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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. I'd like to see this too. I suspect, based on BFC's constant upgrading to meet these types of issues with each new release, that we'll see a lot of improvements to deal with urban combat by the time we get to Stalingrad.
  2. Grisha, it is TM 30-430. Unfortunately, the one I saw from the web (I have it bookmarked somewhere) didn't have the 17 pages of organizational symbols it's supposed to have in it. I'll keep looking. Vark, I always wanted that game, but could never afford it back in the day. I think it has been re-issued, yes?
  3. Good thinking! I almost forgot that I have CMA...haven't played it in 3-4years.
  4. Needs translation.... http://army.armor.kiev.ua/hist/takznaki.shtml http://army.armor.kiev.ua/hist/takznaki-2.shtml
  5. Or belt buckle, letters from home packet, locket with girlfriend's picture.
  6. Yup, I like this suggestion RepsolCBR, and I hereby order BFC to implement it immediately! Now i'll finally find out if I have any clout around here!
  7. This has been asked about and discussed before, but I don't recall and didn't find a definitive answer from BFC. Since most forum eyes seem to be on this thread atm, I thought I'd ask here. How many mines are associated with a mine marker? And what is the radius of the marker? Do the moving pixeltruppen actually intersect with a "physical" mine object in the terrain mesh, or does the game simply apply a statistical "to hit" probability dice roll of sorts to those moving into the marker radius?
  8. I've been there too many times. I agree, hit it now!
  9. "If you're really able to make tactical decisions, issue orders and execute them as fast as you do in the vids, then I'm really impressed." John, I think this is pretty much average for many players. And I had to laugh...I was also thinking Chris looks a little like Sheldon...Sheldon has a thinner face, though. And thanks for these videos, Chris!
  10. I am pretty certain Sailor was being ironic/facetious in regard to Superwoz's recent outburst.
  11. Wait a sec, Steve. Are you telling us that the game is evolving, that as the engine is refined, you are adding more features and fixing things that you wanted to do but were unable to correct or change before? That you are listening to your clientele and discussing the problems and solutions with them? But that's not what Superwoz says, and I can just tell by his recent post that he is an extremely astute and edumacated person. One of you two is obviously a charleton and a liar! I wish I could figure out which one. Damn.
  12. But tell the snowboarder to pull his pants up! ...and to get off my lawn!
  13. I always preferred Pohlman...but can't recall his rank.
  14. Oh, that's an easy one. white hat = good guys, black hat = bad guys. No confusion, no controversy. So, let's see, what color hats did the respective parties wear? Germans, feldgrau, green, grey, sand/beige...Soviets, brown, dirt brown, vomit brown... Hmmm, I am starting to see what all the fuss is about! Oh, wait, SS had black hats, and so did the Russian Marines. Ok, those are the bad guys. Kriegsmarine officers had white hats so they must have been the good guys. And a lot on both sides wore white camo head cover, so in winter times maybe they were all the good guys. Ya know, since neither Chuck Norris nor Ahhhhnold were there, maybe there were no good guys. Hmmm, I'll have to get back to you on this.
  15. Yup, that one sucked! JUST KIDDING...I kid because I love! My thoughts have all been covered by others in this thread, but I hope BFC will eventually redo the Repository and make it easier to give feedback. I have playtested a lot of scenarios for a few people, and of course they get that pre-release feedback, but post release, not much. By the way, that 1% post-release feedback rate seems to hold true for modders as well, but the difference is that you can get a lot of pre- and post-release feedback by showing pics in the mods forum. Oh, forgot to say that there really are no bad scenarios...only different ones. There have been a lot of scenarios I downloaded and for one reason or another didn't care to finish playing out, but giving a critique wouldn't have been useful, since it may have been a bad day at the office, or I just couldn't get into that particular setting, troop mix, etc. But I wouldn't want to in any way discourage the designer from continuing making more. And as far as your scenarios, Umlaut, I love 'me all. Great job, and I hope you jeep them coming!
  16. Another person in support of the CMSF upgrade. it's what got me started in CM gaming one cold January '09 day off from work, browsing the internet for photos/videos of a Bradley AFV and finding this really neat scene from some video game of a Bradley moving through the streets of some Middle East city. WTF, I say to myself, is this an available game?!? By noon, I had purchased CMSF Marines, played my first scenario, and was starting on my first campaign. I eventually bought all the modules. the Brits were my favorite. Btw, I played CMSF in R/T only...couldn't get into WEGO. Now, in CM-WWII, I can only do WEGO...need that war movie fix!
  17. Good post, Gunhappy. You said it better than I could have. And thank you for your service to this stuck up country!
  18. I have't noticed this, but I have noticed that if my split squads' individual sections/teams take too many casualties, after I reunite them, I often can't re-split them again. It happens if the sections only have one or two men left each. I've only noticed this since MG, but maybe I just wasn't paying attention. It's understandable since the sections are so small, but annoying when they take up positions in adjacent action squares and you want them either together in one, or want to spread them out more.
  19. + 1 for pop-up windows in the editor!
  20. Hey. Phantom, I got mine last April...fancy crate and all. It's a blast to shoot, and since there is no recoil, it is extremely accurate out to at least 150 yds (nearby range only goes out to that distance). How many mags you have? I had to order extras...I now have 3. Luckily, a friend sold me 750 rounds of .22 LR, since it has been a bitch to get them in stores. If only they made them in original calibre!
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