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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. I'm with sburke, 20mm quad can be devastating. Also, I like to use 88mm Flak as indirect arty support, it packs a punch, but a full battery is probably too expensive overall for this match.
  2. Oh Buzz, oh poor Buzz! You haven't seen the greatest British Colonial/Zulu Wars film ever made? You will not regret watching it. I saw it in the theater in '64 when I was 11, and it was one of the the main reasons I started getting into reading military history and wargaming. Also, it skyrocketed Michael Caine's movie career. Oh, and you'll like this...it has fire in it! But we digress...can't wait to mod the dead horse to make it look, er, more dead.
  3. I feel your...senior moment. When I see Hetzer, I usually think Jadgpanzer IV. What's the big deal, I ask myself, they look pretty much the same. But then, so did Yassir Arafat and Ringo Starr.
  4. What about the old Junk Object #8, the beat up old truck a pic of which is in the Original CMBN Manual? We will ever get that?
  5. Coupon code has been there since CMBN, Phil. No idea if there ever has been any for CM series.
  6. I did a quick Soviet mod for CMGL using Italians...brownish uniforms and greenish light tanks with red stars...to try out a human wave assault. Three "Russian" battalions versus a German company(+) in 3 supporting defensive positions (a platoon each, with wire, mines, etc.). The Russians were mostly Green/Fanatic or Elite. Simple AI plans with staggered entry times coming from 3 sides. They just kept coming and coming, with massive casualties. But they overran two positions and the 3rd was in dire straights before I called it. Worked out great great!
  7. Loved those bomblets in IL2 Sturmovik. Devastating!
  8. Pic #11 shows a dead horse. Neat! How about other dead animals? And more importantly, do we by chance get live horses for supply columns?
  9. East Front: Flamethrowers, hit decals, and more! http://www.battlefront.com/community/announcement.php?f=124&a=683
  10. Buzz, any idea in which of the four natural elements the World will end? Earth, perhaps? Or Wind? Or...?
  11. Lofty, in addition to what Para said, yes, the tracers are an accurate indication of where the firing is coming from...at least the direction from which it is coming. The actual location, without getting a definite spot, could be in Action Spots nearby where your tank is area firing. If the enemy is in bocage, HE is not likely to do a lot of damage, or even keep their heads down, because shells fired at hedgerows tend to hit the berm. Try using Target Light as this will cause the tank to fire it's machine guns, which will penetrate the hedge and will have a better chance to at least make the enemy cower. Also, if you know the general area where the fire is coming from, try area fire at one AS, then give a short movement order, target an adjacent AS at that Waypoint with a 15 second Pause, then repeat as needed. also helps to let your scouts sit still for a turn or so (if they aren't getting chewed up , that is) to help their spotting abilities.
  12. In case BFC is reading, add another person to the list. I've only noticed this with the latest release (2.12). Actually, it may have come about with the release of MG--not really certain when I first noticed, but definitely wasn't this way before MG.
  13. I never have figured that out, AoW. I always used the helmet because the mods I uploaded were all uniforms. The bullets could be battles...more bullets equals bigger battle?
  14. IME, They seem to get a little better cover and the field of fire you want when the waypoint is on top of the RR track. YMMV
  15. Good one, Regimento. I tried figuring that out awhile ago, but it seemed that the size differences were just like the mini ground/regular ground textures...larger ones for close-up, smaller for distance. But I didn't test it out...too much work for the payoff.
  16. I've been lax lately...RL keeps imposing itself on my otherwise supposed blessed retirement solitude. I'll try to get to it Friday, but the weekend is more likely.
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