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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. Thank you very much Lucky to your complete analyse of this job, seieing in details now, I see the problem, just apologyse to make you so much time to see all the details and thanks to resolve it, all these files that I took are in fact clean, and this is only a simple moment to apply a good link between the material and the texture. His fingers are a bit sausage-like and he's about 8ft tall but otherwise it'll work. About the the sausage finger, and the size,I dont care too much the mesh was already like this, this is only a detail for me, so long I can import it correclty and completly in the game, I can eventual come back to this little problem of meshes later, anyway, this guy is already dead. Merci mon ami JM
  2. Yes I know 16 bits is a wrong way and I said this also. When I saved some files I did some file with and later I added myself an alpha chanel when I saw this was not working. All files bmp will have the specific way to be saved 24bits R8...that you can compare. Give me some min and I will put the link in my signature that you can have access, to the blend file "naked" (without textures) because there is no texture when you download it. And all the pictures saved in bmp 24bits t hat I did myself that I want trying to use it for the textures. Sorry that you loose your time to explain. JM
  3. So guys I was making new test again I save my pictures myself from PS in because I dont see any change when I use online and try than in the game. All save are (NA no Alpha Chanel) I try also 16bits when I know this is wrong ! I see that I have only 8 possibilities the 16 and 32 bits are not accepted by blender see picture 24bits NA 24bits with A 16bits NA with a yellow underline 16bits with A a yellow underline 24bits R8 24bits with A 32bits X8 with a yellow underline 32bits X8 with a yellow underline so I have only the choice of the 24bits For infos the model appear in the game black but when I press alt R for shader, the model appear black and grey so perhap is an infos, I read again and again yours advices but nothing is changing so I dont know what I can do?? I am lost !! if you need to test yourself tell me that I put in my link Corner ! Thanks in advance JM
  4. Ah thanks Harry to clarified, yes some darks point that we didnt before are more clear day by day, such deep research are really usefull, but we have to grab sometimes also the "forgot" mods availabe in the CMMODs III. JM
  5. So right ! I saw, just an icon from the battle pack, plus of course, the folder that you have mentioned. This system avoid lot of mistakes and give you a better view. Thanks again JM
  6. This cannot be CM, this is a lie, all is only propaganda, but so nice and incredible realist job from Lucky assisted with Harry and Nigel, simply wonderful. JM
  7. oK Lucky thank you yes I will work with a check list ! Also about install patch RT with our brz system...!!?? I was reading that you say that not too much have to be changed ! JM
  8. Erwin me I am searching a mod from a guy that was making a Us Mp ww2 but I thing never be posted as mod for everybodys !!?? JM
  9. Yes Lucky you can drink more beer you deserve, in the way that you explain you can shake hand to Harry. I have to read line by line all and slowly, is not really easy to reconized a file, sure is I dont use more Gimp to convert in bmp, I will take yours and Harry advices as the red line that I have to follow. I was using the files that you converts but all appear again black in the game, so I will make more test and read again and apply yours advices to see why. Thanks again to explain in details but more the time that you take to spend to explain. JM
  10. Blue vs blue Red vs red, !! ?? I would like to know how can you guy s, decide or minimum, propose that such stuff s from RT or FI or whatever can be used for another period of war, are you checking the composition, weapons, vehicles or season first or the Toe s... hey, ! me I have two wishes since longtime ! Yougoslavia Period ! Arab Israel Period ! So I am awake of all yours words in Korea or whatever ! JM
  11. Frederic the Great seam to say a sentence "Berliner, look of these town" ! saying years later...but for another explanation, (Herns Krauter) ...schaut auf diese Stadt... JM
  12. I love really your specifics places the details are really importants very good job ! JM
  13. Thank you very much Lucky but how you did with PS, Paint, or online with the converter that you give the link ? I would like to be able myself you know, so.. I can convert tga or dds to png than to bmp ! and I optain a good result ? OK I wil try myself I have a lot in these format. So you are one with a good soul JM
  14. @RockinHarry or @Lucky_Strike or another good soul ! I put in my JMs Corner down my signature a link to a folder with name WagonCran I have some problems to convert tga and dds I am trying to apply a texture that I am converted with paint net but also the PS version that I have in 24bits. the file is a tga file that I try to put in bmp for CM but the game will not reconized it again, all appear in black in CM when you have time can you eventual check it ? the name of the object is WagonCran I could import export in mdr name cart11 but cannot Import the bmp that I let a copy outside the folder. Files that I want to include are Tx wagonCran B BM.tga Tx WagonCran B Broken BM.tga Tx Tx Signboards BM.tga all inside the folder Materials is original but only the files above are for me interresting. Perhaps exist a certain way to convert dds or tga files, but the version of PS dont give me more possibilities, perhaps with a full version ?? So guys pls give me one time a model of procedure, that I can do it myself later ! Thanks in advance JM
  15. sad that I couldn t do it in 3d, cigarett give a bad aspect to a soldier because a soldier is always supposed to be in good health, but in reality a lot of soldiers smoke it's a way to distract yourself to think about something other than the war, and a little bit to feel surrounded by friends and to be part of "a family" when you are alone and in the same **** together. JM
  16. Check, ...I was making also a smoker face, in my US Armor Infantry mod JM
  17. In fact BFC do things that they are not use in the game, I think 9 or 12 faces are in and only 5 are used, is a little anoying when you dont know this, and make mods about faces, you are working for nothing, idem with helmets... JM
  18. this must be typical american, I don't understand ? Funny, I was searching what kind of cigarett they were having on this time, finaly I dont put any in the mod... JM
  19. Yes I know I discover this when I made the Indian airborne ww2 mod ... JM
  20. Goebbels last toys ! yes old and tired nice but perhaps 2 or three differents faces will be better? If we could have access to mds fles we could also created "Pimpf" with differents size peoples and "younger maddels" with hair in braids! JM
  21. I know now when I do something wrong with textures (and I do almost everytimes...) that somebody can do it better as me when, he dont forget to send me the new result ! Perhaps you can send me some tips and better way to work with them this will highlighting your job ! JM
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