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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Right good point - I was still thinking about the whole drain battery weapon while writing about your airport XRay story. Oops. OK no fire or anything but it would still be unusually hot if 5 or 10% power were converted to heat in a short time period.
  2. "Sgt Dietrich watches as his..." Sgt Dietrich? Did he get a field promotion that fast
  3. That was a bit of a drag. You got there quickly but just not enough there I guess. Yes, usually upgrading to a patch works fine. It is not guaranteed but I personally have not had a game fail to upgrade. Yeah, but that is the thing they will release it when they are read not when you need it
  4. Indeed. Was your device hot? I mean really hot. If the energy in a phone or computer battery was just released as heat over the time frame of an XRay scan it would be damn hot - you would feel it. It would be way hotter than usual. Have you ever had a smart phone where an app did something crazy and the phone got so hot you noticed it. It would be way more sudden than that. Likely it would get into the range of melt something or cause a fire hot. That's why there are restrictions on batteries in checked baggage because if they short out the heat is pretty intense.
  5. Plus it no longer looks eerily like a US postal stamp: Russian army symbol with the blue: Bloody scary actually.
  6. ^^^ This. Listen to what he says. He is doing this to my guys right now! My men open fire on some of his and the next thing I know my guys are taking from from multiple locations and just getting hammered. I thought I actually had a plan to allow me to create fire power advantages. I need a new plan. The slowing down comment works when applied to finding the enemy. If you just send the platoon down the road at full speed when the unknown enemy ambushes you it will be a bad scene. Where as if you do some scouting when you trip the ambush way less of your guys get caught and the bulk of them can figure out how to quickly respond.
  7. That makes no sense at all. The energy in those batteries has to go some where. The only place is into use in the device and or as heat. There is just no that XRays could cause that as far as I can see. I would be happy to be shown how it could work but all I see are various claims that "it happened to me" but all the investigative work shows that XRays have no such effect. It is far more likely that the battery level indicator was fibbing to you - they are not perfect. I have seen many times when I glance at a device that has not been used for a while I see some high level indicated and then a few moments later it shows a much lower one. I think the main reason is the UI is showing its last known information and once it has a chance to get updated it will show you the real value. My bold, draining of batteries is not something EMP does. It just isn't. Sounds like a wild claim but then that is pretty much on par with the whole article. You can see the danger of reading such crappy information though. Our brains are good and remembering interesting things but they suck at remembering where we learned them which means that if you are not on your guard when you read bad information (dismissing it as you go) you can easily get sucked into remembering some "fact" that you can later recall but cannot remember where it came from. Which means you end up tricking yourself into believing something totally wrong. I admit it has happened to me.
  8. Excellent, rest is sometimes needed for maximum performance. I appreciate you making sure I am able to do my best. With any luck I'll only live twice.
  9. Ah your a Scrooge type are ya OK glad to hear you are enjoying it too.
  10. But my point is he brightened and desaturated the dark green. So the colour under the dirk is not BTR's dark green. I = sad
  11. Agreed. You what??? Does not compute, does not compute. I really like the weathering and dirt - defiantly what I look for in a mod. I have to say though I was hoping to see it on the dark green that BTR created.
  12. Draining batteries ??? Never hear of that - google came up totally empty got any references at all? EMP could be effective against many weapons with computers and circuits probably some vehicles and night vision gear too. :lol: It is so secret the inventors don't know about it yet.
  13. Which frankly I found annoying too. No one went into Bill's AAR and said "this is not as good as Pnzerldr's, you should change it" but several people felt entitled to do say that to Pnzerldr. That is not really constructive feedback. There is plenty of room for any style AAR that any one wants to make. If people want feed back to improve that's fine but I don't see the value in "I don't like this" comments. Constructive feed back would be things like "I think your AAR is missing the big picture" or "I was hoping for more terrain analysis". Anyway I'm not really interested in a debate (lets have lots of different styles that way anyone who does not like this style can go read another AAR), I am however interested in this AAR so keep them coming.
  14. LOL thanks guys. The weather is crappy rainy and misty. My video was shot at a pretty high magnification - hence the ghostly appearance.
  15. I imagine you could reverse engineer what the core file looked like but then you would probably need to crack open every scenario and delete the copies of the core file units in that scenario and import them again and then hook them all back up the right way to each AI group, reinforcement and victory condition etc. to maintain the connection between the units in the scenarios and the core units.
  16. Yep there ya go. pp 112 of version 3.01 of the manual. You have to start the whole thing off with the core units file loaded. Bummer.
  17. I have never built a campaign much less reassembled one but is the core file really part of that process? I thought as you create each individual scenario you import the core file and edit the Order of Battle and then assembled all the scenarios together. Do you also have to have the core file at assembly time? Goes to read the manual...
  18. No it is not off base I just was not clear enough in my explanation. You are right it is not a choke point. But the point I was trying to make was that you are assuming that the whole platoon will be able to bring weapons to bear on the single squad. They will not. Since the platoon is inline and when they make contact at best they will have a squad and a half that can actually bring effective fire on the enemy squad. Since the enemy squad is there waiting for them the first fire fight will most likely end badly for the moving platoon members. Now the attacker has a mauled squad and two other squads that are out of position (relative to the enemy because they were searching in line). The defender will in all likely hood pull back a big to a new ambush position. The attacker now has an idea of where the enemy is an will no doubt attempt to pursue. But the next time they make contact it might be 1:1 again depending on who moves where. And 1:1 against a waiting force usually favours the stationary waiting force. That was my point your scenario will likely generate multiple encounters that favour the defender at least some of the time. So it is very similar to my example just not exactly the same.
  19. Lukcy me Or maybe not... Excellent! It certainly was a bad omen having that done sticker on my helmet kinda like a kick me sign.
  20. I am currently playing First Clash as the Russians and those APS equipped M1s are nasty business. In that game my missile launchers are running dry and have not scored any hits. What has been effective is T90 canon fire and BMP3s 30mm guns have been scraping the systems off. But the BMPs are not surviving long. I have attack helos arriving now so we will see if they do any better. One thing to note is the APS systems do not recharge forever so eventually they will run out and they you can score some hits - if you have anything left to shoot. What is actually decently effective is salvo fire from the Chrisantema. Even though the APS often gets both missiles the second one often triggers the APS so close to the tank that it can seriously damage it. I have scored many mobility kills that way. Precision artillery is actually pretty good against the M1s if you do manage to hit them with three rounds they will at least be seriously messed up if not toast. But they do have to stay still long enough to come in. At some point in this battle they might settle down in a location you can exploit. Make note however that if you call in a conventional artillery strike and use up enough ammo your ability to fire guided munitions can be lost. The round accounting is done similar to the smoke rounds: you have a total and of that total you have the option of using x as guided and y as smoke. If you let them fire a conventional mission until they run out of rounds you will end up with 0 total and 0 guided and 0 smoke without ever having fired any guided or smoke munitions. Also, be careful about getting too close though the APS trigger will cause casualties in your assault troops so if they are going to use RPGs don't do it really close. I am not sure about dead zones - have to test that. Frankly the best bet might just be being in town where the M1s risk getting within grenade range and your infantry can play cat and mouse.
  21. Cool got it. So all those teams in the built up area on this side of the bridge what are your plans there? Can they see the bridge area? Since you are getting those ATGM teams setup I guess they can. Nice that is probably a good thing. When is the Su-25 due to arrive? I will refrain from making any comments that could give anything away I'll just be cheering you on.
  22. Yeah same here - great job. Anyone is free to create their own AAR their own way. Hint hint.
  23. Yeah, that was a tough turn for you (well us since I am your Company CO - did I survive?).
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