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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Thanks Julian! Much easier. Looking forward to checking them out toonight.
  2. Supoib! Excellentoid! But I can't bulk download without signing up for MediaFire Premium, and don't have time atm to dld each individually, so I can't test it for you, Julian. At least not until back from the dentist.
  3. Freyberg, you will be releasing that beautifully ruined map, no? Pretty please!
  4. I sent the mod files to Bootie just now. I had contacted Bootie yesterday about it and he indicated he'd be able to get to uploading it at CMMMOD IV in maybe a day or so. Since we have an 8 or 9 hour time difference, my guess is probably by Monday or Tuesday at the latest.
  5. Damn, I wish that BFC could obtain the rights to this and bring it up to CMx2 v.4 standards.
  6. Wow, just wow! And what a pleasant surprise to be virtually commanding the FJ contingent!
  7. @Erwin, I always make layers with dust dirt, so you'll have an option of clean or dirty. @Splinty, thanks and I'll be trying to contact Booty tonight for the upload. @Combartintman, thanks for the input. I had already lightened things up since the last pictures, but probably should tweak the helmets a bit. "Muck(ing)about" is spot on. I much and muck-- often using a word that rhymes--on these mods until I'm going stir crazy. I'm declaring victory in a bit and calling it done.
  8. Thanks Captain. I just messaged you regarding one of the things we discussed a while ago.
  9. Forgot I had almost finished these British MTP uniforms before my winter burnout. The helmet cloth is too dark, but otherwise, too green or okay?
  10. Good catch, 556. Sure looks curved to me.
  11. Sorry if I missed it, but how did you make the ground cover layer over the "basement"?
  12. Zoe, are you using any ground mods? And if so, did you accidentally remove them from your mods folder while you had the game minimized? From experience, that’ll do what you’re seeing. So if the answers to those question are both ”yes”, just exit the game completely and restart it. The default terrain will be loaded ( or put the mod back in before restarting, then they will be loaded).
  13. Btw, tried to have my son dropbox me the folders/files, but he doesn't have the time and probably couldn't find them buried in the 931 GB drive anyway (all every CMx2 game and module, plus CMA). Looks like this weekend he'll be back, so early next week I'll get the HD back. And thank you for your interest and kind words!
  14. Sorry fellas, but I can't, since my external HD that has all my backups and my mod folder is out of town, and in fact out of the country, with one of my sons (defense work). (It got in his stuff when he visited before he left.) He'll likely be back before mailing it would get it here under the current covid crapola. Hang tight, please. I'll get to it as soon as it's back, cuz not only do I want it off my plate, but I have some other modding I want to get to.
  15. Yup, that's the one I was thinking of, Ithikial. Warts and quakerparrot67, I think there's a way to get the sheen, but it probably will make the whole bmp texture shine.
  16. I think they came in a uniform-and-divisional patches mod that included a British and Canadian divisions. My very foggy memory thinks Dark Canuck may have done it or had some involvement with??? Not able to check my mod back-up folders cuz they’re on an exterior hard drive my son is using, and won’t be seeing him for a while.
  17. Leather jerkins for the British were modded a long time ago in CMBN, but may need to be updated. Don’t recall who did them.
  18. Fauda is exceptional. On a side note, if you like cartel action, try Zero-Zero-Zero, Narcos, and Narcos: Mexico series. Oh, and of course Ozark.
  19. Oh, not a complaint, just wondering. I know he's got a huge ask ahead of him...
  20. Hmmm, I had a FJ tropical mod for CM FI made/uploaded years ago. It doesn't seem to be on the new site.
  21. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.....I thought with the introduction of CMSF2 (or was it v4.0?) models/skeletons couldn’t be swapped like we used to with and between Normandy and FI/GL, etc. I haven’t even tried!
  22. Well, McClelland had plenty of reserves in ‘62 battles, only he never realized it thanks, to Pinkerton, lol!
  23. Oh, couldn't tell from the picture. Actually, I still can't, but likely it's something to do with the Draw Distance /LOD. Are you using any building mods? Otherwise, I have no clue. Sorry, but someone will come along who does.
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