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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Cool, I like it. I think an avatar featuring a Russian officer with an AT4 is pretty unique.
  2. And have it fade away as time passes like other FOW spotting icons even if you cannot make it to inspect for the all clear.
  3. If your aircraft has been shot down you can see that in your support resource UI. What @MikeyD is talking about is a hit text like notice informing the shooter that they downed an aircraft.
  4. Good but I was worried that you might have had grounds I would sign up for what you propose.
  5. Oh, and I absolutely did *not* mean that as a dig at you @Sequoia. Sorry if it sounded that way. I was only reading the one post and not looking back.
  6. Well for AARs turn numbers are completely useless in my opinion since they have no reference in game. I personally usually use the count down clock for them because it is easiest to keep track of what is going on and you can order your screen shots based on it. Although for posting I crop that out. For describing events in game like arrival of units etc then the clock time seems like the write thing to do because it is a natural thing to do. The alternative would be to specify how many minutes from the start something will arrive H hour +15 minutes but that is very poor in game because there is no reference you can use in game to tell when that is.
  7. Anyone having trouble with large maps should try turning down their graphics settings. On my old machine one of the bigger CMBN games went from unplayable to quite nice by dropping the graphics quality settings (models and textures) down. I am sure most of you have already tried just making sure any new comers can consider trying it.
  8. Mind you once the HE starts landing in their midst their morale will suffer...
  9. Talking sense should not get you called a fanboi. The thought that anyone might worry about that I find a drag. Sigh.
  10. I am optimistic too. Steve has been pretty clear.. From reading his posts about their plans to work backwards I think it is a matter of efficiency. If you have a sub set of the needed models already that will work for the 44-45 time frame you can get a game out faster by using those and adding what you don't have than starting from nearly (I am sure a few models from earlier can be reused) scratch. That allowed them to get RT out to us faster. After that each game can reuse some models from the previous one as they work.
  11. I don't know. I think you could build a reality TV show around men fighting with bulldozers while blind folded. I think it would be a hit.
  12. Sigh. Normal? Multi player means more then one player. Sorry that you feel some how slighted that PBEM exists - don't take it personally but it is still multi player by any reasonable definition of the word.
  13. Please some one slap me one if I am leading everyone astray.... I think the behaviour is to pop smoke and pull back to safety unless one of two things is true: 1) The vehicle crew are actively aiming to fire on an enemy target - in which case wait until the round is away before evasive manoeuvres. 2) The vehicle is driving to cover with a Fast move order - in which case they will complete the move order and not run away. It is number 2 that I am worrying about my memory over.
  14. I think I found the thread. I am not sure how applicable it is - though. Check it out and decide for your self: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/106984-the-titanium-bunker/
  15. Yep, check these threads out: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/111561-targeting-with-tanks-in-an-urban-envionment/?hl=%2Burban+%2Baction+%2Bsquare http://community.battlefront.com/topic/107879-city-fighting-what-are-the-isssues/page-3?hl=%2Burban+%2Baction+%2Bsquare#entry1416906 There are others I am sure. The post I cannot seem to find is the great one that Steve made outlining in detail why it is a problem and all the cooky and not so cooky ideas he has come up with over the years to try to make it better (non ow which have worked well enough). If anyone runs into that posting please link to it. We are stuck with it for the time being - Sigh.
  16. I could be missing something but I don't think anyone irritated with the results. They are feeling irritated because they think your test is less than helpful.
  17. LOL Indeed, getting read of borg spotting makes things much more interesting. Which is why what @panzersaurkrautwerfer said above is spot on. One of my most frustrating games in CMBN was a nice big QB with lots of tanks. I was commanding a US force and my opponent bought at least three Tigers (I never new if there were more) plus other supporting armour. It was scary, damn scary but I did just what @panzersaurkrautwerfer is talking about above. I used infantry to find out where the enemy was and is used the terrain to mask my movement and get into positions to flank the enemy. If you are dealing with a dangerous enemy you have to play smarter. I engaged one Tiger at a time and lost seven Shermans to take out one Tiger (I took out quite a bit of other lessor tanks too not just the Tiger). My opponent rage quite because Shermans should not be able to beat a Tiger. Sigh. That part is not relevant to this discussion though. And frankly A T90 (any type) vs an M1 is a much better match up than a Sherman vs a Tiger. I have quite a few M1s burning in First Clash and it is because of my opponent's T90s not the ATGMs.
  18. I like this mod: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/117756-veins-cmbs-effects/ I am not sure it totally addresses your particle dome problem but perhaps it will bother you less with prettier explosion graphics
  19. Yep someone handed tea around. The men are ready! Loads of fun - looking forward to the next battle.
  20. The End Lt. John McDougal called it in to Company HQ once he hears the word of the loss of the bridge. He was annoyed because this meant more delays in an already slow start to this mission. Except this time he bore some of the responsibility. All he could do now was get a defensive perimeter and send a Section to see if the river could be forded anywhere near the bridge. After seeing that Pvt Jones was evacuated he stood at the edge of the bridge drinking tea someone had handed him feeling glum. Obviously the scoring here does not reflect the way the game should be scored because I lost! I am not sure where second casualty came from but the sad news is that Pvt Jones succumbed to his wounds at the medic station after being evacuated. Figure 52 The End
  21. Minute 01-00: Lance Corporal Graham himself attends to Pvt Jones. Figure 48 Taking Care Left barn take by 2 Section. Don’t even thing about creating a 3D printable model of Left Barn – you hear me! Figure 49 Left Barn Right Barn taken by 1 Section. Figure 50 Right Barn The last HE round in support. Figure 51 Final Fire
  22. And that makes it official - everyone knows I have failed! Even the pixel troops. Well done Bil.
  23. Minute 02-01: Thank fire begins as the infantry move up. Lance Corporal Graham’s team in the lead. Figure 45 Assault Begins As they round the bend and head toward the bridge, bad things start to happen. Lance Corporal Graham is just beginning to get an idea of the status of the bridge when one of their supporting tank rounds slams into the barn across the road. Private Jones goes down right in front of Lance Corporal Graham. It happens so suddenly he does not even stop until he is passed him. Figure 46 First Casualty Damn thought Lance Corpral Graham what a crappy way to go down – Friendly Fire! In the heat of the moment I ran right past Pvt Jones before hitting the deck myself. Just when I realized the bridge was gone we lose a man. Thankfully his not dead and we are already looking after him but Damn! Minute 01: Orders No more HE on this side of the bridge. Stg Jameson will fire on the barn as 2 Section assault it. Meanwhile Lt Jeremy will riding up behind 1 Section as the assault the right hand barn. Figure 47 Orders
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