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Everything posted by mjkerner

  1. I literally am just starting Episode 1, so I can't comment yet except to say it looks really good. You will want to read the first review at the bottom of the IMDB page from a former IDF tanker. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8190688/
  2. To add to what Mikey D said, if you saved the turn but moved on to a new turn(s), you can rewatch the saved one(s) by closing out the scenario/battle you are playing and then go into Saved Games, select the turn you want to watch, and it will load and you can watch/re-watch to your heart’s content.
  3. Or you can just steal what you need/want/like from it like me for my Invasion: North Viet Nam, NATO Invades Cuber (think JFK pronunciation), and Africans Fighting Africans Imagination Wars I do for ****s and giggles.
  4. You have to be playing in WEGO in order to replay the turn. If you are playing in Real Time, you are out of luck I'm afraid.
  5. Watched it last night. I thought it was great! It didn’t disappoint in either storyline, action scenes, or gear detail. Probably some quibbles, and will look for them in the re-watch tonight. But this movie goes on the “Will watch repeatedly over the years until my eyes bleed” list.
  6. Nice one, Jace! It works in CMRT for me, and looks great. Any more converted maps?
  7. Seems like all tanks and TDS, etc., bounce way too much when firing. This was brought up eons ago when CMBN first came out. BFC may even have toned them down a bit...don’t recall for certain, but if they did adjust it, they didn’t go far enough, IMHO.
  8. Warts beat me to it—probably cuz he cheats by living across the pond with its “earlier” time zones—but yes, John, you have to open some of them up. The ones not shooting.
  9. I keep forgetting to ask, Crommy old chap, did the Governor ever pardon that nice young convict? Certainly all his work on CMx2 must count toward his “good time” earned.
  10. That's what I did, Erwin. But the Sharefile went right to the "CMFI Engine 4" folder. If you purchased engine 4, it should be in your orders. Btw, there are both v210 and v211 zips available to download.
  11. PS: I was up to date at the time, but I have always understood that the full installer has everything in it (that you have paid for).
  12. v2.11, Game Engine 4 is the latest, Erwin. Full Installer should bring you up to date. It's been a while (when did R2V come out?) but that's what I did at the time.
  13. I've seen them do that often, but I continually forget to log it to check the circumstances in which it occurs. Only the walls in buildings that are "sunk" into the terrain, or some such thing?
  14. Here's something close to what you want. https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/uncategorized/ithikials-combat-mission-career-record-system-ww2-and-modern-era/
  15. Looks really good. Coming November 26: https://www.netflix.com/title/81041495
  16. No, Lucky Strike, I tried Google Drive, whatever the MEGA thing was (or was that part of Google??), and Dropbox, and it was the same for all three, so it must be on my end.
  17. After 3 tries yesterday, I still have been unable to download the hi-res option. More precisely, the whole thing downloads, by I get the corrupt file notice and the hi-res folder is empty. Just an FYI; I can live without it. Great stuff Lucky Strike!
  18. If it’s not a strings issue (like Vin’s animated text mod), then you are missing all or part of a brz folder and will need to re-install, unfortunately.
  19. Flock, Mixed Camo "comes with the game" but IIRC, may not show up depending on the dates of the scenario (and maybe the choice of units??). I haven't played, nor played with mods, with mods in CMBN for a long time. About the hit decals, have you turned off shaders (or was it shadows?)? I have had that happen before but it was a long time ago, right after hit decals were implemented, that I had that problem. It had to do with one or the other settings being turned off. But I don't recall if it had anything to do with a modded hit decal, which I do use.
  20. Jace11, I couldn't find them either. I tried setting different dates--it shouldn't matter, and it didn't. The SS and all but Wehrmacht panzergrenadiers don't have FO's. @akd@sburke@Combatintman or @IanL Almost has to be a bug, but since no one else noticed this until now...maybe not for some oddball reason?
  21. After first expecting (read it in the manual) and then encountering terrain-blocked on-map mortars in the early days of the CMx2 franchise (mainly Normandy), I have rarely encountered it since, and that's across across all the games and modules. In fact, I can't remember the last time I was blocked, even when I set them up in light tree areas and on the edge of woods, etc. I thought maybe BFC tweaked it. You seem to have been very unlucky, John!
  22. Nice (and extensive variety of) mods! Unfortunately, the none of the uniforms (or faces) will work with the new models for CMSF2. Helmets should, as well as the vehicles for that matter.
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