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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Oh reinforcements. Humm. Good question, I am not sure if the setup order for reinforcements has an effect.
  2. Yes. When you deploy units from the purchase page you give them default locations. Those deployed locations are what a human player will see and will be the default for any AI plans that do not override those locations. You can define up to five AI plans. Each one of those plans allows you to give a setup order to each of your groups. That is how you control the starting location of your AI groups. On your unit purchase screen you can assign those purchased units to AI groups. In the AI editing screen you can select a plan to work with and then select a group. For each group in the plan there will be a set of orders for them to follow. The first order is their setup order. If you paint on an area of the map members of that group will setup (according the AI) in that area. If you do not paint an area on the map they will start in their default location. So, in this way you can provide up to five different locations for your AI controlled forces. When you are testing in Scenario Author mode be aware that while you are setting up the human controlled side the AI will be in the default locations because an AI plan has not been picked yet. To see where the AI sets up you have to push the BRB to view the first turn.
  3. Yikes, are you writing for our favourite conspiracy theory web site now?
  4. Good. It has been quiet for a while but it seemed like things were happening.
  5. You mean like this: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/109632-operational-level-game-announcement/
  6. No worries with your English. Hopefully you will find the players you want another option is to join an online wargaming club. Check out this thread for some suggestions: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/107265-pbem-opponent-wanted/?p=1407990
  7. I recently posted this success video: But yeah the miss lots too. As for more ammo I am not sure if there is a vehicle with more ammo for them. The US stinger teams that come with a HUMVEE have more in their vehicle. I have not looked for a Russian equivalent.
  8. I was writing my previous while you were writing this (yeah I took a long time - lunch break) Ah, that was slightly annoying but that is just sensationalist journalism. Smear would have been if the never mentioned that corrective actions were being considered. Actually that would probably not even be smear just crappy journalism. Actually I think that is incorrect. I remember the first gulf war how much talk there was about how good the Iraqi army was. I remember how the press talked it up quite a lot. I personally was suspicious but the press were *not* focusing on how bad the enemy was they were focusing how how good they were.
  9. Ah I see. Well for starters as an example the Canadian Army has had recruitment problems in past years. There have been problems of housing not being up to standard. Recruitment campaigns coming up short. Pay being too low and families having to use food banks. Various issues like that. And it has been reported. I saw it as highlighting real problems that my government should pay attention to. But in Canada the press is free to report those kinds of embarrassing things so they do when they happen. So, if a Russian paper was reporting those kinds of problems but no Canadian ones were I would be very suspicious. On the other hand if a Russian paper was reporting the same things as a Canadian paper that would not be an issue. That would not bother me one bit. It might even help embarrass our government some more. The problem is the reverse scenario is just not available. No Russian paper could report those problems if they were true. So the only papers that can are from outside the country. Which, as you say, makes people suspicious. I get it. I think you should view things differently. What if they are right? Taking just one issue as an example: What if there really is high reject rate due to health issues shouldn't your government be aware of that and make changes? There are a number of reasons that number could be that high even it it is correct. First of all what is the number in other countries? We might find it is quite a normal number. Another possibility is recruitment efforts are not reaching the intended target or perhaps conscripts are cooking their tests to avoid service. Those issues are all things the government can make changes to address. But they can only do that if they know about it. And frankly speaking often a free press is the only thing that can prod a big bureaucratic organization to do better. So in a nut shell there is no free press in Russia so press reports critical of government bureaucracies likely be from papers outside the country. That does make it harder for you to tell if the motivation is suspect or not but I don't think you should just dump all of it into the suspect pile.
  10. Oh man - I just re read the date again - I skipped over it being 2014. Oops, my brain must be stuck in 2014 or something. Not that being a year old alone is a huge issue. Plenty of stuff written about the US army or the Canadian army a year ago could still be quite valid if nothing had changed in those areas. You just outlined a bunch of things that have happened in the last year. So, yeah seems like an update to that article might be warranted. Smear smell? Your categorizing it that way seems bit off though. If we rolled the clock back to when the article was first published I don't see how there is any smear there. Just because someone is critical of and army does not make it smear.
  11. Copy it to <mydocumentsfolder>\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Black Sea\User Data\Mods and start the game.
  12. I just read the article. Nothing jumped out to say that the information was outdated. Having said that, nothing really jumped out to say that the info was super new either. What do you base your assertion that it is out dated on?
  13. I see. So the only way to find the game is on Steam? Interesting I would have thought google would have turned something up but I guess that does explain why nothing popped as an item I could buy and play just references to bits and pieces. Well perhaps some day when I have more free time I'll want to investigate further - Steam first, I'll remember that. Thanks
  14. Or http://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/login/create_request#/ticket-form/19756
  15. Download what? I could not find a ready to download game. It felt like I had to dig for bits and pieces. Like I said it suddenly felt like I was missing something obvious. Either that or the game is. Open the editor? You mean I need to desk my own scenarios?
  16. Wow. OK perhaps my post was slightly harsh but thee was nothing personal in there and I certainly never meant to tell anyone to F off. Sorry you took it that way. But come on you are comparing an open environment like Arma that does not have a playable tactical simulation that I can go to a website and buy / down right away and start playing against the AI this afternoon. To a game that can do that. A several months ago when Arma came up I had a look and could not find anything that was even close to CM. If I am missing something please point me in the river direction. But kindly keep your insults to your self.
  17. Am I missing something? Why would BFC wait for 1.03? I thought you wanted everything now? Vanir indicated the fix will appear in the next patch which I think will be called 1.02. Or is there yet another thing that you are demanding be fixed right away?
  18. One more from the same game. A T90 comes through the treeline looking for targets...
  19. Oh cliffhangers I fear for the character I created. Have a good holiday.
  20. Yes, H2H is possible some people have found players here and there are several gaming clubs around too. Just ask when you are ready or do a search. There is difficulty connecting with people who want to play real-time because there is no player lobby. But again if that is how you want to play just ask here there are some keeners around.
  21. It is not possible due to fog of war considerations. Any deformations of the terrain mesh is always visible to both sides.
  22. Reported. I mean the remote destruction of trucks was reported.
  23. MAC users still do not have any expand / pack tools for brz files. I imagine one or two MAC users will be happy.
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