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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. Weird missing one guy on the picture "a scraper" I forget it to put from editor probably ?? here are all the civilian vehicles and 3 originals carts or hancarts. PS they can be also added in others modern module like CMCW CMF2. JM
  2. i keep in mind an advertiser from years ago... "we love to entertain you" !! JM
  3. I think the hat is a little too square on the front but in blender the view was different ! Will see what can I do JM
  4. First time that I use another version of blender, this one is the 293.4 recomanding by @Lucky_Strike, but I dont know how can I have the uv s in the right windows Probably very simple but I dont find... thanks in advance JM
  5. New of the day ! Black Sea Wrecks Ok guys Christmas is on the door I propose you, my car dump again ... ...this is my introduction for the X mas package : Civilian veh Wreks (10) Military veh wrecks (30) You will be able to added some wrecks vehicles, from Neutral, Russian and Ukrainian, to yours scénarios maps and campaigns, in complement of the existing ones already in the game, via the editor, the only thing that I cannot do is, that they are burning, but some are already burned. This will be for the CMBS Representing Russian Ukranian, civilian vehicles. I took the system of @Umlaut exemple, with Flavour Objects, (FO) and for my part, this works perfectly. Ok all is not perfect but i gave my best, I spend lot of time to realized it and hope that you will enjoy it. The content of the zipped files is in details as follow. Russian Wrecks Ukrainian Wrecks Civilian Wrecks I don t include the Usa this time to keep the reallity. I don t include this time the decals impact details, that everybodys can use his own textures, and perhaps created themself impacts. Thus let's start. First you have to install the Editor buttons mods from @rockingharry For every (FO) 16 slots can be used in the editor. But to keep the original one always available, I will be starting with the Num 2 or later. I choose the following FO's. Cart or Hancart = Civilian Vehicles Aircon = Ukrainian Vehicles Drum = Russian Vehicles Thus, the procedure! >Put the FO's Folders of your choice in your Z folder >Let s start the game and go to the editor. >Load a map campaign or scenario >Click on the category of FO's Bin, Barrel,...of your choice, and the choosing number. >Check the 3d view on your map and place the wreck correctly, save it eventual in a different name as the original. >Then let start. Thanks to : @umlaut @RockinHarry @Lucky_Strike @TheFriendlyFelon @Bootie For some differents infos and tips supports. Mod will be available, on the CMMODs thanks in advance to @Bootie. =============================================================================== In th same way I am almost finish with CMRT PK2 FO's, also, for CMCW but for this last, I guess I will not be finish before Christmas. With only 14 vehicles for now. Same procedure as above but here we have the particularity with 2 different "kind" of country. West Germany town or used to West Berlin East Germany town or east Berlin. Thus Western Cars Eastern Cars To keep a touch of reality I was trying to keep vehicles from 1970 to 1980. Enjoy critics advices... JM
  6. No I think somebody put only on the forum place, to download but I dont remember who ? JM
  7. New on my page Just finish the first approach of Japan Offr hats ! critic reclamations... JM
  8. Just finish the first approach of Japan Offr hats ! I think the hat is a little too square on the front but in blender the view was different ! Will see what can I do JM
  9. @RockinHarry it was only a test with a track that I cut, to have only the part on the ground to have some relief, but not too much, and convert it in a famous FO perhaps we can do something about this YOU with your Genius perhaps you will find a way, but lilke I said it was only a test I dont have the knowledges required but if we can find something we can use of every tiles from the ground also crossing street... and dont ask me what effect in the snow..., is just to put some on a battlefield to have an effect of track and vehicles print this will of course not following the vehicles but this would let some traces, this will be great ... JM
  10. Because this is an Alpha version, I propose you @37mm that you are waiting to let me working on a little more, to added for exemple the off nco helmets (caps) that I am working now on, and perhaps also added the us helmets with chinstraps mix that I did this will give a real aspect to the us troops the chinstraps mix are not perfect, but I have a good wish to include it. I am also working to added some “Kamikaze”, using the feather helmet files, helping with the exelent and helpful mod from @MOS:96B2P (with his consent), that will added the possibility that japanish are wearing helmet or not, all is in the tube and in my head, perhaps not realizable with perfection, but personly I have also the wish and the mood to introduce it (but perhaps all will stay only in my mind). I can only say like I said in many time already, to see the advancing project and realization on this time of the Pacific theater from @LongLeftFlank that I keep a good remind, and take my hat off, of his gigantest job from years ago, taking in the lupe from our friend @Aquila-SmartWargames and realized with open arms, and details by another friend @37mm, that personly I admire the job,for his Heaven and Earth. Personly I am very happy that this remake see the sun again, I found this already rich of idea and capabilities, and hope very much to see more enthusiasm and support about it, If BFC dont seam to be interrested to it, but also perhaps see some interested peoples to make some news maps and scenarios, we can also include for exemple, some realized job from @aquila (again him...)with his little boat availble on his titnatest mod that he let us very kind a welcome copy. I think this mod could be useful to another model for another period very awaiting, that are the Korea war, but I dont have enough knowledge to realized it in details, I can only support it with a little job left or right like I do it now for this period of bloody war, (just knock on the open door). I know I write always (tooooo) much but let me added a last thing... My text will perhaps stay in darkness on the forum, but for the one s that are interested to see more about it, I would recommand to have minimum ten secunds to thinking about all efforts from all modders on the forum and the one s that stay always in darkness, but are also doing something for this community, to have a short thought about them, to the time that they are using their time to propose to everybodys a moment to change something to let you a smile, and enjoy it, this will appease, and let a smile to themself, the long hours that they have dedicated to realised the things that you have now in your hands. PS I hope that my text will be understanding enough, for everybodys including the bad use of the time in my sentences and the errors in my english text, but believe me... nobody is perfect but "en francais ca veut dire exactement la meme chose". JM
  11. I m not worry Phil so long you dont ask me to apply the ensigne in the middle... If you want I can working of the right one on the picture, just in case that we can need some Kosack for exemple... (but a propos this helmet, do you think this is the good version) ? I just donwload the helmets parts on your dropbPhill and I dont see the ensigne on the helmet ? Remember that YOU did another version of the helmet with this famous ensigne, in the middle can you check pls if you have it in your archives, I just check to me and this is the same as downloaded ??... you do always good job since longtime ago and the future, and I m sure this scenario will be also like ever... JM
  12. So the patch change already some bugs, and you did already some news modifs yourself, when you finish them can you provide a link to download it ? Or do I understand it wrong ? JM
  13. Just a question. Are the ani files the same for russians and usa or brits In case of movement and little actions? The differents weapons are for sure specifics of course. Most of the time the files are only a copy from modules to modules. So I dont know. In this way this will be easy to transfer from a game to another one. JM
  14. A plus one for this initiative Harry will be nice to have for all ww2 or minimum a correct one that we can make copy for the others JM
  15. New of the day After a long moment of talking about I present you for Chrismas my Wrecks vehicles for CMBS 16 russian 16 ukrainian and 11 civilian wrecks I dont include any decals that everybodys can use his own textures and created himself the impacts. I dont include this time the Usa wrecks to follow the actualities for the moment, later if this mod is a succes I will working on the Usa. I am not an expert to make some clips, but you have here an overview of all vehicles that will be present in the mod, I see that I have to resize some civilian one, next step will be for CMRT I hope to be on time before Christmas enjoy ! JM
  16. Hola guys awesome job again here, I am not actif for two days and I have to read a lot about you, but really sometimes you Lucky and you Harry when you give explanations you are too deep in the subject that me I cannot follow, sometimes too techniques, when you are talking about Meta and x plus z things, I try to follow but when you are not yourself in a project, you are lost and I am lost, have also to renove for Chrismas the home... so ! !... anyway the forum is on life and this is the most important, I am making a short vid for the CMBS wrecks but also complete the others modules, and was working also on the Jap Helmet, now that I am convert files with PS all is much better, soon I will give to Bootie, following by CMRT I hope before Chrismas. hey Npye are waiting so hurry up...(just joking) awesome job guys. JM
  17. need a place e mail adress... I will send by wetransfert ! JM
  18. Hopefully you could drink your coffe hot, and not search direclty to the files, in many folders, and have always your coffe, but cold when you found it... I copy always this files for allied and for axis, more time in differents folders this picures are light, most of the time it is missing on some models, but also the game ask from another models, that we have to go back in brz folders, this was the case by CMBS like hulls, interiors, weapons,... this is sometimes anoying ... JM
  19. Ohhhh !!! normal map online never saw this I was busy to test emboss, outline, relief... from paint but I wil try first your link !
  20. Beautifull screeenshots murnfull sadnes and destructions the real faces of war... JM
  21. Stephane @Falaise , where have you been ? welcome back, appreciated your comment, yes with the other trio they were and are aready making lot of news, benefic to a better future from CM, I hope that BFC will take some conclusions and make their found more easy to added officialy some of what they found. JM
  22. Thank you @RockinHarry, I made already one normal map with paint.net but like we can see the result is not what I was waiting, I will check if I cannot added more "bumb" with another procedure. JM
  23. Ok new try @37mm with the original mod from @LongLeftFlank renamed for the Italians ! blender view right uk airborne I guess that you are using in the frst screenchot ?? left the new japanish In game overview Opinion reclamation... if there are ok I will try to work on (off and nco helmet) cup JM
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