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JM Stuff

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Everything posted by JM Stuff

  1. No chance Lucky, @Probus was the first. JM
  2. Guy's the new module from BFC CMFBB is not far, the Brit are coming Hope they will include some news stuffs that you and Harry and more... are working on. JM
  3. Hopefully the Brits are coming JM
  4. very nice thank you, and the mod seem to be also very interresting I will check it in details home, this will change the "boring way" to the usual textures that I did alsways, and be more close to Lucky burned aspect objects ! JM
  5. This is why I write ...Sorry to all members that I could forgot to let a presentation. I think is understanding that I cannot put every names I was trying to put one guy by categories... JM
  6. Nice Infos Harry are you thinking to change the original "wire" mdr models in a circle model...? JM
  7. All of them that I can make as wrecks when I come back JM
  8. On the moment that, Lucky and Harry are working hard, (Greeting guys), I am on holliday, so I cannot work on CM, but happy, I have some crazy moments for now. We have all a capacity ! @sbobovyc Created a key on github and very kind, give it to us, but on the moment, nobody find the door that can be open. @Aquila-SmartWargames Turn the key in the door and let us discover a treasor. @Mord The guy with thousend faces, let us always with open mouth,... hope to see his, one day again. @umlaut Go and back but never let us without a big welcome job. @Lucky_Strike Made us the nature better as the Nature itself. @RockinHarry Destroy buildings and put things, to block us the way. @Falaise Working with his wonderful time machine, and Seasons. @Frenchy56 Find always something, that ours eyes never saw. @kohlenklau Oncle Koh, open his history book and created us in scenars, with a touch mods, we have only one Phil. @Erwin Is drowned in megabytes, but, comments very kind and answer to everybodys all the time. @Kieme(ITA) Build and build buildings of every sauce. @Warts 'n' all Come and go from another galaxy, but give us very welcome comments... when we understand it... @NPye Was probably present himself in Berlin, I doubt...and let us some pictures from his past. @Aragorn2002 Dream to created a master map, something that he has really in his heart. @LongLeftFlank Prepare us sometimes something from his magic potion. @chuckdyke @waffelmann @Bubba883XL talk about all and everywhere. @Bulletpoint Share his time always between us on the forum, and the Fgm. @benpark Let us always with a knowledge more day by day very appreciated every time. @Bootie Check with his open eyes all what we are doing, and be happy to keep all in his pocket. @Artkin Like to created and grab and grab... always today. @JM Stuff Try to find something that nobody were thinking about, but not always with a good result... @37mm Think about all what we are doing, created himself and make a collage with all, to let us a smile. @Combatintman @Phantom Captain@The_Capt Are always happy and impatients and smiling already to tests new things on the forum. @Baneman Go and back, but his presence is always welcome. @Bud Backer Let us stop to play a CM game, to watching his books. @Haiduk @kraze and more... Talk about a better Russian Ukrainian moment. @Battlefront.com And Steve is happy to have all his little members, that can make his game, living for a long long long time... Sorry to all members that I could forgot to let a presentation. I want to added that, my text is in no way a form of criticism, and hope to don t have hurt anyone, is not my art to be, but let only a smile on the forum. JM
  9. Thank, do you mean "hexedit" the editor from the game, or the freeware sorry I am not an expert to created maps and scenarios...? JM
  10. All hope devotion wishes admiration is in, is when we are in Blender, I tell you guys this is a sickness, strong as the Covid and healthy... Very nice I like really much all Ideas pictures from Harry NPye and the finish models from Lucky, all wishes of each others, I have already some of these pictures in 3d have only to import export in mdr, so if I can help with, just tell me... Nice also your new avatars NPYe almost not recognized you Soon I will present you my news wrecks and more for almost all modules,bn fi rt fb bs, bs give me a lot of works, but when you have some wishes tell me that I can added... JM
  11. Differents sizes will be also welcomes, you didn't take a look of the link that I send you ? Anyway a very good common job ! I am busy with news wrecks for the time, but later I will have a look of new obstacles, I like very much the differents pictures of things that we can eventualy created. JM
  12. Woaw lot to read and to admiration here, I go one day and the world changing, congrat to both of you @RockinHarry and @Lucky_Strike, with this job we will have another mod vers2, to "enter in Germany", new stuffs and full destructible... good job guys ! JM
  13. Now go play with some dragons teeth - grab Harry's map up above and take them for a spin. funny bird ! In case interrested here is a link for differents sizes of teeth 1 to 6 but you have to downloading check for the licence but I think is free you have only to mentioned the name to the owner. I guess the produce is "blank" and without textures https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2787221 JM
  14. ...et il s'enfuit sur son cheval blanc, laissant derriere lui, maintes, empreintes de son travail bien fait. and he fled on his white horse leaving behind him many traces of his work well done. ok back to the topic I will try to give you a dragon teeth that you can make some tests...
  15. I don´t quite understand what you attempt loading or installing with your Blender 2.92 My old 2.79 was in mode "cycle render" that I dont see directly, and I couldn t no more working, this is why I was trying to working on another vers, but like you I will come back to the 2.79 when I work for CM, I am more familiar. Edit > Sorry forget to precise that wast to working with the addons md3 like explain above not the mdr files... You have a nice clear interface is nice to work in this way. Effectively you have a lot combine datas and you are working differently as I do, but the result is the same, and this is the most important. Are you yourself working and created scripts with Python? This is a plus point to know scripts. You dont have any problem with textures, sometimes the mdr ask to have the correct textures, otherwise he dont want to save it correctly ?... Nice job you are now fixed with your job done... JM
  16. Yes is also new for me I was talking about a new vers that I could use yesterday this is the vers 2.92 I have also to starting the new interface, and lot is changing vs the 2.79b where I am also very familiary, but because the addons that I was trying to import in the 2.79 was not working, I was try for recent vers de 2.92, I had the hope mais this doens t work also. Happy moments for you, I see,... this moment that we have a light smile in the face, all the procedure can be long and delicate, important is to scaled the model than export it in mdr dont forget the metadata, depending, if your model is from a game or not do do it correctly check again and again the clip from Aquila is the best. I think to have some infos about what we are searching about mds we have to check the old game like Quake, Return C Wolfenstein, Doom, Juke Nukem...this kind of game are also using md3 mdd mds and perhaps we can find a converter. I will try to put the file with the name rtcw wet blender model tools master (down to download) let me a little time to provide a link I don t remember where I took it on the net, but like I said to me doens t work and is not specilaly for mds but more for md3 and others... link added hope is work le me know the result and your job. JM
  17. Just install an added old addons for md3 mdc mdm mds files name is RtCWET on a new vers of blender, but doesn t work ! a short clip with errors buffers 52 that I dont understand.? . yours opinions guys ! Sorry quality is not the best here a screenshot JM
  18. agree with you but what is the advantage to have two versions ? other thing Steam dont ask me any code, so I am a little wory about that if I have one day to install it again ! JM
  19. is a good way to sell, thanks you ! Hope to dont have any problems in the future, in case I have to contact a service similar as "Helpdesk from CM" ! JM
  20. (and the bundle in particular) While I prefer the direct approach to BFC, Me too I prefer the direct apporoach to BFC, this is for them also a good help to buy directly on the main place, I dont want make a polemic and discuss about what is better but understand me, this is a little reluctant, and the temptation is great... !! Thanks to yours added infos ! JM
  21. Hi I am a big fan of Battlefront Series like everybodys here on the forum. However, I was checking to buy the last cry of CM games CMBS by Steam, because I have a account and money are sleeping longtimes ago on this account, but, I dont find a game from Steam for the time that I am interresting, only that I am surprise to see the difference of price, I hope that what Steam present is a full operative game and not only an addons, but really I dont see what kind of addons they can have, so the price is very different, but I want to be sure that I will not have problem to install it, also that I would like to changing the place of my HD later, can somebody give me more infos about, opinions,...?? !! Thanks in advance JM
  22. ...then copy/pasting its Meta data into your new file creation and then exported to *.mdr When I download a 3d model on the net and replace it by an original CM flavour object in mdr format, this one dont take all properties automatiquely ? in any case me all the 3d models that I take, from the net, I always replace them with an existing model in CM, I dont see any other way to import it that the game will reconized it, or do I understand something wrong ?
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