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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. The Ukrainans have T-80BV too.....IIRC they were mucking about with an upgrade similar to Bulat/Krab (not sure if they keep the gas turbine or switch it for their beloved two stroke diesel). @Haiduk You might be the man to tell us for sure.
  2. That would be absolutely awesome.....I don't recall whether, in my discusson of Red comms in CM:SF2, I suggested having the lower end options be capable of generating Contact Markers for the opposition. If I didn't, I should have. This is over-egging the cake slightly (especially considering how massively over-generous Battlefront have been to the German regulars in regard of platoon level radios). Spies can't call atillery.....You need Spy Forward Observers for that. The problem is that Spies can't pass information at a distance even within their own formation (such as it is). There is every evidence of Uncons being more than capable of establishing secure communications.....We probably shouldn't have sold them all that gear TBH. It strikes me that CM:SF reflects the US attitude to invading Iraq quite well.....Not enough attention was paid to the possibilities of unconventional warfare. But this is a CM:RT thread so I'll leave it there.
  3. I have absolutely no idea what you just attempted to say. Even the picture doesn't help.....It's so blurred I can't read the text.
  4. Which bit of Poland is on the Black Sea Please? I'm not arguing that Poland shouldn't be in the game, but given it's name, you can hardly say they're more relevant than Turkey (who rule the place, along with Russia). I don't want Turkey for NATO BTW, I want Turkey for Turkey.....They'll be fighting everyone if I get my way! But I'd love to see them in CM:SF2 too, for very similar reasons
  5. Finally got the links to open.....Looks like 1979 is the earliest data point (and to say the data's patchy would be a massive understatement), but I'm genuinely surprised by a lot of those numbers. I don't know the demographics of the country but I was expecting to find more obvious evidence of an urban educated elite, along the lines of 1970s Iran. PS - Doesn't change my position re: 'the benefits of western assistance' one bit.
  6. Erm.....No. The Mujahideen and The Taliban are not the same thing.....Massoud was a Mujahideen (IMHO he was THE Mujahideen). But he sure as s**t wasn't Taliban.
  7. @JMDECC Bloody hell that is some fine work! I don't play ArmA so I've never seen this 'in person' but I instantly recognised it from the various videos I've seen on YouTube. I thought I might take the liberty of posting a screenie of your map that everyone can see (at least I think they can) I wonder where they might wind up?
  8. I still can't see any of them either.....But I did download the map.
  9. +1. I've been playing CM for decades, I modded CM1 heavily (had a couple of fully-modded installs for SCW & Pacific Theatre), but it's only recently that I considered them for CM2. Oh boy.....Whatever had I been missing!
  10. I'm not sure how welcome we'd be these days. Afganistan needs western politial help like it needs a hole in the head.....What they need is no strings** external backing for a local strongman (or better several) who can actually counterbalance the Taliban and force them to accept a traditional Shura. Massoud senior should have been one of those men, but we let him down. ** It's the 'strings' that got us into this mess in the first place.
  11. I'd like to see Turkey and I hope they would get the Altay (because, well, just look at it): Turkey getting the Altay (& the UK getting an updated Challenger) in CM:BS wouldn't be any more unrealistic than the current Oplots, M1A2(APS) or T-90AMs, after all!
  12. In battle? No way! You are seriously going to ask your crew to climb into a smouldering tank with several holes in it and then have them start messing around with the ammo stowage?
  13. This is EXACTLY what @Bil Hardenberger's rules are designed to moderate.....IMHO they do a bloody good job of it too!
  14. Err.....Maybe leave it? TBH fella I think you got the wrong end of the stick with @Bil Hardenberger's very carefully crafted rules.....But as he and others have said, if you don't like it (or part of it), don't use it! FWIW, I'd been using a 'lite' variant of Bil's earlier rules for ages, the current rules are very streamlined and IMHO can add a lot of enjoyment to the game. These rules can also be a real boon when plotting out action plans that will eventually be translated via the editor for use by AI controlled units.
  15. Can you imagine the 'hissy-fits' we'd be reading if that happened in game?
  16. Can't get the link to open for some reason, but I won't dispute the numbers (I'd be interested to know what the literacy rate amongst the urban population was, then & now).
  17. More commonly during Bagration, I think.
  18. Hey, it wasn't me that released it on Steam!
  19. BTW - AFAIK nobody has clearly defined what 'Partisans' are or how they work in CM:F&R (and we haven't seen their TOE yet either).....They would be just the sort of chaps to have these sorts of abilities. We can but live in hope!
  20. Can you put barbed wire & mines on a bridge? Never tried, but wondering if you could stack some with a load of AT Mines and bring the bridge down that way (instruct the blayer to use Blast on the wire)? Of course that idea won't work at all if the player actually has to use the bridge before blowing it.
  21. Outstanding.....Thank you. TBH I can't wait to get some small, but high-tech, units lost in its vastness. My hat is off to you.
  22. Shock! Imagine being inside that thing when a whopping great chunk of metal comes through it, rapidly decelerating from a couple of multiples of the speed of sound. I'd imagine sticking your head in a church-bell would have nothing on that! PS - Remember the first-hand accounts would be written later.....Once the gibbering and meeping had subsided!
  23. But probably much more fifty tears ago? https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=127914602&t=1612748818936 Let's not kid ourselves that we did the Afghans any favours by 'freeing them from the yoke of communism'. It was the west that brought radical Islam to Afghanistan, the country that had previously lain at the end of 'The Hippy Trail'. It came with the Saudi money & madrassas, the CIA & ISI's helpful advice and full western support. We might choose not to remember this, but you can be bloody certain that the Afghans do. PS - @Combatintman Any idea if we're going to do anything for this guy: https://www.straitstimes.com/world/middle-east/son-of-famed-afghan-commander-massoud-steps-into-spotlight If we'd listened to his father (pbuh) a little bit more closely, Afghanistan (and the world) would be a much better (and safer) place right now.
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