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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Downloading now. This just may break my months-long loss of CM mojo!
  2. What are you, 12? No one ever teach you simple manners? No, I just meant that being civil to people you are asking to help you to find answers is usually a good starting point. No suck up necessary. Too bad you're being such a tool, because those were good questions to which I'd like to know the answers as well. (Note: I don't want or need a damn thing from you, ever, so in this instance I don't feel the need to be civil, dickhead. See how that works?) Elvis, feel free to ban me or whatever...I couldn't help myself. This guy's a twat. PS: My apologies to 12 year olds everywhere!
  3. I would generally agree, proXMAZ. Btw, did you upload the right file? I loaded it twice, and the p-truppen never moved from their positions either time?!?!?
  4. Coming out of lurk mode (I lost my CMx2 mojo big time months ago and just can't find it anywhere! Any of you seen it? Police were no help...). Anyway, proXMAZ, I just gave it a shot--twice. My guys didn't run on Turn 1 on either of the two first turns, but if they had, they would most likely have headed East, right down that road, across the river, and into their compatriots' arms, just like your pictures show them starting to do. That's because the East side has been designated by the designer/author as the US friendly side. That's where panicked or otherwise AI-displacing troops generally head for--the designated friendly side. It doesn't seem a bug (unless the fact that they are even displacing under those circumstances could be considered a bug) so much as a scenario design issue. After all, there are Unfriendlies in between the ambushed force and the apparent safety across the bridge, so following AI protocol they will run them right past the bad guys. And as far as panicking, considering they are scouts, on the bad guy side of a river, with 3 Strykers KIA and the surviving one immobilized, that's not too much of a stretch.
  5. Hi hundtand, thank you for the kind words. I'll see if I can explain how... the game provides only one default Marine desert marpat helmet. It is named "smod_american-marines_helmet-soldier", so when not using any mods there is only the one default texture for all Marines. My moddded helmets come in packs of 5, named from "smod_american-marines_helmet-soldier" to "smod_american-marines_helmet-soldier 4", so there is no way for the default texture to show up when using the mods because it's overridden by the one in the modwith the same name. However, if you take the texture you want---you'll need to rezExplode brz 200a in order to get the default marine helmet texture, found in the the "uniform" folder--and place it in whichever helmet mod folder you are using, overriding when prompted, it will replace the modded one with that name. You could also rename the original helmet texture as "smod_american-marines_helmet-soldier 5", and it will be added to to the helmet selections in that particular mod. You can add as many as you like, or add other modded helmets, as long as you keep the numbers sequential. I hope I have I explained it so you can follow. Technical writing is not my forte.
  6. Dontcha just hate getting old, Steve? And think how I feel. I've got 6 years more of it than you. And poor Emrys has about 50 on me, and Wart's 'n All, well he's just basically a cantelope!
  7. Yes you can, Ian (disks, anyway. I have the CMSF2 disk sitting on a shelf atm). I always order them along with digital downloads. I like having the physical copies around. Gives me a sense of ownership, lol!
  8. Hey JM, sorry to keep you waiting. One thing after another this last year or so. Since March, I've only had time to browse here. As one piece of ****e real life thingy is concluded or survived, it's time to take another bite of the ****e sandwich. The thing is, I'm really close to finishing this one, at least the DPM version. Knock on wood, August is looking promising.
  9. I agree 100% with Repsol, at least before BFC added triggers (haven’t messed with making my own scenarios in a long while). We’re the commands changed when they added triggers?
  10. Kevin, if you double-clicked on the Platoon HQ, the whole platoon will light up. Well, I should qualify that, since I rarely do battle post-mordems anymore. The whole platoon will light up during the game when you do that, and I *think* it's the same when you do post-mordems.
  11. Okay, okay, grab the ¥§$#@& tires and put ‘em in your stupid sandcrawler, but then get the hell outta here, ya little sh*ts!
  12. Thanks for the encouragement, Splinty. Settling up my Mother-in-law's estate, cleaning out the house, etc., etc. has been taking up most of my time. I also hit a big snag with the mod, when I discovered that a part of one of my template layers was fipped around. It was the seams in one of the base layers, so I wasted a lot of work and time. Don't know how I missed it. Fingers crossed I can get this out the door in a week.
  13. Hell, it's bad enough at 65. I'd say you're doing pretty well for 400!
  14. Frenchy's right... smod_american_helmet-soldier smod_american_helmet-soldier 2 smod_american_helmet-soldier 3 smod_american_helmet-soldier 4 smod_american_helmet-soldier 5 ...should do it (I put 5 variants of helmets for each division, IIRC. I have no idea how the patches are working, because the FB naming convention is also different for uniforms from CMBN. It sems to me that someone else either did patches or updated some of my uniforms after v.4???
  15. Crommie, are they the ones I did? If so, I’m pretty sure they were done under v1 of CMBN and I never renamed them. Thing is, my uniform patches I think we’re done under v1 as well, so they shouldn’t work either...except I may have updated them for CMFI/GL and just not bothered with the helmets. If it’s not my mod, then in my best Emily Latella voice...”Never mind!”
  16. Gotta hand it to you, Harry, you know your animations!
  17. The ditch/trench...maybe not an obstacle per se, but it's one of the things they jump over. I use akll your other animation mods, but how would you get them to jump over a wall and not anything else? Eliminating the jump would be worse I think.
  18. RH, that's just how the animations work in CMSF2. I asked that question when it was first released because I thought it had to do with the old trenches by default turning into fernces. But those in the know said it was just how the animations work for most (all?) obstacles.
  19. Hey Z, you’re on a roll, so I say go for it. Pretty sure you can swap an M16/C7 for an AK, or an rpg7 for a faust, etc., etc. I swapped in a FN-FAL from CMBS, but haven’t had time to check out swapping around weapons within CMSF2 yet. Don’t see why not; shouldn’t be anything more than a model swap via renaming. But, someone will come along soon and straighten my thinking out if I’m full of it!
  20. Not sure I follow you, hypeman. You mean you would like a folder with the original uniforms (in BFC lingo, “skin” is the term used for the face textures) from the game in the mod download? If so, I can do that. But just so you know, if you just use the Rezexplode tool, you can explode the original brz files and copy the uniforms and gear pretty easily yourself. Btw, I thought I would be done with this mod by now, but my Mother-in-law went into hospice two weeks ago, and passed away 3 days ago, so I haven’t been at it for a while. Anyhoo, thanks for your interest and compliments, they are much appreciated. (As far as I can tell, there is no way of determining how many people downloaded the USMC mod, so I can’t tell how well received it was except by comments on the forums.) I’ll add a folder with the stock uniforms and gear when I upload this mod. (You may need to remind, though, cuz I ain’t getting any younger!)
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