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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. I think it actually should fire a little slower from the vehicle as the crew are just not as free to serve the weapon.
  2. Still faffing with the briefing (Did I ever mention that I hate writing those? ).....For what is esentially a very simple scenario on a slighty modified stock map, there's quite a lot of information to convey. You see not all of your forces are outside the town, you have some.....Well, you can read all about it in the briefing, when it's done.
  3. Lots & lots of AI script writing.....I'd strongly recommend a somewhat less ambitious project if you haven't done it before. I don't do QBs as a rule, but I've acquired some pretty big maps over the years and I tend to dump them into my QB Maps Folder by default.....I'll fire CM:BS up and see what the biggest thing it offers me is. EDIT - OK, now I'm confused.....CM:BS QB just offered me a ton of maps, including a few of my own that I know are not set up for QBs! I think you need advice from someone more familiar with QBs than me.....Sorry.
  4. Ahhh.....Clue's in the name there! That's an absolutely enormous master map, strictly for scenario designer use. Unless your PC is seriously beefy it will probably crash if try to view it in preview mode! Personally I've created a folder called Master Maps (you may already have one, some games do) in all my CM games (in the same directory as Scenarios & Quick Battle Maps) for these things and the maps I make myself.
  5. That suggests it does not meet the requirements for a QB map.....Either it's a blank map for scenario designer use, or it's a scenario. Try putting it in the Scenarios folder, then select Battle from the main menu. It should show up in the list you see, if it does start it up and see where you are at.
  6. .btt goes in Documents/Battlefront/[CM GAME NAME]/Game Files/Scenarios (if it's a scenario) or Quick Battle Maps (If it's a QB map). .bmp goes in your z or Mods folder. No idea about the .jpeg.....AFAIK CM ony uses .bmp files.
  7. There's a lot more uses for them than that.....If I know where an AFV target is and plan on a pop-up/out engagement I will always start with a 5-10 second pause and a target armour arc, to ensure that when my tank emerges from cover, the gun is already pointing straight at the contact marker. I honestly don't know how much difference this makes (none at all when fighting against the Abrams it seems), but it does at least make me feel like I tried!
  8. I'd recommend a small city battle first, it's harder than normal to script for the AI in a city.....If you think pixeltruppen can make bad routing choices when you directly order them to enter a structure, just imagine what they can get up to when the AI is running the show! Typically in any urban battle these days I will use all 16 AI slots regardless of the size of the force. AI Group 1 is almost always my fixed defenders, AI Group 16 is usually constantly re-used by units that are expected to die at a scheduled time (VBIEDs are the most common candidate). The remaining slots are parcelled out as needed with some being snow-balled (extra units added to the group as reinforcement to beef up its capability or to replace losses) and others being re-used when units exit the map (I do this with on-map mortars a lot).
  9. I don't think anyone knows all of the quirks of this.....I was fully expecting the truck in my current experiment to flip from Immobilised to Destroyed when the crewmen died. But it didn't! My next test will be to see if OSIRIS can board the truck. Regardless of the result there I will then seek out the mangled remains of the truck crew and administer Buddy-Aid.....To see what happens to the truck when they vanish from the map.
  10. AFAIK this is the case for ALL tanks and other AFVs (ACs, APCs, IFVs) in ALL of the games.....This may not apply to all armoured transports such as Sd.Kfz.251s, TBH I haven't thoroughly explored those yet.
  11. I'd like to indrect fire from AGLs too.....Making their direct fire (especially from vehicle mounts) a little more precise wouldn't hurt either.
  12. Funnily enough I recently read this: Spitfires & Messerschmitts weren't the only things duelling in the airspace over Europe! httphttps://www.ardeaprints.com/pimage/172/1291994/1291994_450_450_81393_0_fill_0_6d30b786f3b5f89b8f9cb99394baf0e3.jpgs://www.waterstones.com/book/secret-pigeon-service/gordon-corera/9780008220341
  13. This what I'm trying to do right now with my in game test.....I added a US truck to the Red force, set to immobilised, bailed the crewman and then blew him up with an IED (or 24). The truck remains intact and dismounted, hopefully once OSIRIS arrive they can mount up and loot it. I don't think you can do this with a fully intact mobile truck as the dismounted (by Bail Out) crewman may well snap back into his truck at game start. RL is interfering with testing, but I'll have a result today for sure.
  14. Können wir es reparieren? Nein, es ist g*****t!
  15. The point of the exercise: and the intended recipients: If this all works as hoped it will become a full blown scenario in my OSIRIS Mileu.....One day! We'll find out if they can get into the LMTV & nick the Javelins tomorrow.....I'm too knackered to do it now.
  16. Sadly none of these are quite dead enough for my purposes.....Is it possible to make them look a bit more 'discombobulated'?
  17. Bye-bye Red Merkins! Looks simple, eh? Anyone fancy taking a guess at just how long it took to get this set up and working reliably!
  18. @chuckdyke.....Just so you know that I'm not ****ing with you, here is the the test in question: Ooooh look.....Red Merkins! Whatever could be afoot?
  19. I did, but it really doesn't tell me anything I didn't already know.....I am absolutely aware of what can be swapped in any and all CM titles, by dint of having tried it, with almost everything. Seriously! My general rule of thumb is that if a vehicle can be emptied with the Dismount command it can probably be crew-swapped. If it requires the Bail Out command to get everyone out, it probably cannot be crew-swapped. However I wouldn't guarantee that to be 100% accurate either (as I said earler, what can be done in the editor and what can be done in-game is very different). PS - I'm messing with a possible workaround to this right now and I am cautiously optimistic that I can get my OSIRIS Uncon Fighters aboard a captured LMTV (to swipe it's Javelins), but only in game and only under Human control, obviously.....I've aleady killed off the US crewman, but the vehicle remains promisingly immobilised, waiting for an OSIRIS team to arrive. If I can pull this off I'll be feeling really quite smug for a while!
  20. @Erwin IMHO it's better to put your z folder [CM Game Install Directory]/Data. There's already a folder called Mods in the directory you describe, which does the same thing as a z folder (with certain limitations).
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