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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. Sent to Bootie, finally. Goumiers Mod Readme Goumiers Mod for CM Rome2Victory.pdf
  2. Last post until it’s done. More futzing because of the naming convention involving faces and getting the modded ones into quick battles. Figured it out, but will have to wait until tomorrow. Shiva H. Vishnu!
  3. Spent hours yesterday squashing bugs, or rather, finding the bastiges. Don't ask. Doing the readme and the marketing photo-shoot this morning, and should go to Bootie this afternoon--well, by midnight, anyway. I will see if my Dropbox can hold it and if so will put it up there for a few days while Bootie gets it sorted. See why BFC doesn't give us availability dates, lol?
  4. Lol, not sure “better and better”, just “more and more”.
  5. This weekend for sure. I sort of went the way of BFC with CMSF2 and Rome to Victory and kept adding options, tweaking bits and pieces, or finding new ways to do things at the last minute. I decided to use tags after all, but still need to check all the texture names, tweak a few more textures, and we’re good to go. I mean it this time, lol!
  6. Not to worry, Elvis, Ian has posted that trick a half dozen times, and I still forget what to do every time I take screenshots!
  7. Stopping by to give you anxious ones---you know who you are, lol---a quick update. I'm running behind, but not for lack of working, just keep thinking of things I need to do, add. takeout, etc., plus literally at the last minute I found a couple of new techniques by accident that actually make certain things look better. I still might have it ready to send to Bootie tonight, but give me a day or two slack if not. Thanks.
  8. Well, garsh, thanks guys. I keep finding things to fix/change at the last minute, but still on track for Sunday. @Lethaface, that's the scenario I'm using them in. It is a good one!
  9. Great stuff, Harry!v I have your ruins mod, but I'm now wondering if I have your latest version. The one I have are from a couple of years ago.
  10. Hey guys, the uniforms and other stuff are done, but due to RtV naming/tagging conventions and general overload of uniform possibilities, coupled with the effect on uniform selection due to weather and time periods, I need to spend some quality time on figuring out how best to package everything. This is what I've been dreading all along. Without boring you, simply put, the djellaba is just a modded greatcoat, and greatcoats only show up in winter months, and depending on French, US, or British ones, certain time periods. So I need to think this through, especially because I made various options for weapons and helmets, etc., which adds more complexity. Btw, I don't intend to use tags, cuz then you'd have to go into the editor and put the tags in yourself for any scenario you'd want to play. Anyhoo, I should have everything sorted and get this to Bootie by Sunday. My head hurts.
  11. I once calculated cost/benefit for my purchases. I own all CMx2 games and modules. I haven't bothered lately adding up the cost, but let's high ball it at $1000.00. I have been at this since CMSFx1 came out in 2007. My conservative estimate is that I play/mod CM games at least 1000 hours a year. (That's less than 3 hours a day, which I am pretty certain is low when I consider how much I'm at it in winter months, especially since I retired 6 years ago.) Add in Forum time, I'd have to double that. So at between 13,000 and 26,000 hours, if I did my "gozinta's" correctly, I'm at less than $0.05 hour so far. And it goes down each day I play/mod, until of course the next CM gem comes along! YMMV
  12. Thank you Splinty. I see all the mistakes and the things I couldn't get to work right. Glad it works for you!
  13. Uh, it’s the World News Daily, “where facts don’t count”, John. Like The Onion or The Babylon Bee.
  14. Sounds like a lot of work, but a great idea! (I have the book but read it long ago.) To get testers, you do what you just did; ask. Then arrange to make the scenarios available to those expressing interest, usually through Dropbox or some other file sharing app. Then the testers should play them and send you feedback by email or the PM method through these forums. I’d like to give them a go. If you can send me a PM I’ll send you my email address and we can go from there. Sound good? Oh, and when they are ready for publishing, you would contact Bootie who runs CMMODSIV and he will upload them for you.
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