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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Still looking pretty even in terms of casualties. You need to get that IG going - good luck.
  2. Interesting - yikes he plays a lot of different games. There are ton of people asking where you can get the game.... paste BFC URL, paste paste Not sure what is so hard about using google once you have a game's name but hey I'll direct them to the right place.
  3. Yep, I like a variety of force sizes. You can check out these sites where you can find players: http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/ http://www.theblitz.org/index.php http://www.webandofbrothers.de/
  4. Yes. However I would likely need to sit your first one out since I already have a lot going on. I just want to say that I am interested in general even if I will not be participating right away. ?? do you mean choose your 90 000 point army or do you envision a tank factory pumping out new gear (please say you mean the first option) Ah, yeah, one week: that would be a 5 to 7 minute battle Well it would for me. Check out this similar idea that is in progress right now in the CMBN forum: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/118369-cmpzc-campaign-the-road-to-eindhovenare-you-interested/
  5. You can look up the map name by using the Briefing command under the Menu button. I have no idea of that works on the end game screen or not but during the game play it does for sure. The way things work is during the setup phase the AI units are as much of a jumble as yours are. So if you click cease fire to see where the enemy is they will look as you described in your initial post, all bunched up on a corner with one or two groups off in la la land. But once the game starts they take up their proper positions. Yep it should. And Yes you can hear air craft over head. Just to clarify what others have said if you fight a QB using a map that came with the game and the AI just sat their off in some corner that is a bug please take note of the map name and report it. If you are using a map you got from somewhere else you are on your own
  6. +1 It would be nice if the editor would allow the display of multiple group's orders at once and to see and edit the orders as a group instead of having a narrow view of information for just the selected order of the selected group. I find my self changing the selection to see and compare values. It would be nice to be able to see more. +1 for branching +1 for more triggers too Not so sure about this one. There are so many text editors I don't think I need another one. I know what you mean about friction over not being able to fix typos on the spot though. I am not sure if this totally covers what you want but there is this: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=3479 +1 cool idea Not too shabby a list IMHO.
  7. Oh no my green collection will be incomplete I hope you back track / find them at some point.
  8. Somewhat but not by very much. This has been tested before. Check out this thread where several of us did test similar to @umlaut's. Most people had even less of a difference than the above test. For me the slow down is small enough for me to not care.
  9. Indeed that happens a lot here. I am sure I have heard Steve say it is a huge source of ideas. Yeah, and I am sure this is one of the biggest problems around here: people's expectations being disconnected from reality. Anyone person's most important list is not likely to match up exactly with many or any other peoples (my top three feature requests are in my sig see if they match your top three) ). Not to mention that this forum is only a small segment of people who play and not a statistical sample. Hummm I don't get what you are saying here. If the same content comes as a module or as the initial release of a new family the value only changes by the price difference. And if money is not so important... We certainly have had some big differences in the amount of new content between the various modules so I am not sure if arguing for a module because it is guaranteed to have more value really has any traction. Actually I think there are quite a few of us that pretty much only play PBEM here on the forum. Humm are you talking about a specific bug here or the destroyed terrain limitation? I know there is a bug logged for the problem of water ripples breaking FOW - it will get fixed. Any other bugs here. Humm. Lots of debate about spotting issues. Most of the time those debates end up showing the complaint was not valid. A truly insane situation does happen occasionally and I am sure more bugs will be discovered but the vast, vast majority of the time spotting seems well within the realm of possibility. Note I mean in the "it could have happened the way it did" not in the "I expect perfection from my troops" kind of way. Ah changes have been made. AT guns are much harder to spot in the latest patches. Even at close ranges they are pretty hard to find until they have done damage. Not sure what you mean I ambush / get ambushed fairly regularly. Brains, I need brains
  10. Minute 10-09: Nothing new happened here. No new contacts and my men lost their solid contact on the MG team beyond the bridge. So, there was not shooting just moving. Lt Douglas now has one squad on each side of the road and one in reserve. Both tanks have move up. No one is near the burning tank. The barrage on phase line Squirrel ends this turn as well. I can now move as far as that. I am sure that by then I will see more contacts. Minute 09: Orders Now that everyone is formed up and ready moving begins. The squads on each side of the road leap frog teams forward and out of sync with each other. Most of the men are spotting most of the time. The tanks stay close but back enough to prevent enemy infantry assaults. Figure 25: Orders
  11. Except the nice thing is that the timing is actually coordinated and does not need to be guessed at by the player. While it is true the player can get good at that guess with experience but having your guys actually coordinate themselves is kinda nice. I think that the big draw back of the assault command is that everyone ends up in the same AS at the end and even during transition. I would probably use it more if that were not the case.
  12. In some sense the boundaries between games and modules are arbitrary. If I recall correctly from what Steve has said here in the past it has as much to do with making a manageable sized project for testing and user experience as anything else. The plan to have a game family for each year of the Eastern is a case in point. Sure seems like it. Keeping up all the older games up to date had one downside lots of back porting and support for BFC and an opportunity to spend $ for us. But it is pretty cool that our old games do keep getting better instead of just staying the same. I guess at some point the small $ times n game is not small any more. Interesting problem to have.
  13. Well, I am not sure I would call it a mistake because if he had put an M1 in overwatch there and you did what I suggested things would have gone very badly indeed. Maybe it was just you But seriously I have no idea what went off - perhaps some spotting rounds landed out side the UAVs observation area. I have not seen a particular problem with UAV called artillery before but I'll keep my eyes open going forward.
  14. The downside to the assault command is they all end up in the same place. If you have split squads you can set things up so that they spend very little or even no time in the same floor as the move. I think @Womble has good answers to your questions.
  15. You did have to work around a bug and manually type the path to the game files directory for you CMBS install location though (it is on my list of bugs to fix). The bug happens for the Mac version. Bud, if you want to try Whose Turn Is it? out the link is in my sig and you can PM me if you have trouble: the problem is the directory picker on Macs will not let you pick the Game Files directory so you have to enter some of the path by hand. PM me if you need help I remember having a screen shot showing the work around.
  16. Bummer. What on earth is going on here then? I'll poke around and see if I have other versions of the files somewhere.
  17. Thanks. We shall see if I succeed. One thing I know for sure is that if Bil has a surprise in store for me he will make it count. Proceeding with caution...
  18. Something odd is happening with the special tank mode for Black SOD. It turns out I was missing Aris's Sherman V mod so when I first saw Lt Jerremy's tank it looked odd. I could see the Black SOD but the turret was vanilla. I checked and discovered that I did not have Aris's Sherman V mod installed - I missed it some how. So I picked it up and put it in the right place. When I fire up the game I see the Black SOD tank looking like Aris intended but now no more Black SOS name. WTF (why the face :-) I worked before. I have this setup thusly: Data / z / v / Aris Sherman V sherman-v-hull.bmp sherman-v-track.bmp sherman-v-turret.bmp sherman-v-wheels.bmp Data / z / zzzspecial it-mile-sign6 [holland valkenswaard].bmp it-mile-sign9 [holland valkenswaard].bmp junk7.mdr junk8.mdr sherman-v-hull [valkenswaard].bmp So why would the special Black Sod version show up before I added Aris's Sherman V mod but stop working once it is there? Any one have any ideas?
  19. Minute 11-10: Moving On Sgt Jameson finishes off the MG team before moving up behind his infantry escort. Figure 21: Finish off MG The FO team moves forward to verify that the AT Gun is really out of action. This will be a good place for them to hunker down and wait for follow on forces. Figure 22: Verify AT Gun Lt McDougal and Stg Jameson update each other as they watch the artillery fall on the next phase line. Figure 23: Artillery Minute 10: Orders New arrivals appear on map this turn. Lt Jeremy’s tank and the rest of Lt McDougal’s platoon. The plan does not change except now there will be a full section on each side of the road with one section hanging back. The new arrivals hurry to catch up. Figure 24: Orders
  20. Some of those pictures look pretty dark. I'll continue the pictures with the artificial lights on from this point on.
  21. LOL no. I tend to be very methodical but I try not to be slow either. I very much like to follow @JasonC's advice: move up with scouts to find the enemy then only move to arrange a winning fire fight and use overwhelming firepower to kill the enemy. No, messing around trying to close assault just get the guns on and blast em. After there is no one left to kill scout forward to find more. This mission is right up my alley. I just hope I can be fast enough to secure the bridge...
  22. So far so good. The fire for effect was called for the next barrage so I have some moving up to get done but I'll only do that after eliminating threats I spot along the way.
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