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Everything posted by AttorneyAtWar

  1. I hope you will regret your decision and come back in the future! ~S~
  2. "And, to be perfectly frank, if the virtual SS can't whup some serious ass I don't hold out any hopes for beating the AI with the Heer. Lol." Oh I see the problem now, the much "vaunted and "elite" SS couldn't destroy a lousy American sherman, well this definitely isn't the game you're looking for I'm afraid.
  3. This kind of thing is not happening as the "norm" stop trying to conflate the issue to fit what you think, most of the people here responding have been playing this game far longer than you and can probably count on one or two hands the amount of times this kind of thing happens. If you have read so many memoirs and battle reports from that time period than surely at least one taught you that war is hell and anything can happen. Chalk it up to that and move on, if not I guess you can ask for a refund after one "event" but I wouldn't put my money on it.
  4. Just incase anyone missed it here is Chris's stream from today! Enjoy and thanks again Chris! http://www.twitch.tv/chrisnd
  5. Its about mid-january and still no pre-order, are we on track still BFC?
  6. Wolfenstein:The Old Blood is a standalone expansion to "The New Order".
  7. Good fight Bil, definitely one of the more "different" AAR's, I won't lie In the beginning I thought you had this in the bag, but anything can happen.
  8. I would love to help test it dragon, I really enjoy all of your campaigns, bring it on!
  9. Amazing work, I am going to fire up a game just to try them out this morning.
  10. Whoops! I will edit my post, sorry about that.
  11. The Excalibur and XM395 shells are not laser guided, they are GPS guided. The XM395 is more innacurate due to the forces acting on a mortar shell compared to that of a howitzer shell.
  12. There is a German unit that is like the sturm grenadiers, its hidden in the armor only formations. Buy a sturm-artillerie brigade and you will see "begleit grenadiers", these guys are outfitted with a large amount of automatic weapons including STG-44's. They are from a special division that was involved in Bagration, the 78 "sturm" division.
  13. Think of the possibilities Steve, people paid 15,000 dollars for an internet space ship they might not get (No I am not kidding), let us buy CM: Normandy King Tiger edition for an equal price!
  14. Squad was pitched to a very niche set of tactical gamers based on Project Reality (A mod for Battlefield 2) and garnered 450,000$ on Kickstarter. It later when on to be released on (The S word in early access ) and made another 300K fully funding the development, which is awesome! Maybe someday CM can do the same... Don't shoot me, please. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/offworldindustries/squad/description Double edit: Funnily enough theres a thread over on there forums talking about people who play CM, small world!
  15. I'm sorry but a game running consistently at 15 FPS (which combat mission doesn't do obviously) is not acceptable in the year 2016
  16. 60 FPS is absolutely noticeable, heres a nice little website that shows what were talking about. http://boallen.com/fps-compare.html http://boallen.com/fps-compare-html5.html Edit: The second link is better.
  17. Only tanks and certain APC's launch multi-spectral IR blocking smoke, smoke launched by artillery does not stop thermal imaging.
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