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  1. Upvote
    Seedorf81 reacted to Zveroboy1 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yeah I will do no such thing. You got scammed period. And not only that but you willingly paid someone to infect your poor head with this mind rot. And now you're poisoning the collective well by repeating and spreading it.
    I know how it must make you feel smart, enlightened and stroke your ego to have the illusion that you "get it" while everybody else is oblivious to the truth. But what's really going on is that you have reached a stage where you have been fed so much lies that you can't tell what's real or not anymore. Congratulation you are a victim of disinformation and you're enabling online snake oil salesmen and grifters. I don't even know why I am replying to you because I have dealt with people like you who have objectively lost it in the past and it is completely pointless. I am guessing most people here either have you on ignore or feel sorry for you and give you a pass but I have no such qualms and you are due for a good reality check because this is both really painful to read and derailing a very interesting thread.
  2. Upvote
    Seedorf81 reacted to Sarjen in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The ruble, which was already at a historic low, down almost 30% so far. Russia's central bank is pushing back trading several hours ahead of what is likely an even bigger crash. We are truly in uncharted territory here.
    I can't overstate how unprecedented this is. The ruble was at 25 to the dollar pre-2014 and 60 after the oil crash that year.
    Most Russians don't have savings. 20m are in poverty. Migrants send remittances to Central Asia. It's ordinary people who will really suffer.
    Russian bank is offering dollars at the rate of 166 rubles. The 120 ruble rate they had last night, or 130 ruble rate they had 45 minutes ago, was a steal by comparison
  3. Thanks
    Seedorf81 got a reaction from BFCElvis in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    This is one of the best things of the Battlefront Forum: you can post whatever you want. Unless you cross every border of decency and/or common sense, you are TOTALLY FREE to express your opinions.
    Read that, Mr Putin!
  4. Upvote
    Seedorf81 reacted to Cpl Steiner in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Just to reiterate, as if it was needed, that I totally condemn what Russia has done, I do find we are already seeing Western Media bias in the way it is being reported. I've seen captured Russian soldiers being paraded before the cameras and asked why they are there, which breaches the Geneva Convention, without so much as a peep out of the Media. When the same thing happened to Western servicemen in Iraq, their ill-treatment was headline news.
  5. Upvote
    Seedorf81 got a reaction from Kinophile in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    he Haiduk,
    I want to thank you for your very up-to-date, and as I see it even under these dire circumstances remarkable impartial, information.
    I feel that partly because of that, on this site we are better informed then our national news services are.
    It must be weird though, communicating with sometimes judgemental people in safe places, while you are in a spot of bother.
    I really hope this crap will end soon and I wish you al the luck possible. 
  6. Like
    Seedorf81 got a reaction from Commanderski in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    he Haiduk,
    I want to thank you for your very up-to-date, and as I see it even under these dire circumstances remarkable impartial, information.
    I feel that partly because of that, on this site we are better informed then our national news services are.
    It must be weird though, communicating with sometimes judgemental people in safe places, while you are in a spot of bother.
    I really hope this crap will end soon and I wish you al the luck possible. 
  7. Like
    Seedorf81 got a reaction from Monty's Mighty Moustache in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    he Haiduk,
    I want to thank you for your very up-to-date, and as I see it even under these dire circumstances remarkable impartial, information.
    I feel that partly because of that, on this site we are better informed then our national news services are.
    It must be weird though, communicating with sometimes judgemental people in safe places, while you are in a spot of bother.
    I really hope this crap will end soon and I wish you al the luck possible. 
  8. Like
    Seedorf81 got a reaction from Blazing 88's in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    he Haiduk,
    I want to thank you for your very up-to-date, and as I see it even under these dire circumstances remarkable impartial, information.
    I feel that partly because of that, on this site we are better informed then our national news services are.
    It must be weird though, communicating with sometimes judgemental people in safe places, while you are in a spot of bother.
    I really hope this crap will end soon and I wish you al the luck possible. 
  9. Like
    Seedorf81 got a reaction from Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    he Haiduk,
    I want to thank you for your very up-to-date, and as I see it even under these dire circumstances remarkable impartial, information.
    I feel that partly because of that, on this site we are better informed then our national news services are.
    It must be weird though, communicating with sometimes judgemental people in safe places, while you are in a spot of bother.
    I really hope this crap will end soon and I wish you al the luck possible. 
  10. Upvote
    Seedorf81 got a reaction from TheVulture in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    he Haiduk,
    I want to thank you for your very up-to-date, and as I see it even under these dire circumstances remarkable impartial, information.
    I feel that partly because of that, on this site we are better informed then our national news services are.
    It must be weird though, communicating with sometimes judgemental people in safe places, while you are in a spot of bother.
    I really hope this crap will end soon and I wish you al the luck possible. 
  11. Upvote
    Seedorf81 reacted to Combatintman in German Panzer Grenadier doctrine   
    Wtf is a militaria relations director - does he talk to medals or something?
  12. Like
    Seedorf81 reacted to markshot in CMx2v4 WWII: Basic Movement Stats   
    First, yes, the title is a pun.  As this is foundational data, but it was also drawn from playing around in the CMBN first Basic Training Mission. 
    I realized that one of my biggest problems is time and space.  Like last night, I was playing a small scenario of 45 minutes with 5 spatial objectives.  I realized I was running into trouble when the clock said +28m remaining and I had only completed objective #1.  Too much cautious recon (night mission).  So, I pulled out a Major Victory, but it required me for the rest of the scenario to double time it with split squads moving in leap frog bounding over watch.  And I truly finished, right as the clock struck 0m.
    Thus, today, I decided to do something about my playing style.  One YouTuber had said he plans based what it would take to just walk the map.  Realizing that I had no concept of time and space, I decided to do some analysis which I will share here.  I realize that most of you ubermensch, do much more rigorous data collection, but I think this should be sufficient to get me started.
    ***** MOVEMENT (Scout/Squad) *****

    Walk:     50M
    Quick:   120M
    Run:     140M (1t tired)
    Hunt:     40M
    Slow:     15M (2t tired)
    Quick:    80M (complete in 1 turn) (same final dispersion as assault)
    Assault:  50M [lead team] 0M [rear team] (for long assault)
              20-25M (completes in 1 turn) (same final dispersion as assault)
              100M (completes in 3 turns)
              (linear spacing is very much a function of the waypoint placement)
              (at 30M/min, it is slower movement than manual player bounds)
    * Squad movement standing seems 66% of scout movement.
    * If there is overwatch, and the enemy is suppressed.  QUICK is probably your best way to cover ground.
    * HUNT is too slow to cover a map in most time frames, and is in the same class of commands as RUN and SLOW.
    * RUN is best used to sprint between cover to cover; especially as teams which find cover easier.
    * ASSAULT is probably a toss up between manual squad command and TACAI coordinated.  An ASSAULT should probably be no more than 100M to avoid the squad from getting too spread out.  Additional suppressing fire advised.
  13. Like
    Seedorf81 reacted to umlaut in Bug and stuff thread   
    Yes, the title is unfortunately incorrect. I should of course had been Line of the Ends

  14. Upvote
    Seedorf81 reacted to John Kettler in Britain's Contribution to the Battle of the Bulge short doc   
    This is a. topic of which I knew almost nothing going in, but once again, Mark W. Felton delivers the goods in detail and provides some excellent footage, including captured German 88s being used against their former owners, Highlanders in winter kit, several varieties of UK and Belgian armed and even armored jeeps and a rare recon version of a Panzer 38 T. Lots of German winter and fall paint schemes prominently shown, at close range. Though small, the British contribution, though buried, said General Sir Alexander, CIGS, for political reasons, was militarily significant, timely and valuable.
    John Kettler
  15. Upvote
    Seedorf81 reacted to MOS:96B2P in CMFB (Unofficial) Screenshot Thread   
    The smoke screen was still forming so the upper floor of that building was not yet blocked by smoke when the screenshot was taken.  Below is a screenshot of the tank that won the bottle of schnapps.  On the right you can see the roof of the building through the smoke.   A marksman on the back of the Panther is still keeping an eye on it . 
  16. Upvote
    Seedorf81 reacted to Jace11 in CMFB (Unofficial) Screenshot Thread   
    Screenshot was auto levelled in photoshop with a 25% sharpen filter (because anti-alias made it pretty blurred).
    For a "completely" undoctored/unedited version see below. I don't use reshade or anything, those colors are vanilla plus it's pretty dark.

  17. Like
    Seedorf81 reacted to Jace11 in CMFB (Unofficial) Screenshot Thread   
  18. Upvote
    Seedorf81 reacted to Warts 'n' all in CMFB (Unofficial) Screenshot Thread   
    "I'm telling you, there's a fat bloke and a reindeer in that barn."
  19. Like
    Seedorf81 got a reaction from Bulletpoint in M8 Slew King Tiger at St. Vith   
    While playing  the game "Squad" I fired a shoulder launched rpg- rocket at an LAV.
    And though I thought the shot was aimed a little too short, and seemed to miss by an inch,  the LAV exploded with a mighty bang.
    Wow, I thought rather proud, I must be a better shot than I imagined!
    But my pride disappeared quickly when further up the road another AT guy appeared. He had fired the killing round, not me.
    So I wondered:
    Might this scenario explain the "37mm killing the King Tiger" mystery? Could it be that something else shot the Tiger at the same moment the M8 did?
  20. Like
    Seedorf81 got a reaction from jtsjc1 in M8 Slew King Tiger at St. Vith   
    Yeah, that "Battle of the Bulge" movie was the worst WW2pic I ever saw.
    Until "Fury" came out..
  21. Upvote
    Seedorf81 got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in M8 Slew King Tiger at St. Vith   
    Yeah, that "Battle of the Bulge" movie was the worst WW2pic I ever saw.
    Until "Fury" came out..
  22. Like
    Seedorf81 reacted to Warts 'n' all in M8 Slew King Tiger at St. Vith   
    The commentator mentions both the Greyhound and the HMC in his preamble. But from that point on when using the name "M8" he clearly means the Greyhound, and obviously knows the difference. Whether the video is accurate isn't for me to say.
    But according to family legend, Kay said to Ike "Give me one tonight". Ike said to Monty "I'm too busy to sort out the Ardennes, you'll have to do it". Monty said to Jorrocks "I'll be buggered if I'm going to send good Anglican boys down there to help out those non-conformist colonials, who have you got to spare?" Jorrocks said to Paddy "Stop the Jerries on the Meause tonight." Paddy said to John Martins, "Give me five Bedford loads of yer'se strongest Guinness, I need to set it alight and roll it down a bone dry hill in the middle of the desert, so that dumb movie goers in ten years time will think that it is how we beat the Gerry in the middle of a Belgian winter". 
  23. Upvote
    Seedorf81 reacted to Wicky in British wartime training film on patrols   
  24. Upvote
    Seedorf81 reacted to c3k in Groundhog Day again   
    As a Beta-tester, knowing how much pent-up demand there is for Rome to Victory to be released, this only makes me redouble my efforts to find a bug, error, or flaw which will delay it yet again!
    As soon as my Thanksgiving repast allows, I shall dig back in and analyze the spent brass as it flies out of the open chambers of my REDACTED BY ADMIN

  25. Upvote
    Seedorf81 reacted to sttp in Rome to Victory Pre-orders are now open   
    Based on BFC's release history over the last few years, I would be very careful about interpreting the statement from BFC Elvis in that way. i mean, I want you to be right, but it just feels like we've been here several times before.
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