned down. This also affects to a certain degree how well they follow orders like when using cover arcs or hiding, less experienced troops may break a cover arc order and fire at units outside of them, while experienced units will follow it to a "T".
  12. I know that the original design for the Panther II was literally only adding on armored skirts to protect from ATR's. They realized just show stupid it would be to produce an entirely new chassis for the vehicle and just decided to add the shurtzen on to the original production hull.
  13. America of course... Oh wait, we are the HATO imperialist national fascist aggressors. Damn!
  14. The summer offensive has begun officially than I suppose, nobody saw this coming.
  15. So why do you think that the press only just now reporting this, because of the Ukraine situation? Or using logic and what NATO has been saying, the Russians have stepped up patrols and probes of international airspace with military aircraft recently to project power and try and make a point, that's why its reported on, it is happening far more often and there have been many close calls. I don't need to entertain you with articles or evidence because its only a Google away. Sorry there isn't a conspiracy against poor Russia, just a bunch of news journalists reporting on Russian fighter aircraft flying dangerously close to passenger planes, way more often they should be.
  16. Finally, someone with taste! PANZER VOR LOS! Hey look, I think I see our next Red Thunder module!
  17. I think my example got taken a little too literally, I don't want any of this to happen per se, I only meant that something drastic like that would bring people "around" to the facts of the war. Maybe.
  18. BRILLIANT MIKEYD! Oh man were going to make a fortune! Just wait until we have fully modeled crews...and cutscenes, Combat Mission will never be the same! We'll take the Japanese mobile market by storm, we'll start on OS and branch out to PC. *Ill split the money we make off of this with MikeyD 50/50, he did inspire it after all.
  19. I understand what you are saying, but I am not advocating for an invasion of privacy, obviously pictures like that would be up to the families. If anything my point with the coffins is that something of that magnitude would be required, I am not saying that it should be done. Hopefully this wasn't too poor of a choice as an example but I feel very strongly about this topic, as should everyone else in this country.
  20. Sorry Agusto I should have put these two points in separate paragraphs, what I meant by the coffins comment was that the American public should understand through that the reality and cost of the war, the blissful ignorance of where we are fighting is another problem.
  21. Its sad to say, but I think the only thing that actually gets through the thick head of the American public that we are at war was seeing those reports with the coffins coming home. People are so detached in this country its almost laughable in a horrifying way, I did a report on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars in my senior year of High School, at the end of the writing assignment we had to give a speech on our topic to the class. I had a few questions where my classmates failed to realize we were fighting in BOTH Iraq and Afghanistan, they were smart people too, and thats when I realized that we have a serious problem here. A bit off topic, but its already depressing enough that the level of veterans care in this country is so lacking as well, suicide rates are shocking and I highly doubt what I just typed above has nothing to do with it.
  22. How often do they appear to be intending to penetrate said air space, and need an Russian escort?
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