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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. You know more than me about that, when you have already a later version, I have to take some view about it also, probably after finishing my big mods, I dont like to go in bed with something that I dont know. JM
  2. Phil explain in a thread how he did but I dont remember I think about afrika mod or like this... sorry don t remember ! JM
  3. Not me, Phil with a software not really open it but reconize and change it ! https://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/ And probably you too now ! More infos http://www.flexhex.com/docs/howtos/hex-editing.phtml JM
  4. Lucky this is exactly what I want to say... But in my way not "really British" And PS Nigel don't feel stupid about this stuff - it's not easy and none of us are experts, mostly we just get results by trial and error this I forgot JM
  5. My opinion, this will be a pleasure to take part of your project, but first in the taste that I am proposing, you have only to give me the name of the helmet that you choose to use for the Japanish soldiers, with this one I will try to make differents models. Phil have a good knowledge in the mds files, for the time I am novice in this. Then you have Kuli with voices and knowledges of terrains if I remember well, sorry I am not home now... Then probably the participation from Lucky and Harry perhaps frenchy and probably more guys...So I think this could be a nice project to support you. JM
  6. I am not home now but what I can say is you cannot import mdr file in another version of blender as the 2.79b by another version there is a specific procedure with the command append, but this is for later... So first install blender 2.79b then the add-ons from Sobovovich sorry for the name than you will be a step already far... More later or waiting for ours guys to have more instructions. JM
  7. Yes he did one Phil, and already something very interresting and we can download it by CMBN section, then a couple of years later @Aquila-SmartWargames was making some change in graphics and I think also terrains. That you can also download on his page by the big 2 or 3 Gigas. Perhaps @37mm can pick up something for his new version ? JM
  8. Me too I can try the Japanish helmets, I did already the US with straps,also for airborne, Australian... and last time the Danish for Umlaut. JM
  9. Hm hm Harry is the other guy me I am only JM or is the name Harry also giving in England like bud, cheer, guy, budy... JM
  10. Immersion total, very nice, you have to put "an exaust" on the top of the loco to have a little smoke or much smoke when you rename the file that was doing Lucky in another post ! JM
  11. whoaaw is very nice not only the ruins but also the sky, the soldiers, the pavement, or street, the things in the street, the fences, the, the, the, ... all is beautiful with a good reshade I will try later but I m sure to dont have this beautiful effect I have to reinstall the reshade first thank you to share it ... JM
  12. Ah FOs !!! I have a exel file somewhere I have to check where I put and let you know ! JM
  13. Hehe nice try I was playing the axe and they took some hits then I took the place of the allied and they were more strong, the problem is the smoke that hidding the target very quick but is nice to see that they can fire from the roof... this is my opinion ! JM
  14. I saw something that dont exist in cm... I was thinking for the cold and dirty time like I saw a picture of dirt and mud, for exemple before come the snow in CMFB, and in the region of @RockinHarry were working a lot with "You enter in Germany", to created something "for the cold" (joking)... Ok ok we dont have Brat Pitt here, but we have already some "warlords players" on the forum... Bluffing isn't !!! hahaha Pity that with helmets we have always a problem that the model take only one texture. !!! Dont worry, this will not appear in the wreck mod ! JM
  15. Thank you, very much Aquila, to be honest, I don t feel me really as a good modder, because I have some problems sometimes to apply textures, but more as "a guru" with the devise, "this will works this will not works, we will see", but is very kind of you that you see some of my abilities to mods, anyway, the light on the forum about the 3d, came, because of you, happy that more often now, we have sparks very welcome from news modders, handling terrains, scripts and the 3d in general. JM
  16. Here is a short comparison from Soviet or Russian materials from BFC Page in CM, if this can help !
  17. Who else as our Lucky guy, the master of the Nature. Harry, your pictures are really nice and seem to be real, is really a wonder to use correctly the famous Reshade, when you have a good knowledge of a good setup ! JM
  18. Thanks you @Lt Bull to post, my blame, here, you can find Ideas Opinions and Projects that we can discuss about, also members can eventual explain what they would like to see, I will put my brain to realised it. When stuffs are ready I shake hand to Bootie to put on the correct place. Sometimes things in the link in my signature but this has to be updated, sorry for this inconvenience. I try that all is ready for Christmas with news wrecks packs in the model of the RTPk1 already on CMMODs for Allied, Axes, and Civilians or mixed vehicles and stuffs. @RockinHarry, found that we can added now not 9 Flavour objects (FOs), but 16, where a mod of buttons created from himself, is necessary to see all categories of FOs available, that I recommand to everybodys to download it, and say thank you, Harry also for the link. This is a huge job, and I need more time to realized it, but I m never without, news ideas, so, just wait... Bigs Packs will come for : CMBN, FI, FB, RT, CW, BS, nothing this time for SF2, but is perhaps possible to pick up some stuffs, from BS, or CW, for Russian material minimum, any Ideas? Thanks again to all yours supports guys. Voila voila JM
  19. Thank you this is nice to listening ! JM
  20. Hi Mark thank you to this greeting, tomorrow I will starting again, I have also to pick up left and right some models on the net, I see that the thread is full of news ! Continue guys this is nice to see enthusiasm. For today I go to bed the trip was long ! JM
  21. Thank you, guy, nice to see you and appreciated your comments, soon the wrecks pack will come out for almost all CM games ! JM
  22. First I was thinking this is a picture from CMx1, and I was surprise to see beautiful vehicles that I was thinking well CMx1 was not bad at all, untill I check correctly and see the soldiers, and recognized this is well from CMx2. Not bads graphics to present only a little strange on the first approach. JM
  23. Je te remercie infiniment mon brave Lucky.. I am sure I am not the only interrested about mds files, I know already one guy and this is... tic tac tic tac... This begin by @ frenchy and ended by 56, bingo @Frenchy56I am sure when he will read the post or another guys they will try, hope only that whatever guys that find the solution will be kind and share it. Couple of days and I am home...I will try the link...I will try the link... JM
  24. must be possible we can do a lot and replace it. flavour object are really welcome ! I have a truck with fences, in my wrecks, ... waiting to be delevering ! JM
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