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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Thanks for tracking this - it is kind of interesting. Personally I hope they put off a dedicated Bulge folder for as long as possible and then a week longer. The earlier the forum opens the more time people with time on their hands and nothing to talk about fill up a new forum with total tosh. IMHO.
  2. Wow. Those Panthers can really take a beating before they pack it in. Cool I'll have a look at that map.
  3. LOL some how I can totally picture it: sitting there with grout on your hands and a tool belt caught in your chair playing turns while the real world project waits for your return.
  4. Yep, in my opinion you found a bug. Absolutely the AI uses the same Tac AI for its unit that our do. The only difference there is no brain that can connect the dots and say "hey that makes no sense". I really doubt it. Just personal opinion though. Very true. Clearly a defect even if you take if form the point of view of that would rarely happen it is still a bug. A note for all those that get frustrated by spotting though: finding a bug is actually pretty rare it is much more common to find stuff that is totally fine but "you don't like"tm which is not the same as a defect in the game. I'm not throwing that out to detract from finding this bug but to preempt someone from saying "see its all broken" which is just nuts and sour grapes form people who did not get "perfect pixel troops"tm and instead found their soldiers fallible. This is really important especially with fog and haze those are not depicted in a way that really resemble reality again to make sure you can actually play the game.
  5. Sweet - what map is that? I am sure I have never played on it but it looks challenging for the attacker.
  6. Direct fire can help bring it down too. But I like @womble's suggestion. Drive a Priest on to the bridge and then destroy it yourself. One less bridge
  7. White Knights - I like it. Can I be one:) Steve doesn't need any white knights.... However he also has other things to do and so does not answer every thread or question. Some of us who hang around her a lot chime in to fill in those answers. Not sure what else to day - just trying to help. Then you will understand when bolting on "yet another" "just one more thing" can often be counter productive. I don't think you are alone at all - we just have to trust that they are making a good decision for them - I for one see no reason not to believe that BFC is making good decisions. Who wouldn't like to see one game that includes everything - why even have three. One would be really cool. But I would rather have five, six, seven, eight games etc that work well instead of one that is delayed and kludgey and spiralling into a bug induced disaster. As a developer I have been on projects like that and they are no good for the devs, company nor the customers. Trade offs are always there, as you well know. BFC have to be left to make them rather than have us tell them what the trades should be. I'm not sure why you would say that. So far they have been pretty damned good about making sure all the equipment used in a time frame / theatre is available. I expect no less for all the eastern front games.
  8. I think you have the right idea : play the demos and go with the one you enjoy the most. If do you pick CMBN try to pick up the Commonwealth module - it adds more variety of forces and maps. Also someone already mentioned joining an online war gaming club, I'll just add one more theBlitz (link in my sig). No matter what title you pick you will be able to find opponents.
  9. Cool, just making sure I had seen it on the same vehicles. Thanks
  10. That's a bug that has been reported - thanks. Out of curiosity what vehicles have you seen this on?
  11. I have hit a few enemy vehicles from both sides. However I was not really keeping track of the results.
  12. I've seen them burn too. I just figured it was the officer's couch - lots of fuel there for a nice long burn.
  13. 70 QB map files? That is definitely to few. I'll check my file count when I get back to a computer but I an certain it is more than 70.
  14. Of course right after I wrote that I was testing and dropped three precision rounds on a T90 and it drove away with only minor track damage. Gotta love Murphy's Law
  15. I was using one guided round on non Main Battle Tanks and three when targeting a MBT. Now I use two on non MBT targets and three on MBT's. That pretty much means that MBT's end up at least mission killed and everything else is wrecked. I find too often you do not get a second chance.
  16. Nah, that was a total space case moment on my part - I needed a slap.
  17. Sigh, sorry man. now that I read that I remember you describing that a while ago. Should have googled first and asked questions later. I just have not been following this post for post because there is so much speculation and not enough known yet. That's my story and I am sticking to it. Thanks for setting me back on the right path.
  18. Yeah short command way points is key if there are nearby less obstructed routes. I have a platoon working along a treeline and had a few surprises earlier where my BMP3 crew decided to drive out of the woods and along the farm track and then back into the woods. Thankfully I caught on to that trick before getting in range of the M1s nearby.
  19. Just looking for clarification is the Kurganets-25 the IFV version of the Armata program? Or is it something else all together?
  20. I think the question is how did you get a T34 into CMFI. And if that is not @Kieme's question then its mine
  21. Sadly no. Many people wish for one and it would be a good idea. He might have more success playing turn based multi player (PBEM as it is commonly refereed to) using drop box to exchange turns. I see you already have one taker for such a game. Another alternative is to join one of the wargaming clubs on line check out a discussion of some of them here: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/107265-pbem-opponent-wanted/?p=1407990.
  22. I have no idea, they never pre announce dates for patches. Why hold back on having fun especially when the vast majority of the time you can continue your games with the patched version?
  23. Your commentary is funny. How's that? I think you might be getting at issues so lets see. Infantry deploying smoke does take a long time in the game. I think it reflects collecting the smoke grenades and some consideration by the squad leader about where to put the smoke. I am sure a lively discussion could ensue. The building entry issue - is annoying. It happens from time to time that you do not get WYSYWYG doors. It's a bug. I do not have the demo installed I might have some time later today to see if I can get the same thing to happen in the shipping game with the demo scenario.
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