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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. As I understand NATO doctrine, if you are down to defending your troops wth MANPADS, something has already gone horribly, horribly wrong (probably due to an unexpected deluge of Iskanders). Yes.....Yes it is. The ludicrously long call times and total innaccuracy of the strikes (when using Red aircraft) really add to that third world feel.....They just lob those bombs anywhere!
  2. One big issue in my experience is the Oplots' tendency to fire ATGMs in the inital salvo of a tank engagement.....These are almost always defeated by either APS or ERA. The sabot round that the Russian tanks send back on the other hand.....
  3. So perhaps that what you should have specified, rather than making a broader claim that is patently false?
  4. TBH, victory conditins should cover that.....Maybe try one of @MOS:96B2P's single mission scenaros for either CM:BS (Tactical Operations Centre) or CM:SF2 (Coup D'etat), they're a bit different.
  5. FFS don't.....I did and it sits unused on my drive (my PC's more than powerful enough, the game is a POS).
  6. See now you are getting all political, which is not what this is about. @Erwin.....If you fancy expanding the map, feel free, it would be a pleasant change to see your efforts, rather than hear you harping on about everybody elses.
  7. Nope, those are BMP-1Ps (with AT-4).....They aren't even in CM:A. It's CM:SF with a shalwar kameez on.
  8. WTF? Yes they can: I sometimes wonder if you are playing the same games as me?
  9. Highly recommend 'The Road To Montebourg' campaign as a follow-up.....It's really atmospheric and the first mission is immensely intimidating (just as invading a hostile continent should be). However the mission is eminently winnable so long as you have a plan and don't allow yourself to panic. Once you've played it and won you will be a better infantry commander, guaranteed.
  10. That doesn't seem to relate to what we are discussing.....What I was attempting to describe/demonstrate is the way Fortifcation Units deform the 3d terrain model when the game starts, it's very obvious if you lay them out in a clear pattern on a small otherwise featureless map. I don't want to make a test & screenshots myself as it's time consumng and I already know the outcome, plus I've got plenty of better things to do, both in the editor and in the real world.
  11. That's brought out my inner Homer Simpson.....I'm off to look for some scones (& my Airfix mug)!
  12. First mission went well for me too: It won't last.....It never does!
  13. I'm calling the blank version of 'Trumpton City Centre' done (this is a stock CM:BS map with some very heavy tweaking): You can get it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mqitayz6o9milqd/[Map] Trumpton City Centre.btt?dl=0 Keep in mind this is a blank map, no Setup Zones, no AI.....Nothing! But it is quite detailed. For this map to work properly you will need @Kieme(ITA)'s vehicle flavour objects, IIRC these can be found on page 21 of this thread:
  14. It's very nicely done and usually rewards a bit of patience and forethought. More likely to encourage the latter by actually playing what we have IMHO.....The CM:A section of the forum is like a fekkin graveyard and will remain so unless people actually play the game and post about it. You won't generate any interest by ignoring it.
  15. Looks like it was made with CM:SF, there are no camoed BMPs in CM:A and the terrain set looks different too.
  16. I think it's Sickboy.....Don't quote me, I'm not that big a fan TBH. The late Iain M Banks (PBOH) did a similar thing but much, much better, in 'Feersum Endjinn'.....Wrap your head around some phonetic dyslexia: "Woak up. Got dresd. Had brekfast. Spoke wif Ergates thi ant who sed itz juss been wurk wurk wurk 4 u lately master Bascule, Y dont u ½ a holiday? & I agreed & that woz how we decided we otter go 2 c Mr Zoliparia in thi I-ball ov thi gargoyle Rosbrith. I fot Id bettir clear it wif thi relevint oforities furst & hens avoyd any truble (like happind thi lastime) so I went 2 c mentor Scalopin. Certinly yung Bascule, he sez, i do beleave this is a day ov relativly lite dooties 4 u u may take it off. ½ u made yoor mattins calls? O yes, I sed, which woznt stricktly tru, in fact which woz pretti strikly untru, trufe btold, but I cude always do them while we woz travelin. Wots in that thare box yoor holdin? he asks. Itz a ant, I sez, waven thi box @ his face. O this is yoor litil frend, is it? i herd u had a pet. May i see him? Iss not a pet, iss a frend; u woz rite thi furst time, & iss not a im iss a she. Luke. O yes very pretti, he sez, which is a pretti strainge thing 2 say about a ant if u ask me but thare u go. Duz it - duz she ½ a naim? he asks. Yes, I sez, sheez calld Ergates." https://www.pauladaunt.com/books/Classic Science Fiction/Ian Banks/banks_feersum/Iain M. Banks - Feersum Endjinn v1.html#one_4
  17. Nope, AFAIK it's there from setup.....It can take a while to spot it, especially if the designer goes to some effort to hide it (I am doing this right now on a variant of my Delta map for CM:H&E), but it's thre right enough, if you know where to look. @mjkerner Simple test mate.....In CM:SF2 flick the editor into Red vs. Red then lay down a half a dozen empty bunkers & a few dozen trenches in a nice trenchy pattern, for each side on a small map.....Give 'em a Spy each too. Save it as a scenario, then start it up in the game.....As soon as you click 'Big Red' you should see the terrain deform where your opponent's fortifications are and you should be able to discern the trenchlines by going to Height 1.
  18. Anything I'm still working on has the preface [Test] in the title.....As I explained before, this is the (long ago finished) original scenario, ported to CM:SF2 and slightly modified to make sure that it works as intended (Hence 'Min-Fix'). There is also a [Test] Ashsh-Al-Dababir (SF2), which is a full re-write using all the CM:SF2 scripting toys.....That one's a long way from done (it will be completely different, possibly not even featuring CTS, possibly moved to my OSIRIS mileu).
  19. This might sound silly, but I've done it myself.....Are you writing the AI for the right side? When you go back into the editor after testing something it always defaults to Blue Plan 1.....It is remarkably easy to forget this after a long session of scripting & testing, leading to much frustration until either coffee or sleep resolves things!
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