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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. Nice pic but British is not But yes we want have some news only. Cheers
  2. Thank you for the kind words "I mis-read your post as saying it's in the titty-tag" Our mind play sometimes with ourself, we read a text quick but our mind interpret differently... Nobody is perfect Cheers
  3. Ok ok, I was probably a bit started by the evening, too much tapas probably, (just check the time to understand) So peoples, what can be small or tall, big or thin sad or naughty...nothing else as a human we all on the forum guys, so different that we are but only HUMANS... Every time that we want to wish a good year to peoples, in a common way, for exemple to a forum, we say "Happy new year to everybodys". Me I transform this "Everybodys", by "You can be small, or tall big, or thin, happy, or sad, kind, or naughty, ...this evening of course, my thought was "I wish you ALL Happy new year" ! in the tag text we have the name >happy new year< ...this is why I said all is in the tag tittle, But, check the time that I was dig my brain to searching a simple text, and hope that everybodys will understand. After a certain time, I was wishing to delete this text, but it was already no more possible. I was but I know is a long story for only one word, sorry, I will pay attention next time, so we meet us next year on the same time ! You know guys that I am always a little crazy sometimes. Cheers Friends
  4. Then let flow the mad man, some members of the forum, will understand, that is just a hope to recieve something new from BFC, like anonced months ago, and explaing softly, and grateful to have a man like Elvis, divaguation and 007...? is probably your domain, your imagination to understand something is probably herself coded. Cheers
  5. Hehehe a touch very welcome ! Enjoy the news things ! Say thanks to @Aragorn2002 with the red cross truck, idea is from him. Cheers
  6. Yes I know @Bootie that we can count on you, it was a bad moment to send you ! Cheers
  7. Hi Josh, I was missing this thread and is a lot to know, you and Lucky are doing very beautiful and interresting things Lucky and Harry are really guysto have it in your pocket. I will check in details all this thread to know a little more, in fact I was not reading, all I was too busy with my own... Hope to see more about you ! Cheers
  8. Just woaaw @NPye more i dont have to say ! wait a minut... Grandiose, splendide, yours textures are really a must on this game, but keep also your imagination, this is our key of news that we can added news things, let us see more of your imagination you know that the detail make alway the difference ! PS wrecks PK2 are in the hands of @Bootie since...yes since...but this is holliday time, and this is understanding. Cheers
  9. @BFCElvis Happy new to you, (Elvis, the guy that is always the first that we are "hitting" when something is "wrong on the forum", but also is an happy guy that everybodys love, because He is the "key" to ours "many problems". I would like also that You tell us this about BFC news as bone... Cheers
  10. You are welcome @WimO we love what we are doing you with detailled scen and camp and buildings, me with detailled things that nobodys think about, but we have a common thought like everys modders here and this is all to ours favourit game CM and peoples that appreciated what we are doing. Yellow gloves look like sometimes, that the soldiers were dip theirs hands in a stiky glue, but theirs have already some protection, what I am very happy is the shell dressing that I could added, I think this is the touch of the touch, and also an approprieated haircut regarding to my mods untill now ! Be happy and please prepare us some scenars from your country and ours britishs brothers and polen, because soon I will take the Can Bri pol airborne, under the magnifying glass, and do similar as the us airborne... Have fun with them, let me know is something is wrong, never too late to apply a modifs. Cheers
  11. A good pack of mixed uniforms, as well some vehicles signs, a nice choice, Just one thing, is a detail but the bridge seem to be without snow ! But all the rest is nice waiting for it Cheers
  12. A good and happy for you too guys, although the 10 seconds are long past I I give you the solution ! Yes @RockinHarry you are righ @waffelmann it is the A1 and and, is A is the front. I imagined this little game because, myself, I was wrong with the German soldier, this seem to be easy but everybodys can be wrong, but with the English soldier I can see the small and large pocket on the pants, small pocket which is on the front and on the right, and large pocket which is also in front but on the left, so space without pockets and on the left, is the right solution. In there is a tradition on the new year Before 00 oclock, we have to eat (swallow), 12 littles grapes, to keep the a good health happiness all the year 1 grape representing one month, some little cans of grapes are already prepare for this! But perhaps anothers country have also this tradition, I dont know, anyway a real spanish guy will explain more as me. I was for years in Canada and the tradition was to eat a dishe with black pea, and pick up hot coals at night, strange but every country have his tradition. This is why I imagine the 10 secondes but i was wrong, i want to writting 12 sec, it was my last joke from 2022. Cheers
  13. CMBN???,... rob, true is because YEIG is playing on the CMFB period, but it was before BFC introduce it as new module, this is why I was thinking this is from CMFB. Don t worry about a screenshot is not necessary, just enjoy your game. Is a pleasure to introduce something new when you see that they are used. Cheers
  14. Thank you @WimO for your last update and the mountains of scen camp already finish, but also to the "obstinacy" for CMBN, like you, my favourite I hope you are using the Airborne mod that I did Cheers
  15. "A year in a not good way" I hope you came back to us in good health ? Cheers
  16. CM Forum is a place that we leave...but early or later come always back, so welcome back Bud. Cheers
  17. Edit Just a minut...are the Dragon theeth already in CMFB ??? Can you eventual post a screen of destruct teeth ? Cheers JM
  18. Just a simple little quist Guys ! where is the right leg on this picture representing in the game of CM ? That you have to apply on this picture !!! ??? You have 10 sec to answer....time go now ! Cheers
  19. Well Erwin If "dismembered or blow to piece" this is "NOT a GORE version " I doubt a little I have already some pieces of meat see pictures with civilians ! Cheers
  20. Dont worry this is also the way that I understood the text, this is why I put "We understand us" ! Cheers
  21. We understand us...next will be a Brit than an Italian to complete my set allied axis falling soldiers, first posture, with possibility to use them gore or not. Cheers
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