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Everything posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. Oh I see, I did use the word suffer in my first post, it was a poor choice as I don't feel as if I need vengeance against him, I suppose I got caught up in the "emotions" so to speak of what was going on. I am against the death penalty and I largely agree with what you have been saying.
  2. Yes you read that title right, I am looking for my very first PBEM game, here are the "rules" or honestly lack there of. -I have CMBN patched to 3.0 with MG and CM but I DO NOT have the vehicle pack - You can be any skill level, pound me into the dirt for all I care - We can use any force mix, and you get to pick the country you want to play and if you are attacking or defending - Preferable game size is small to a medium-small - I do have the latest version of CM Helper, however I'd prefer it if you started the game so I can get the ropes of how the program works -I can put up a lot of turns over the course of a day - Why did I put this offer here instead of the finder forum? well that forum is a bit "slow" so I figured it wouldn't be to bad of a crime to ask here. So whose up for it?
  3. Well that's what I mean, let him serve out the rest of his life in prison, I am not sure what you are disagreeing with in my previous post. Obviously nothing will bring back the dead or heal the wounded, but like you said it will segregate him from society.
  4. He should have gotten life, let him live with what he did and suffer in a 10x10 cell for the rest of his life.
  5. After the past few responses, especially from Moria, how can you say something like this? Its just unbelievable, I think you are the ignorant one.
  6. Functionality, UI and gameplay features cannot be modded in Combat Mission, cosmetics can though. Here is Kiemes fantastic vehicle skin, buildings, and uniform mods. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117795-kiemes-modding-corner/page-28 Scroll down towards the bottom of that page and you will find the master list. Waclaws great sound mod- http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118413-hqs-22-black-sea-shock-force-afghanistan-final/
  7. I see plenty of interesting discussions on these boards, you can't just use this thread as an example of something you don't like and say it applies across the entire website. I also don't see much chest thumping from either side, rather different perspectives and opinions born from different upbringings (Geographic mostly), if we can't have discussions like this we will never see the truth or understand eachother. I also admit that I do not know much of the kosovo war but I am learning things by reading posts from both "sides" and I do want it to continue civilly as it has been largely so far.
  8. Who needs public schools anymore, we'll just have kids log on to the battlefront forums for lectures by Steve and panzer here! Instead of going outside for recess, we will drill in Combat Mission, grades are dictated by casualties and objectives taken.
  9. Its a fantastic idea and it has been suggested before, hopefully one day we get something like this.
  10. Hold shift to make a circle target arc when the target arc command is selected.
  11. That reminds me of a quote from Gladiator that can definitely be substituted for America or the rest of the "western" world. "There was once a dream that was Rome. You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish... it was so fragile."
  12. Oh yeah I definitely agree with all of that, I addressed it in the following paragraphs, I figured I'd just add the other positive side of it, which is unfortunately overshadowed by what you have described.
  13. I find myself agreeing with your post up until this point. Did the Russian military commit horrendous acts as it swept Germany back to Berlin? absolutely. I don't think its fair to say that the parade represents all of that, I don't need to remind people almost 30 million Russians were killed throughout that war, the parade is as much a celebration of there sacrifice as it is there victory. HOWEVER, you can easily make the argument that is what the parade has turned into, a nationalistic celebration of the subjugation of the eastern European countries shortly after World War 2, one I can easily agree with at this point. Nothing is ever black and white, but I think the parade deserves a bit more context than your giving it, the most poignant moment for me was a little Russian girl saluting the Russian parading troops in World War 2 garb. Yes shes to young to understand the horrors of that war and the mistakes her country made, but its also a moment that in itself deserves some respect, she might not have been there if not for the sacrifice of those men and woman the parade is celebrating.
  14. Other than having them hide (Even than its not a complete guarantee), there is no way to reliably have them hold fire.
  15. Absolutely, the 17pdr was designed to be able to do just that, especially with that special APDS ammunition.
  16. The 17pdr AT Gun and the 17pdr mounted in the Firefly can easily penetrate a panther or Tiger at 700m.
  17. Hi Pat! You'll fit in fine around here, don't be afraid to ask a million questions, there are always people willing to help.
  18. It sounds like you or whoever is hosting needs to port forward.
  19. Its a shame, I have no issues with the Russian people, only there government. I wish both of our countries were a lot closer, Russia has the opportunity to join the rest of the world, but Putin doesn't care about that.
  20. I have the same problem as you, but I think the most important thing you can do is maintain your ability to maneuver, especially in a meeting engagement. Dropping smoke over half of that map or even a side at the beginning will screen your maneuvers. For example, on that map, dropping smoke in the eastern side of the river will allow you to move your armored vehicles into that eastern forest overlooking the bridge unmolested, establish most of your armor there. Now your enemy has to either attack you or completely forfeit that objective even if neither of you control it, with that position in hand you can maneuver your infantry into the objective. Obviously I am no expert but a plan is better than no plan, force your enemy to react, do not react to him, keep your tempo up and him off guard.
  21. In the context of that example sentence changing the "dynamic" of the office is akin to going from lets say an office where everyone is lazy to one where everyone is productive. Changing the dynamic of something indicates a major change in how something or someone operates.
  22. 76 Shermans, Fireflys, Hell cats, M10's and allied Towed AT are more than a match, you just need to get them into position. Against kitties like the panther a good flank with even a stuart will be able to easily knock it out, the panthers side armor is only about 40mm thick. Use artillery to bracket panzers so you can blind them by smashing optics ETC, and follow up with some smoke rounds to close with your own tanks.
  23. Oh man I think I will be picking this up, I need more physical books honestly, NOOK is convenient but there is nothing better than cracking open a book like that.
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