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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. Thanks you guys You and Lucky to help me with the bits and added infos, and also for the link about PS I will download it tomorrow and check this all in details ! JM
  2. Ok Lucky I will follow your advices and only for 2.79 is true that the new version are totally different. So I will delete this little text that have nothing to do with the thread. thanks again to your help JM
  3. ok I will check his thread about this but I want to show you something shortly I will delete the picture after !
  4. This is what I am trying to do, I check your advices and compare with the menus, and check the result in CM, but I precise most of the time when I convert a dds or tga file to bmp, one day Lucky one day... JM
  5. thank you this work now only change the color and pattern. JM
  6. ok I got it already also, I will check it in details to try to change the original from the model, all appears always black in CM I told you with converted dds or tga textures...thanks again ! JM
  7. can you send me the texture that I can check the file accepted by CM ? JM
  8. Very nice tell me how you are able to put the x+ textures on your tents...I am fighiting to find the correct ones blender accept the 24 bits with alpha but CM not when I put 32 bits with or without alpha CM accepts but impossible to apply in blender like blender dont reconised the file, I am lost with this procedure @Lucky_Strike explain me the correct way but this doesnt work with dds or tga files that I convert in bmp... grrr I could be finish with my wreck, but I am constantly in a trafic jump (whisper in my ears how you did) ... JM
  9. Dont worry friend, about the stuffs that I propose, I will try to keep my words, only about the dead soldiers is a little more complicated that I was thinking, but, also there I am working on... But probably I will first writting also a book about, "Mein Kampf" to manage better textures in gimp and blender, my daily fight JM
  10. The second series of Screenshots are really interresting and promoting I like better the ww2 series this is perhaps the reason. I would like to give full my support of this project, but I fall of a helmet model that for me is too complicated to resolve the overview. Also when @Lucky_Strike give me his full heart to help me, i am not able to change much of the model, this is why I propose to send you the stuff that I did, you can use what you judge interresting to added like minimum perhaps the straps, and covers, but probably keep the helmets that you did already, sorry to don't respond completly to my proposal, but for the time I try again to have a correct aspect of the helmet, only to inform you that not all is lost about what I do, and I keep my words. I will be very happy if you can change yourself the meshes of the helmet. Let me a link that I can send the stuffs that you see the first approach. JM
  11. They have probably more problems that we don't know about, and I hope that will be fixing soon, but fir my opinion, Is the first and last time that I make a pre-ordering, and waiting better to listening the first advices, critics, or whatever, from the announced product. JM
  12. Yes welcome in the club, CM games series are a drug, a drug that contaminated us, also when we are fan from another game we come always back to it, perhaps couple of years later, but we come back... and more now, that we are discovers a little more from the Iceberg ... JM
  13. Yes I recognise the spoon that I loose in an exercise from Nato but it was in the 80' (just joking) No, I mean You, are the archaeologist from the modern time, and Lucky with his telescope and his pencils or whatever, follow you added hus stuffs too, and take some notes and marking what you found like a good picture from ( Indiana Jones) .. JM
  14. Dig more Harry dig more, return to the past, this is again a very nice and helpfull link you and Lucky are archaeologists from modern time ... Now I will try it to see if this work also for me JM
  15. Very nice very interresting project we can do a lot of things with this I JM
  16. Yes I love it too we can place one or two exhaust to have some smoke, you have only to ask "the workers" to work a little more quick to see the smoke outside in the town... JM
  17. So that mean soon, that Squads have also to check cellars in buildings, and not only ground floor... Very nice find Harry, since you are back everydays with Lucky supported by Nigel, the forum in full of news things and this is nice to follow yours researchs like... 2 passioned archeologues ! ! Dont understand why BFC never commented this thread, finis les petits secrets !! JM
  18. whoaw I like the details of this picture, and I like all others pictures and movie that you did and will do, in fact I like all what you do JM
  19. Did you find yours real British guys now ? A propos British and Canadian, are they using the same gear, belt, backpack...I saw some pictures where the canadian were using another material without backpack but with all around them on a beld, little pouch...I will check where I have this picture !! JM
  20. But I wish also that they can make an update to be compatible with the "news sytem". JM
  21. CMA use another system not really compatible with the others modules, this is why they will not make an update, except the vehicles that we can sometimes replace to another game, ...my opinion. JM
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