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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. I think 16 possibilities for each Flavour objects is a very good news for me, and all that are working with FOs, but is true like mentioned this will be more easy to have one categorie for a kind of subject. For exemple now you can created 16 vehicles with the FO name "vehicle" hitself, without changing nothing in the name, ...that personly I never thinking about, imagine how much differents objects you can created now, of course you have to make a choice and let the used one on the good place, but for exemple "pallet" for Normandy is present in the brzs files but not in the editor, I keep this in my mind because this was the FO that I want to use for my dead bodies, and I was surprise because I have to choose another one and change the name also, but there are some more not used in the game or not present, but I dont remember now, anyway nothing is lost because we can created more with ones that are not used in the game. Nice will be also that we can have "a level control of fire, and not only of fire but also, "burning things" and not only for vehicles, but vehicles like me with the wrecks that we could have only a smoke, a little fire, or a big one dangerous bonefire...just dreaming ! Seeing the success that can have FOs, I think that BFC would introduce more in future module. JM
  2. Perhaps, but I dont see to you the efficient good black smoke its a shame... This is the big boss ! JM
  3. Yes I know like you the story of the brzs, that you give me a copy of yours "empty" brzs after of course reoganized them in folders, we were talking about this a long time and personly now I am working with folders like mentioned above, for every CMs games that I have, but I keep again the original brz full because I found sometimes, that the game take long to load on the beginning but is perhaps only to me, we were talking about in the past. Is this always the case to you, are you always working with "empty" brzs, or you are comming back to the original ones ? I recommand this folders system, to every CMs players to see more clear where is what when you are searching a certain kind of files, that you dont have to unpack all yours brzs, but this demand a little organisation and certainly, no fear to do something wrong for the good running of your game. For furthers updates I don t see any problems if we are using this system, so long we are respecting the "order" of news added brzs when an update is available. ... In case of update I guess that the game copy only the news files, and replace it by the news ones or he do more as that, how work exaclty an update or a patch ? JM
  4. to be honest Harry I have to read 2 times yours very detailed explanations about buttons to understand it, and probably one time read again when I will be in the front of my desktop, because for the time I am reading and writing with phone and all is little... But all is there very good detailed like mentioned above, and havet to be followed step by step like explain, a very good job, that you did. another difficulty that personly I found in the game, you dont see any FO that you added on the map without coming to the 3d preview, we can perhaps added a sign the number of FO, or perhaps the shape from the added object, just an idea ok we can move it or deleted it, on the 3d preview this is perhaps the reason... JM
  5. Ough ough ough cough cough !! Splendide thank you Lucky, what do you think about ? The pink color is because the shader or something else I guess, is only to you this is an effect of shader...? Intro of music is also nice ! Merci to take the time friend. JM
  6. Yes Harry very nice very welcome because of you 16 wrecks vehicules can be created instead 9 a very nice find. mean that I let one or two original flavours objects in case we want use it, but already 14 are availables by each FO. Thus I did 14 axe 14 allied and normaly 14 civilian veh., but with the last one I will mixing ! Without you never we will know the maximum of objects we can added. Home sweet home... JM
  7. No chance to show a short clip when you turn the gaz of your monster ? I am so exited to see this on my PC!!!! Lets say when you have time only, dont want to disturb too much your job ! JM
  8. We have only one life we have to take all profits. JM
  9. This is really the effect that happend when you rename it ? you rename it as well Harry ? ...then the (TUV)* will no more accept any vehicles on the street. I dont know the name in english but this is : * Cie able to accept or refuse a vehicle driving on the street (polution, breack,...). JM
  10. Lets say, sun, tapas, ham, beer, cheese, and Tinto de verano (red wine with lemon or orange) ! I am always in Spain but to another region, the Mediteranea...need blender and gimp, need blender and gimp... JM
  11. Whaoooww, Yes this is what I want to have longtime ago...don t tell me guys, this is not much better like this, hope now that the burned vehicles don t have white smoke !!! I would like to be 5 days more older as now, or having a laptop, next time I keep mine I take notes in my phone that my loving woman ask me always what are you doing adn find that I am a little nervious, grrr I keep my mind for later home... just joking, guys, my girl friend and me enjoy a lot with dogs and the nature, not Your Nature Lucky, we need all to cut the habbit sometime...! Allez allez, I will check the last news on the forum, Guys your are making a revolution with all yours stuffs hope to see a mod pack soon. JM
  12. Lucky I am unhappy now I don't have computer boooo! I was checking the long text that Harry send me a link (also find some Chinese word's but a little more clear now about this kind of files... So when I am home I will working on, this is for me a good warm up and take good notes, some days again and...I will push the button again, first the nature... JM
  13. Very nice job they are looking good. You did also a conversion from heavy tanks ? This is also my first hope to see next module with brits ! JM
  14. I was trying to change in black the file foam.tga (grey) In this time I dont use gimp and was making with paint net without good result so I don t try untill now ! Perhaps is this the solution changing the foam.tga from grey to black ? Nice wil be that we find the file used by burning vehicles... just an Idea. There is dudv_map.tga foam.tga (grey) also some files .frag I guess for fragmentation ? shader.vert Vertical, vertice ? no forget vertice some nvidia.vert .frag JM
  15. I was trying to change the colour of the "smok" from the engine more black (because a tank make more black), but I couldn't do anything... I guess this have to do with the famous files shaders .frag .vert that I don't have any knowledges. JM
  16. CNTRL-Z is a must to know almost everywhere is used also in ps gimp... but in blender is a necessity also make x copy of your jobs to avoid bats moments or crashes ... JM
  17. @Lucky_Strike @RockinHarry @NPye Hold down guys you are making a lot of beauties here, supporting by @Warts 'n' all comments and infos. I don't need news paper in Holiday I have the CM Forum. There is so much to read and to check only of this threat that I hope to don't missing nothing, but hope also that a mod pack will see the light one day. @Aragorn2002 yes I am working on the dead bodies don't worry but is difficult to apply some textures because the models dont have any, I will let you a view after the holidays. Crossing fingers to yours job's guy's ✌ JM
  18. Very nice screenshots and satisfactions to see some of my wrecks in the street, soon @Bootie will have a lot of work with news ones @NPye make beautiful movies on the forum, to others threads... @Lucky_Strike and @RockinHarry are making a revolution with news stuffs I hope to see all from these guys wonders. JM
  19. You and Harry are making lot of stuffs interresting for now, nice to see a train moving on his rail, with what are you becoming it, ? I guess, with the vehicle ready in CM like Opel Kadett ? You know that you can use lot of vehicles "movable" when you replace it from the opel Kadett as name (vehicle) ! I was making some test with the tractor and excavator in CMBS and its work ! JM
  20. Really nothing about you or your Avatar, was only a joke,...well admetting a black one sorry but with the time you know me (I hope you feel better guy) ! JM
  21. Impressing test, sad that the ground is not affected this must stay normal a crater by these explosion, nothing to say about you Harry, is only about the system of the game and effects, but I hope that we can added your job in a future mod. Really interresting what you created with Lucky and the wish of Nigel ! JM
  22. You present ancient coins that you found, ...while building the minefield and teeth obstacles. But Probus already has a similar sign as avatar so he is more rich as you... ok was a bad joke. I m gone JM
  23. Nigel just some input about your battlefield and infos about Berlin, I saw that one of the last fighters, were a part of Charlemagne Division, here is a video. Do you know, if somebody was making already a mod of this unit? JM
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