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About Malaspina

  • Birthday 03/21/1964

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  • Location:
    Milan, Italy


  • Location
    Milan, Italy

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  1. hi how can i get a copy of your The Buffalo Soldiers campaign?

    1. Malaspina


      Still under the knife. I'll get back to you as soon as it's ready. Thanks for your interest!


  2. Hi guys, sorry for the late reply. The campaign (battle series) is still in a pre-testing status. I haven't played it through myself "to my enduring shame" , but am planning to do so as soon as I get some energy back. A few weeks ago, Vacillator and Kohlenklau provided feedback and AlexUK tried and tested the second battle and found it quite difficult, so the entire force makeup needs realignment, I guess. I don't want the player to necessarily experience the same ordeal as the Buffalo soldiers, if I can. @Anonymous_Jonze If you're looking for a well-rounded tried and tested campaign, this is not it. OTH, if you would like to give it a spin to provide some insights, let me know. malaspina99@gmail.com
  3. Welcome! You mean CM Campaigns? A new operational layer to the current tactical battles? I've been waiting some twenty years for that and I'm afraid it's going to be another twenty!
  4. Wow, Just wow! Thanks! Looks great and very interesting to play, too.
  5. Here's my guess: CM Pacific Theater! I know, I know, Steve has repeatedly stated they have no interest in it but, hey, 979 guesses to go...
  6. Is it? I made a quick forum search and haven't been able to find any confirmation from the developers in this respect
  7. This is right on the money. BF is in a very mature phase of its creative arc. Their greatest effort was made thirty years ago with the CMx1 engine, and then again fifteen years ago with the CMx2 engine. Is the CMx3 engine still in the works? I'm not holding my breath... Rather than "look ahead" threads, WW2 CM fans (including me) should start reminiscing in "a-fond-look-back" threads. The last WW2 title came out in 2016. There are no indications that any new title will be coming out in the next few years (i.e. next decade). We might get a couple of modules and some battle packs but nothing more. After that it's retirement age for all of us thank God, but we will still have four great WW2 titles whose replayability is infinite.
  8. Wow! Fantastic stuff. Unmissable Please add me to the pre-order list if I'm still on time!!
  9. Hi! Shameless plug here. Try CMFB and then use my quick campaign generator with it. You'll find it in my sig. You can easily make a 10-battle campaign in 1 hour's time after you get the hang of it. (Yeah, you need to RTFM ). I've made about 10 campaigns so far myself. That means 100 battles. The battles will be kind of crazy, but certainly fun and certainly better than anything the QB can generate. Plus, you will play a more meaningful campaign where you have to look after your core units. And I also added a cool spreadsheet to keep track of it all. You're even awarded medals! What else do you need?!
  10. That said, I predict a French campaign in the new BP!
  11. Hey @kohlenklau@Vacillator. You're the best. You already have a million things to do... I'll send you a PM. Thanks!
  12. No big deal. This can wait. If there are no playtesters it means there are even fewer people playing this game. So who cares.
  13. Hello fellow CMFIers, I’ve just finished compiling my second campaign (battle series) called “The Buffalo Soldiers’ Ordeal” (all modules needed). It is a battle series that includes a prologue and 8 scenarios aiming to reproduce some of the events that took place on the western edge of the Gothic Line from 8 to 10 February 1945, during Operation Fourth Term. The nine battles (to be used in conjunction with @kohlenklau's Buffalo mod) are: 0. Prologue (Sommocolonia) 1. Raiders on Highway One 2. Strettoia 3. Ordeal on the Plains 4. Kesselring’s Ghosts 5. Assault on Monte Folgorito 6. Pushing to the Top 7. Georgia on My Mind 8. Castel Aghinolfi Here are some pics to whet your appetite. It is currently in a “pre-alpha” state and I’ll be soon testing it myself for the first time. It would be great if a couple of other players could test it as well. I’d just need to know some very general things, such as: - Is the battle too short / too long? Map too big / too small? - Too many / too few troops? - Too easy / too difficult? - Any obvious mistakes? - General impressions / improvements suggested? - Etc. It is a historical campaign but I'd still like it to be as enjoyable as possible. Drop me a line if interested. Thanks in advance!
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